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Thread: One Piece Chapter 617

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    One Piece Chapter 617

    [MangaStream & Binktopia] One Piece c.617: MediaFire | SendSpace | Online Viewing

  2. #2
    Poor Megalo.

  3. #3
    I continue to be underwhelmed by hodi jones. More we learn about him less impressive he seems.

    He's a veteran of Neptune's Army as well as a Devout follower of Arlong.

    So he's a veteran and gained combat skills from a completely useless armed force seeing how we've seen even the weakest members of the strawhats overpower them with ease.

    And he was inspired by an old one piece villain who had little world status a paltry $30 million bounty and was defeated with little effort by Luffy during the very beginning of his career.

    Really curious how Oda plays out his fight with Zoro. I can't imagine seeing zoro lose in his first real post time jump fight and after seeing his brief fight with the kracken it's obvious he's capable of fighting underwater to some degree.

    But at the same time he beats hodi then the arc is over. Big baddie defeated and just a question of getting the strawhats out of there and can't imagine oda ending things so quickly. Hate to imagine hodi being able to take down zoro. Wonder how this will play out.

    Ugh bring in big mom and make this shit interesting soooo many more interesting stuff I wanna see!!!

  4. #4
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    he can always kidnap Nami and try to bargain her life for the princess, and if Luffy is still considered to have kidnapped her, then things can get chaotic for a little while.

    but yeah, I'm not feeling impressed with the villains of this arc, but if they team up with some one from above ground, things might get better. maybe.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  5. #5
    zoro is so badass

    when he was fighting the kraken though, he had a bubble

  6. #6
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Yea, I can see Zoro having trouble fighting a fishman underwater. Hopefully its exciting to see.

  7. #7
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    Well technically zoro would be fighting at half strenght while hodi is at 2x strength also...~its the druuuuggssss maaaaaaan~. I bet zoro kicks his ass and forces him to use the pills and like most one piece fights one of them is forced to run or gets wisked away by some convenient plot device to add to the build up! I'm betting their is still some kind of twist to fighting hodi like he represents underwater govt technically and fighting him will just add to the SH's troubles etc

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    I think Hodi is on par with Rob Lucci in terms of strength. Compare opening the gate with by sticking his fingers into metal. He can easily do Roukushiki-type moves. And he hasn't even had his steroids yet.

    Luffy still hasn't had a fight as difficult as his fight with Lucci. And Lucci was the last of his down-to-the-wire, bloody, no non-sense fights. He's fought stronger people, but they either had mercy on him (Kizaru), or he got lucky/help. He fought Moria, but he had a "lucky" out-of-nowhere power-up he can never count on again (eating the shadows). He fought the poison man from Impel Down, and nearly died. It wasn't even competitive. He was involved in the Whitebeard War, but didn't do much of anything.

    I see this as a good match up, especially since Hodi has a real reason to hate humans. This has the potential to be a very bitter fight. Let's not forget the racism subplot that's been going on for a few hundred chapters.
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  9. #9
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Wtfff... I somehow missed chapter 616.

    Anyway not much to say yet. A lot of frantic setup for something bigger, I'm sure.
    I'm interested in seeing this ponyglyph Robin is looking for.
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  10. #10
    luffy defeated moria relaivley easily compared to lucci and even enel, moria was a joke and his power came from his subordinates now his own strength despite what he believed.

  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Luffy only defeated Moria because he got lucky and managed to eat 100 shadows. He was toast without using Moria's powers.
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  12. #12
    actually luffy "defeated" moria AFTER his shadow power had expired. i also wouldnt count it as luck its simply using morias power against him the same way he uses crocodiles power against him,

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    It makes no sense that Luffy could "eat" shadows. Neither Luffy nor the surviving pirates on Thriller Bark have the Shadow-Shadow power. So how could they "bind" shadows onto people? This wasn't like using Crocodile's weakness to water at all.

    Lucky is putting it mildly. It was deus ex machina.
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  14. #14
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville View Post
    It makes no sense that Luffy could "eat" shadows. Neither Luffy nor the surviving pirates on Thriller Bark have the Shadow-Shadow power. So how could they "bind" shadows onto people? This wasn't like using Crocodile's weakness to water at all.

    Lucky is putting it mildly. It was deus ex machina.
    No it wasn't, it was completely justified. Moria created zombies by inserting shadows into dead bodies. If dead bodies could become a vessel for shadows without needing a df power, then what's wrong with a live body consuming them?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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