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Thread: Hanasaku Iroha

  1. #1
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Hanasaku Iroha

    Alternative title: 花咲くいろは

    Genre: Drama

    Animation: P.A. Works

    Plot Summary: The story centers around 16-year-old Matsumae Ohana (Itou Kanae), who after a sudden confession and farewell, leaves for her grandmother’s Taisho-era hot spring inn Kissuisou because she’s tired of the city life. She begins working as a waitress and meets a difficult to approach and easily misunderstood chef in training, Tsurugi Minko (Omigawa Chiaki), a fellow waitress trying to overcome her shyness in front of people, Oshimizu Nako (Toyosaki Aki), a rumor and spy-loving head waitress, Wajima Tomoe (Noto Mamiko), and the daughter of a rival inn, Wakura Yuina (Tomatsu Haruka), among various others as she strives for a more glimmering lifestyle. -RandomC

    HorribleSubs - Episode 01


    First impressions: I really like this show so far. The art and portrayal of the world gives it a slightly surreal feel, yet is rather down to earth and realistic at the same time to make it believable. Character design (both inside and out) works well.

    It's a bit like Working!! combined with Spirited Away. The humour comes about more naturally than Working (as does the art and character interactions) but shares a similar ensemble of wacky characters, and seems to carry some of the deeper, coming-of-age themes of Ghibli minus the supernatural/fairy tail aspects.

    Looks to be a keeper.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #2
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I loved this. This is really well animated. The movements, the expressions, the scenery are all excellent, especially for this type of show. I just hope it keeps up, since the 1st episode is never really a good basis for the art quality in any series nowadays.

    I love the character design for Iroha. Her hair is usually something I would not care for, but it really worked for me here.

    I really hate the "die" girl. She is randomly confrontational, and acts like an uneducated brat despite the pride she tries to exude.
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  3. #3
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Hmmm...might sound stupid, but can someone come up with a proper reason for why a 25-year old guy should watch a show about a 16-year old girl?


    Anyway, the OP makes it sound interesting. Will give it a try after finishing Durararara.

  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's been a long time since a series like Iroha aired. No moeblob garbage, just coming of age kind of things and general drama. I think they last series that did this were probably True Tears, Honey and Clover, and ARIA.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I love the character design for Iroha. Her hair is usually something I would not care for, but it really worked for me here.

    I really hate the "die" girl. She is randomly confrontational, and acts like an uneducated brat despite the pride she tries to exude.
    Ohana you mean? I too like her bird's nest fluffy kind of hair. It looks frizzled, yet refreshing and cute.

    As for Minko, I disagree. Her personality type isn't random at all. Every single action she displayed during the first episode made perfect sense. She clearly has a dream of becoming a chef, and works tirelessly to fulfill that effort. She grows extra garnishes outside, she neglects her bedroom (and barely sleeps in it) because she's practicing too hard, but even if she's not that great at cutting radishes she listens to her superiors with almost-militant attention.

    She hates Ohana because Ohana doesn't have that same devotion toward her work that Minko has, or the unerring deference to customers that her grandmother has. Ohana is just floating around not sure what she wants out of life, and (to Minko) doesn't appear that she cares about anything at all. Ohana can likely cook quite a bit better than Minko can, and I can easily see that becoming another issue.

  5. #5
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Ryll - Yeah, Ohana.

    What I meant by randomly confrontational is that her outbursts are really out of place. Whatever her reason is, Ohana is trying to be nice, and she lashes out at her even in those moments.

    @Mfauli - Your question doesn't sound stupid. It is stupid.

    What does it matter if it is about a 16-year old girl? The art, delivery, and characters are good.
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  6. #6
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This show turned out quite a bit heavier than I expected, with the slaver driver grandmother and other issues. That naturally surprised me positively. Like Ryll said, this looks like a series whose kind don't appear every season.

    There wasn't really anything I didn't like. The spectrum of characters was nice and everybody seems to have a clear personality of her/his own, which is a huge plus. The graphics were smooth and pleasant. I'll definitely keep watching if this continues like this and won't turn emo (which I don't expect it to, with that kind of adventurous and unprejudiced main charater). One thing I do hope for is that we will see the confessing dude again.

  7. #7
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I hope we see Ko-chan again, but it seems unlikely since he wasn't shown in the OP and ED, IIRC.

    There seems to be some other guy in the train though. Seems a little too tall to be Ko-chan.
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  8. #8
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    There seems to be some other guy in the train though. Seems a little too tall to be Ko-chan.
    Oh, I thought it was him. I must have looked carelessly.

  9. #9
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Without doing a deep analysis and all, I just want to say this: Loved it.

  10. #10
    Didn't like Minchi/Minko. Too abrasive of a personality. It might change later and they'll get all friendly after some event, but until then she grates on the nerves.

  11. #11
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Very enjoyable 1st episode. I like Minko though, lol. I just find her to be funny when she says "die".

    Was that first guy Ohana bumped into while cleaning really her uncle? I find it weird he fell ontop of her and felt her ass.

  12. #12
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Idealistic View Post
    Was that first guy Ohana bumped into while cleaning really her uncle? I find it weird he fell ontop of her and felt her ass.

    If he says so, I guess he is. I think getting your ass felt is the perfect way of knowing your uncle. Certainly better than after the introduction.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #13
    I gotta say I found this show weirdly charming. I liked Ohana's monologues when ever she came across something unexpected.
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  14. #14
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #15
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I stand by my statement that Minko isn't randomly confrontational. If anything, she's very simple. I suspected we'd see Ohana out-cooking Minko and setting off another spat, I just didn't think we'd see it so soon. Minko works really, really hard at trying to become a proper ryokan chef, and she's just not all that great. Unsurprisingly, Ohana can cook quite well due to all the practice, which in turn infuriates Minko because she believes that Ohana has no work ethic. Someone who tries as hard as Minko does will of course get nasty when someone easily (from her perspective) outdoes her and undermines all that effort. Last episode, she was pissed off because it seemed like Ohana didn't care and had no pride in her work. I wouldn't be surprised if Minko had to work her ass off to even get a job there.

    What did surprise me is exactly how horrible Ohana's mother really was. I thought all the idle chatter about her mother at the inn was rumor and hyperbole, but it seems if anything, they were actually underestimating how terrible a mother Ohana's has been. She forced Ohana to cook since preschool?! A selfish woman to the core, twisting and corrupting her daughter from the start. She taught her daughter to never rely on anyone, and I was a bit appalled that Ohana actually considered taking up flirting with random men/boys as a way out of her current issues.

    I really like the art in this series and Ohana did a good deal of growing up just in this episode alone. She actually thinks things through and tries to deal with them. Things don't just resolve themselves on their own either, someone has to act. The characters come off in a realistic manner.

    Lastly, I love Tomoe (Mamiko Noto), the experienced waitress. She's very carefree, and reminds me of my favorite character voiced by Mamiko Noto. Mutou Aoi.

  16. #16
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I agree with everything Ryll's said in the above post. On a side note, it's interesting to notice the similarity in facial features/hair between the mother and grandmother even though they're worlds apart. Was Ohana's mother really such a person from the start, or did she turn that way as an escape from the grandmother's strict authority? Ohana herself tried to rebel a little this episode (lol), while her mother showed that even she had the tiniest bit of consideration for other's feelings in that broccoli scene.

    If I had to guess, Mink was writing "I have Ohana" in her bed.

    PS: who goes around eating crab while they're running from debt collectors?

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  17. #17
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    2 episodes in, and I have to say this show is excellent.

    Nice call on the cooking issue Ryll.

    I still hate Minko though. Simple? I would call that stupid, and absurdly self-absorbed. The only reason she can say those things and act like that towards Ohana is because Ohana is new in the ryokan. Her feelings and actions need some self-control. Saying "Die" to someone deserves a punch in the face IMO. She should keep her insecurity in check and act like she has consideration for others. I can't believe she threw a stupid tantrum just because she was outdone in cooking. I know how it feels because I love to cook as well, and have encountered people who cook better than I do, but I don't get in their face about it. Work harder and get better, that is the way to go.

    @Buff - It is precisely that kind of action that puts them in debt in the first place. If anything, I'd say it is expected of her mother. I'd say "die" to her.
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  18. #18
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    While the "She can cook better than you" line was the immediate trigger, I saw the actual act of cooking as the main reason behind Minko bolting off. She was already holding herself back when Ohana had the meal prepared. To Minko, that's like saying "you stuffed up, but that's okay because I'll fix it up for you because I'm just that much better than you". She held it back and decided to eat, only to have those last words push her over the edge.

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  19. #19
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Why are you guys trying to understand and defend her situation? Many people are placed in much worse situations than Minko (i.e. Ohana), and they don't go around telling people to die. Well, Ohana did, but immediately apologized and took it back.
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  20. #20
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Understanding and defending are two different things. I see that she's got her personality flaws, but not the world's biggest asshole.

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