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Thread: One Piece Episode 485

  1. #1

  2. #2
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Oh man, that was one beautiful death man.

    I love that he basically said on TV that One Piece is real. That's gonna inspire pirates everywhere.

    I will say, I usually think Blackbeard is pretty cool and badass. But he was kinda a pussy today. Getting his ass beat and then crying to his crew for help.

  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    So... has anybody predicted that One Piece is a super weapon greater than Pluton, yet? Because Whitebeard's message of an impending war to change the world seemed to suggest so to me just now...
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #4
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I always assumed it was the tree Devil Fruits grew from

  5. #5
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I second the Teach disappointment. Up until now, the most dangerous, in my eyes, pirates have always been the ones who seemed to have a plan, like BB or Donfalmingo. I surely hope Blackbeard's plans involve more than simply just attacking an already dying Whitebeard and throwing away his warlord tenure for a few crewmen not strong enough to stay out of prison...

  6. #6
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    I surely hope Blackbeard's plans involve more than simply just attacking an already dying Whitebeard and throwing away his warlord tenure for a few crewmen not strong enough to stay out of prison...
    So I guess that means Ace and Jinbei and Crocodile aren't that strong?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    Oh man, that was one beautiful death man.

    I love that he basically said on TV that One Piece is real. That's gonna inspire pirates everywhere.

    I will say, I usually think Blackbeard is pretty cool and badass. But he was kinda a pussy today. Getting his ass beat and then crying to his crew for help.
    Yeah, he was kinda a pussy today, but it was more or less just to show how badass Whitebeard was. The show wanted to say "You know that Blackbeard guy? Hes normally a badass, but when faced with the Monster known as Whitebeard, even Blackbeard becomes a sniveling pussy."

    Very good episode, RIP Whitebeard.

  8. #8
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    It's not even the powerlevel that bothers me.

    It's like, Blackbeard always seemed like an evil version of Luffy. Like easygoing, believes in dreaming the impossible, but ultimately he's selfish. That's what I liked about him.

    Calling in his cronies to finish off Whitebeard for him was super Un-Luffy.

    Of course, then he goes back to being the character I love with his "What great last words!" line.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Sun, 01-30-2011 at 11:31 PM.

  9. #9
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    So I guess that means Ace and Jinbei and Crocodile aren't that strong?
    Actually... they really don't appear to be. At this stage of the game, not even having entered the new world where even more monsterous powerhouses surely await, also assuming that prisoners of impel down were caught by somebody, does not bode well to these characters' longevity to the main story.

    Concerning those three specifically, we all know that losing a serious battle is 99 out of 100 times crippling to any non-main character in a shounen series as that effectively assures the audience that they are no longer a legitimate threat to anyone of the current power level/bounty/whatever. Ace lost his battle to Teach, Croc lost his battle to the blue-screen, and a few episodes back Jinbei lost his small battle with Mihawk, though whether that counts as serious is tough to decide. If One Piece ever resurrects an old enemy as a main dish (Enel, perhaps?), then I will certainly reconsider my stance on character gimping...

    My actual complaint, that may well be accidentally hidden within my wording, was that Teach gave up a very useful government position in a flashy sort of way to do what seems pointless to me right now. I mean, surely he has some other reason to step into a war I doubt he could influence with second-hand crew he just acquired at the cost of his position, and essentially make enemies of EVERYONE, than to simply watch Whitebeard die. It boggles my mind.

  10. #10
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    also assuming that prisoners of impel down were caught by somebody, does not bode well to these characters' longevity to the main story.
    Depends who caught them. For all we know, it could have taken a half a dozen Vice Admirals, or even multiple Admirals to catch one of these guys.

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    Well they are certainly not weak. Blackbeard is being set up to become the "last boss" for Luffy to fight over One Piece. He is a D but not the right D, a false messiah if you will. His crew mates are starting to mimic Luffys team. Sniper/Usopp, Wrestler/Franky, Shiryuu/Zoro, Doc/Chopper. And i bet one of the new guys will use hand to hand combat for Sanji and they have a girl which will be perfect for either Nami or Robin. So these new crew members will rival that of Luffy's at the very end. And i don't think they will be weak at all. And Zoro is aiming to be become the greatest swordsman to ever live by beating Mihawk. And once Blackbeard and Luffy faces off Zoro will probably have done that. And once they face of Shiryuu will be on the same level as Zoro. Or else it would be kind of one sided. And just because they where in prison doesn't mean they are weak. Who's to say they didn't face of against an admiral to end up there. And right now very few seems to be able to stand up to an admiral. Among Whitebeard's crew only 2 seems to have had that power and that was Marco and Whitebeard himself. Ace and Jozu was both beaten. Marco only lost because he was distracted and they managed to get seastone-cuffs on him. Even though Jozu could have been distracted i feel he would have lost either way in the end.

    And he didn't throw away anything. Like he said himself. Only reason he needed that title was so he could get his crew mates. Once he had them, he didn't need or want the title. If he never had wanted the prisoners he wouldn't even have tried to get the title in the first place. Every step Blackbeard has taken so far has been just as he planned. In fact having that title was probably a "burden" (can't seem to find the right word to describe it, too early i guess). Blackbeard plan to become the Pirate King. And what we have learned is that Shibukai's are considered traitors to other pirates since they have struck a deal with the WG. But in Blackbeards case that has been redeemed because it was even announced to the world (assuming the Den Den is still broadcasting) that he only used the title to deceive the WG.

  12. #12
    Genin The1LittleMchale's Avatar
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    Would someone mind posting a ddl link for the onetime speed version of the ep please? Visiting my girlfriend at college where torrents are blocked blows...

  13. #13
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The1LittleMchale View Post
    Would someone mind posting a ddl link for the onetime speed version of the ep please? Visiting my girlfriend at college where torrents are blocked blows...

  14. #14
    Genin The1LittleMchale's Avatar
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    Thanks Marik... Much love again!

  15. #15
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TwisT View Post
    And he didn't throw away anything. Like he said himself. Only reason he needed that title was so he could get his crew mates. Once he had them, he didn't need or want the title. If he never had wanted the prisoners he wouldn't even have tried to get the title in the first place. Every step Blackbeard has taken so far has been just as he planned. In fact having that title was probably a "burden" (can't seem to find the right word to describe it, too early i guess). Blackbeard plan to become the Pirate King. And what we have learned is that Shibukai's are considered traitors to other pirates since they have struck a deal with the WG. But in Blackbeards case that has been redeemed because it was even announced to the world (assuming the Den Den is still broadcasting) that he only used the title to deceive the WG.

    At first, I thought Ace might end up taking Whitebeards place in the Four Emperors. Once he died, I assumed Marco would do it instead. Now, I'm thinking Blackbeard might have just exchanged his Warlord title for an Emperor one, leaving the Whitebeard Pirates out of a top spot.

  16. #16
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Last edited by Marik; Thu, 02-03-2011 at 09:45 PM.

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