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Thread: Hanasaku Iroha

  1. #161
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    read somewhere that ep13 should be out, but i cannot find it. anyone? :/

    Edit: Thx David!
    Last edited by MFauli; Sun, 06-26-2011 at 12:12 PM.

  2. #162
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    read somewhere that ep13 should be out, but i cannot find it. anyone? :/
    [HorribleSubs] Hanasaku Iroha - 13 [720p].mkv

    has been on Tokyo Toshokan for an hour or more (already watched it)

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  3. #163
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    not much happening in this episode imo.

    the way okami-san slapped her son was too brutal for my liking.

    is there going to be a break now, or what about the different credits?

  4. #164
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I think it was used to signal the new step Ohana is taking.

    I really liked the scene where all three drank together... though I can't help but laugh a bit at Ohana getting drunk on soda.

  5. #165
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That was stupid. People don't get drunk on soda. It would have been a better setup if she just stubbornly or mistakenly drank a shot of sake.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  6. #166
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    She did said she had a problem with soda when she was with Ko at the city... mixing soda and tea. Though it really its farfetched to get drunk on soda.

  7. #167
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    She said that she couldn't take the fizz and mixed soda with stuff.

    I just hope we don't a flashback episode. The credits served well enough as one.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #168
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Maybe it wasn't pure soda but some mixed drink with ~1% alchohol. And she couldn't take even that. I could see the tough gal mom still calling such stuff soda.

  9. #169
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Last week's promo was deceptive...

    Hanasaku Iroha - 14 [HorribleSubs]


    What initially appeared as a shameless beach episode turned out to be an incredibly satisfying episode in terms of character development all around. Also, Yuina finally being drawn into the fold as a primary character.

    I liked this episode for a lot of reasons. On the lowest level, there was the humor of Nako being obsessed with swimming, Minko being shy, harassed by Ohana, and embarrassed by boys. But far better was the plight of the other inn and Yuina's motivations.

    The inn was a nice contrast to Kissuisou. You really got the feeling that Ohana's grandmother really knows what she's doing in the business, even though their inn struggles from time to time. As evident from Yuina's speech right at the end, Fukuya's proprietress also understands the true purpose of the business. Ohana, Minko, and Nako all understood the stark differences in their inn and this one. Fukuyo treats its workers like trash, and they correspondingly show the same respect to the customers and the business. There was an obvious lack of care that Yuina's fiancé displayed. He was treating the business like a factory rather than a customer service organization and it bit him in the ass. Too concerned about the bottom line and success than the overall atmosphere of hospitality.

    I think the girls caught on that a more intimate inn like their own has the advantage there. Even with all the technology and modern facilities, it does not make the hospitality job any easier, if anything, it is harder because they can handle that much more business, and the workers aren't as devoted to any single group of customers. They can't really get to know their visitors the way Kissuisou (and probably Fukuya) can.

    What impressed me the most was actually Yuina. They've spent all this time building her up as a nonchalant, ignorant, flippant, ditz. Even down to her manner of speaking. Yet she's actually anything but a ditz. We've only seen her as someone who appears to have no interest in her family's inn's wellbeing, more eager to enjoy her own life. We're not wrong there. That's exactly what she is. However, she's far more perceptive and informed than we were led to believe. She knows about the workings of an inn and she seems to know a lot more about the management of one than the audience, Ohana, or Minko ever suspected.

    Thinking back after her speech, you could see the spots where she was judging her fiancé on his ability to run an inn. He has modern facilities, but doesn't seem to understand a thing about the proper management. Yuina apparently is quite well informed, and made her choice. It's kind of refreshing that she knows she doesn't want any part of being a proprietress despite knowing proper management skills. There are simply other things she wants to do rather than be shackled by the family business.

    Still, I'm sure this isn't the end of development for Yuina. Ohana is going to meddle. I just know it.

  10. #170
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Apart from her earliest appearance, I never really bought Yuina's outer shell. She was clearly intelligent and, moreover, has grown in the middle of managing a large inn. I've been simply thinking she has grown bored of inns and desires to do something else with her life. To have grown bored of it she must have been involved in it a lot. This ep's ending surely confirmed that.

    A great episode, yes, with a bit of fanservice. Ko still keeps haunting the eps, yet I've no idea if it's to make Ohana's personality more realistic or to still reserve a role for him in the end.

  11. #171
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Apart from her earliest appearance, I never really bought Yuina's outer shell. She was clearly intelligent and, moreover, has grown in the middle of managing a large inn. I've been simply thinking she has grown bored of inns and desires to do something else with her life. To have grown bored of it she must have been involved in it a lot. This ep's ending surely confirmed that.
    I don't know if she ever came off as particularly intelligent to me. Bored, sure, but could you mention some specific examples? Other than her knack for learning every dialect of Japan, that is.

    I forgot to mention that the last episode with Ohana and her grandmother catering to the very specific preferences of Satsuki was a contrast (and surely intentional) to the industrial feel of this hotel. Again, not that a hotel meant to manage crowds of that size could do what Kissuisou does, it would be far too impractical.

  12. #172
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Other than her knack for learning every dialect of Japan, that is.
    Actually even that would be enough for me, because I can't do that (with Finnish dialects).

    Other than that, I can't recall any examples, because it was more like a feeling, and based on the story, not the character herself strictly. So, I didn't view her role as one of a fool, but as one trying to escape from her legacy.

  13. #173
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    We've only seen her as someone who appears to have no interest in her family's inn's wellbeing, more eager to enjoy her own life. We're not wrong there. That's exactly what she is.
    I see that too, which makes me take her words both ways.

    In one fashion, you can see her as a person who knows deep down, no matter how much money you get, people have to do something they like - or it's not going to work out, explaining why she's so far not really trying or giving a damn about anything in particular.

    But on the other hand, it can become just an excuse if she arrives at the answer to say "If there's nothing that I like doing, I'll simply do nothing". Diving inspiration doesn't just come to you when you just chill around, sit on a massage chair and let life breeze by you. You really have to get out there and try things to see if something appeals to you. I suppose you can argue that living in an inn allows her to talk to people from all walks of life, if she so wants to.

    Nevertheless, Yuina's words really did hit home for me. Time to think about what I really want to do again - but unlike her I'm not young anymore...

    Her fiance sure turned the place into a management failure. "Keep to the schedule" - aka "I'm right, you're wrong. Keep working." He could benefit with a certain book, or an anime/live-action alternative, that young one. :P

    Moving onto the lighter aspects of this episode, I was so pissed initially when I thought Nako was going to miss out on this trip. I still don't think they did her complete justice with such a standard one-piece that wasn't too different in colour to your school-swimsuits neither (as well as her unchanged hairstyle). It's in character, but... :'(

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  14. #174
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    ...I was so pissed initially when I thought Nako was going to miss out on this trip. I still don't think they did her complete justice with such a standard one-piece that wasn't too different in colour to your school-swimsuits neither (as well as her unchanged hairstyle). It's in character, but... :'(
    Think of it this way. If the boys drooled all over Yuina and Minko, take someone with Nako's body type (read: actually has some chest on her) and put her in a bikini. They'd go wild. From the earlier episode with the china dresses, Nako is rather aware of her own body, but she just wants to swim. Her choosing anything other than her competition swimsuit would be shameless, out of character fanservice.

  15. #175
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Think of it this way. If the boys drooled all over Yuina and Minko, take someone with Nako's body type (read: actually has some chest on her) and put her in a bikini. They'd go wild. From the earlier episode with the china dresses, Nako is rather aware of her own body, but she just wants to swim. Her choosing anything other than her competition swimsuit would be shameless, out of character fanservice.
    Yuina teasing Nako in the bath wouldn't be so out of character then, wouldn it? That didn't happen in this episode neither.

    But. If Yuina's words are to be taken seriously *cough*, they'll be there for another week.

    I'm pretty sure it was just her playing diva though.

    edit: Minchi's swimsuit was somewhat disappointing too, heh.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #176
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I always thought Yuina looked out of place in the intro and ending with the few appearances she had. It was quite nice to see an episode almost devoted to her. And like everybody has said, there definitely is more to her than what we thought.

  17. #177
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #178
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Okay, maybe she's stupid after all. Just high-class stupid, which fooled me. Although I suppose she can become less stupid in the future, since if this was the first time she needed to put any effort into anything, it means school has been easy for her. Reversing her opinion about managing an inn after cleaning one pool doesn't speak of huge insight, though. Perhaps she's un utterly spoiled but academically talented person who has had enough decent friends not to turn socially rotten.

    Other than that, asking Minchi to buy a perverted souvenir and the later consequences were funny scenes.

  19. #179
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Yeah, Yuina tricked us all with her classy speech. I guess we all overestimated her.

    I knew Ohana would end up meddling. I was particularly amused that she was flatly denied the first time.

  20. #180
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Okay, maybe she's stupid after all.
    I wouldn't say she's stupid, but we all did give her more credit than she was due. She's just like all of us younger generations who've been able to grow up simply studying for most of our lives and believe in "Do what you want to as a career" - which is true enough. The only thing is that we're only able to say these things in words, and really haven't gone the extra step to push ourselves outside of our comfort zone, to try different things, to confirm what it is that we do and don't like.

    Imagine if Ohana stayed at Tokyo and simply continued schooling (and didn't have to look after herself and mother all these years)?

    Yuina's immaturity was the most apparent when she felt she "lost" when the manager started to like Ohana more than her.

    Regarding the inn denying Ohana's offer the first time, I thought it had something to with disliking Kissuiso at first.

    Perhaps my favourite chuckle this week was how Ohana complained that Yuina gets rewarded with a bath and she got rewarded with a slap.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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