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Thread: Naruto Chapter 532

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Naruto Chapter 532

    [MangaStream & Binktopia] Naruto c.532: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing

  2. #2
    thanks for the upload.

  3. #3
    sure, wasn't a bad chapter. Another nicely written bunch of pages about people who don't matter in the slightest to the main story.

    Ahhhg chouji... I always hated you the most. Thanks for keeping up with my expectations.

  4. #4
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    yeah, lots of pages about character i wouldnt even call "side characters". and a deus ex machina-"i can withstand Kabutoīs orders" moment, sigh.

    and i cannot care for that asuma-battle, too, sorry

  5. #5
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I always though Hanzou was a big bad villan thanks to Nagato/Pain's backstory... and he suddenly becomes a good character? Ugh... seriously... if 95% of the f-ninjas are good... why do they even have wars and crap? Poor planning... poor storytelling.

    Such a shame... Hanzou was cool the few times he appeared. Now he's just one more of the bunch.

  6. #6
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Oh, and did Mifuneīs victory auto-include the gay-speech or what keeps Hanzou from immediately regenerating?
    nope, it was Hanzo's victory speech that included the secret that keeps him from regenerating. I can't start thinking about how wrong it was for him to blab on that...
    although, Hanzo might have a thing for NOT KILLING HIS ENEMIES, which is kinda stupid for a ninja, especially for one who's EVIL. but I guess STUPID is the way for Hanzo to roll. but there's hope for Kishimoto for out-stupiding his creation - reavel Hanzo's son!

    I want this arc to be over already, we need to see what's Kabuto's real plan.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  7. #7
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z View Post

    I want this manga to be over already, we need to see Naruto die already. Or Kishimoto getting a brain. .
    Fixed. Definitely fixed.

  8. #8
    Couldn't disagree more, i liked how Hanzou is still a bad character tho he shows those who are worth to have another fight with mercy. Think Kishimoto has done the best job i seen in manga so far and to show background story of hanzou who founded the three Sannins, Pains pain, and so on. Is a nice part to the whole picture of the state in relations and what they have lead to. Even liked the part of that black salamander and the organ he took, just shows how badass he was to take the organ at once in his chase for power.
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  9. #9
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    I dont view Hanzo as evil, but someone who has honor. He's done a lot of things, but he recognizes talent and honors those who have fought bravely against him.

    I'm starting to think this Impure World Resurrection is like hypnosis, it works but if your willpower can over-power the person controlling you, you can over-come it and fight back, even going as far to break the spell if strong enough. You have Chiyo and Asuma giving advise on how to defeat them and Hanzo seemed so strong that he was able to perform Seppuku. Most of these people relish in the fight so they're enjoying this, while others not as much.

  10. #10
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    So as a boy, Hanzo implanted a salamander liver into his body, making him immune to the poison, but able to exhale poison, and the liver is also a poison bomb that basically kills himself if he breathes it?

    This is some complex science going on here.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #11
    So.... He has poison inside his body, so his body produces poison and he can breath it out but he can't breath it in.. LOL............... ok..

  12. #12
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prof. Chaos View Post
    I dont view Hanzo as evil, but someone who has honor. He's done a lot of things, but he recognizes talent and honors those who have fought bravely against him.

    I'm starting to think this Impure World Resurrection is like hypnosis, it works but if your willpower can over-power the person controlling you, you can over-come it and fight back, even going as far to break the spell if strong enough. You have Chiyo and Asuma giving advise on how to defeat them and Hanzo seemed so strong that he was able to perform Seppuku. Most of these people relish in the fight so they're enjoying this, while others not as much.
    So you are basically saying that the 1st and 2nd Hokage weren't strong enough and didn't had enough willpower to break out of the technique?

  13. #13
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    It was already stated that Kabuto is purposely using a weaker bind than the one orochimaru used to allow the zombies to better utilize their own combat styles. That's the only reason why Chiyo, Hanzo, Asuma, Zabuza, Sai's brother, and Sasori have been able to act somewhat contradictory to Kabuto's will.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #14
    so where is hanzou's mask now? and why isn't everyone else dead from the poison?

  15. #15
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    Orochimaru also placed complete control over the 1st and 2nd Hokage. Right now, Kabutomaru has let most of them retain their "will". That's why he said he needed to take complete control.

  16. #16
    It might be partly due to the fact that Kabuto is controlling so many people. Also, Hanzo never necessarily was evil to begin with. He could have beat Oro, Tsunade, and Jiraiya, but let them go for being able to withstand him so long (In the scene, he didn't necessarily look as tired as the three sannin were). He was probably a good leader that wanted peace, like most leaders. However, Nagato and his crew just started getting too strong--it was at the point that he started acting out of fear, like Danzo, and joined the dark side to keep his power.

    In my opinion, the first half of this chapter should definitely have been shown before the actual fighting began between Hanzo and Mifune. It would have given the fight at least some sort of meaning. The fight probably would have been interesting given the irony.

  17. #17
    I don't post much. Just felt the need to vent a bit after the last few chapters. They are starting to bore me. Boring is boring. These chapters are boring. Please story, try to move forward. This arc seems perfect for someone who doesn't know how to pan out a story. Just make a couple of random battles with no story progression at all, while you figure shit out. Now that I think about it, it has happened in a few major arcs. The chuunin exams/Konoha destruction arc, the chase Sasgay arc and now this.

    I shrug at the thought of how much filler content the anime studio can cram in during all these pointless fights. If at least each chapter contained a page or two of story progression.

    And yea, you can say the battle/war is "progressing", but to me it's all just filler. I'm sure most of you here feel the same way. Even though I'm not looking forward at all at the Asuma battle, at least it involves some of the side/main characters, not these crappy side characters who could possibly never appear again for all we know/care. If I were Kishimoto, I would use this opportunity to AT LEAST, give some of these characters some new interesting moves/abilities or something.

  18. #18
    Part of the problem is that Kishi killed all of the Akatsuki for the most part. A war that's 5 vs 50,000 would be kind of weird. So Kishi made a war, but he didn't give the bad guys enough troops to make it war-like at all. So it seems he had to go ahead and either invent or reuse some characters just for the sake of having a war. Honestly, if it wasn't for all these reused or new, filler-like characters, who would the alliance be fighting? A whole bunch of Zetsus (or is it Zetsi?)? Wouldn't that be boring as well?

  19. #19
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    How come shounens never have current wars that last more than a day? Like, didn't the second great ninja war last for several years or something?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #20
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn View Post
    How come shounens never have current wars that last more than a day? Like, didn't the second great ninja war last for several years or something?
    because that doesnt work any longer, if your power levels have been randomized as much as in this manga. when we heard of of the previous ninja war, it was real ninjas that were fighting. now, itīs battle mages. cant have a long lasting war when every attack is a potential deciding factor lol.

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