Alternative title: 花咲くいろは

Genre: Drama

Animation: P.A. Works

Plot Summary: The story centers around 16-year-old Matsumae Ohana (Itou Kanae), who after a sudden confession and farewell, leaves for her grandmother’s Taisho-era hot spring inn Kissuisou because she’s tired of the city life. She begins working as a waitress and meets a difficult to approach and easily misunderstood chef in training, Tsurugi Minko (Omigawa Chiaki), a fellow waitress trying to overcome her shyness in front of people, Oshimizu Nako (Toyosaki Aki), a rumor and spy-loving head waitress, Wajima Tomoe (Noto Mamiko), and the daughter of a rival inn, Wakura Yuina (Tomatsu Haruka), among various others as she strives for a more glimmering lifestyle. -RandomC

HorribleSubs - Episode 01


First impressions: I really like this show so far. The art and portrayal of the world gives it a slightly surreal feel, yet is rather down to earth and realistic at the same time to make it believable. Character design (both inside and out) works well.

It's a bit like Working!! combined with Spirited Away. The humour comes about more naturally than Working (as does the art and character interactions) but shares a similar ensemble of wacky characters, and seems to carry some of the deeper, coming-of-age themes of Ghibli minus the supernatural/fairy tail aspects.

Looks to be a keeper.