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Thread: Naruto Chapter 531

  1. #1

    Naruto Chapter 531

    Mangastream - Online Reading

    I liked how samurais, in this universe, were the mainstream military force before ninjitsu came along.

    I also didn't get the flashback; there were cuts on Hanzo's body when he encountered Pain. Does that mean Mifune was allied with Pain at one point?

    Lastly, I laughed at the character poll. Two Haruno Sakuras?
    Last edited by enkoujin; Thu, 03-10-2011 at 02:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    It just doesnt make sense.
    Mifune talks about peace and all, yet we never saw him during all these years before the Kage-summit. Really awesome pursuit of peace, lol. And the way he defeats Hanzou is sooo random. Heīs simply...faster. This "ah, thatīs why ninjutsu doesnt work against him" is such nonsense. Just stay away enough so he canīt reach you.
    Also, im looking forward to see what BS Kishimoto made up to get rid of Kimimaro. He was basically invincible before the timeskip, now heīs literally invincible. And unless Orochimaru makes an entrance and tells Kimimaro that itīs okay or whatever, I cant think of a believable "Naruto-like speech" that could put him to rest. Heīs devoted his whole existence to Orochimaru.
    Oh, and did Mifuneīs victory auto-include the gay-speech or what keeps Hanzou from immediately regenerating?

    PS: Kimimaro 2nd best villain after Orochimaru!

  3. #3
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    amazing, two bit character that hardly anyone remembers their name, turn out to have a secret connection and have an epiphany fight that I don't give a damn about. Worst Arc Yet.

    and yes, Peace ninjas, Peace Samurais.. maybe we can all join the Peace Corps and get deployed to Africa together?

    did he say Samurai school turned into Ninja schools? does that mean that the 'school' existed before the 'hidden village'? did they build an entire city around the school just so it could be more ninja?

    and for a universe in which anti-ninja units wear gas masks, there's a really low number of number of ninjas who use poison gas - Hanzo and Shizuro. what does the anti-ninja samurais do when they face a summoning ninja? or a genjutsu ninja? even a mud creating ninja can mess them up.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  4. #4
    yes this was a horrible chapter. we dont care about the samurai guy and his backstory. I'm more interested in Hanzo's death with Nagato. Should have shown us the fight between them instead.

    I had a question:

    on page 14, what does he mean when he says "ninja of your level didn't realize.." realize what?

  5. #5
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by February View Post
    I had a question:

    on page 14, what does he mean when he says "ninja of your level didn't realize.." realize what?
    People are like swords!

  6. #6
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I thought this chapter was a piece of shit, and here it is: chapter 369, page 14. Payne supposedly killed anyone Hanzo was related to (hence, Mifune should have been killed). but that's not what bothered me so much..

    what I'm really bothered by, is that we once saw (can't remember the chapter) how Payne got one of his bodies into his tower, which was after Payne took over the rain country. and now we see this body fighting hanzo.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  7. #7
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by February View Post
    yes this was a horrible chapter. we dont care about the samurai guy and his backstory. I'm more interested in Hanzo's death with Nagato. Should have shown us the fight between them instead.

    I had a question:

    on page 14, what does he mean when he says "ninja of your level didn't realize.." realize what?
    Same here. I've read it a few times and I'm still stumped. This really was a bad chapter, though probably has to do with the translations. Maybe there is another translation that makes more sense?

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prof. Chaos View Post
    Same here. I've read it a few times and I'm still stumped. This really was a bad chapter, though probably has to do with the translations. Maybe there is another translation that makes more sense?
    It makes sense to me. He finishes the thought on page 19. He was saying, basically and figuratively, "the longer I live, the stronger I become. Because people are like swords."

    @DBZ: Hanzo didn't know he and Mifune had ever even met. How could Pein?
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

  9. #9
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    That was some awful dialogue, probably the worst naruto chapter i've read in a good while

  10. #10
    I'm not really sure what the deal is with Mifune, but he shouldn't be strong enough to defeat Hanzou. The power levels are a little weird this whole Arc. The dialogue and events are vague and uninspiring. I would prefered a little more background on Mifune, the Iron Country, Pain, and Hanzou before Mifune gets to kick Hanzou's butt. At least make a story about a continued conflict with Hanzou and the Samurai to give more reason for the masks.

  11. #11
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Milfune's dialogue didn't make any goddamn sense. I'm sure it's deep in some profound japanese context, but fuck.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #12
    had chinese food last sunday. my fortune cookie said "you are like a sword." now i know what it meant. i think

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    That was probably Mifune trying to say that like a sword, a person has to keep *himself* razor well maintained, physically, mentally, philosophically, spiritually, morally, whatever. Assuming that's right though, humility seems to not be on the list of things to concern oneself with.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  14. #14
    I think the main problem with this arc is that for all the fan service Kishi's trying to throw at us, it's breaking a very fundamental rule in story telling: All scenes must move both plot and character. The only conflict that has done both is Kankurou's crew.

    Kakashi's part advanced plot, but didn't do much to move any characters. We already know how Zabuza and Haku feel about each other. And its could be argued that the point was to establish how the ninja on both sides felt about their dead being used, but all of that was perverted by the addition of the Seven Swordsmen.

    The Darui fight moved character, but only for players the story doesn't really focus on making it boring (not to mention the plot moved at a snails pace because of it) Admittedly, Darui is cool, and the brief development he got was a treat, but too much time was spent justifying the importance of the Gold and Silver Brothers. If that was kept brief and more of that information was saved for the data books it wouldn't have ruined the scene that much. This could have been great time for Kishi to write about how ninja wolrd has moved past the conception for ninjas as tool, but instead he made it more personal to Darui.

    Then there's this Mifune conflict. I think it might be too early for us to judge this one, and the translation itself was so poor. If Hanzou has been taken care of then good. We got brief character expansion, and really just about as much as a minor character like Mifune deserves, and minor expansion on the history of the samurai in Naruto. If Hanzous not immobilized then this will be just another plot time suck.

  15. #15
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I'm not a fan of Mifune nor the samurai in general. It seems Kishimoto is throwing in fad references because the fans like it. Maybe pirate influences will come soon? Iai was introduced in Samurai Sentai Shinkenger a while back and it looked cool in action, but here it looks overpowered if it can indeed stop ninjas from using seals. Anyway, here is a clip from the series showcasing Iai.

    Spoiler alert for those waiting to watch the americanised version, Power Rangers Samurai.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  16. #16
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Lol that was so cheesy, but in a good way

    Funny too

  17. #17
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if that was a parody or not ("Lord, I didn't study enough!", "He is sparkly!", fishstick sword!)
    but it was kinda awesome. and silly.

    maybe Mifune, his Iai and his squad of Samurai would been a better fit to battle against the seven swordsman? I know we didn't see hanzo do anything before, but I didn't picture him as a weapon fighter. other than Tsundase, I can't even Imagine anyone having a real reason to fight him.

  18. #18
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    That was more delightful than the latest chapter.

  19. #19
    I have to admit that I think it's pretty sick that Hanzo rides around on a giant salamander spewing out poison while he sports this giant ass gas mask.

  20. #20
    Out of interest, is the Salamander dead/revived as well or did he not die when Hanzo died? Arn't contracts invalid upon death??

    Edit: That power rangers vid was actually awesome in a cheesey way.
    Last edited by DB_Hunter; Sun, 03-13-2011 at 01:16 PM.

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