Quick question... why does Kakashi have his MS activated? Surely having that on is just killing his chakra reserves for no reason and he's talking of going on a rampage?
Quick question... why does Kakashi have his MS activated? Surely having that on is just killing his chakra reserves for no reason and he's talking of going on a rampage?
Have you forgotten how a normal Sharingan looks? It would be understandable, it's been a while.
I would say Kishi wanted this big war arc that was super cool, but he failed. For a war arc like this, what you need is "big picture" tactical stuff between the two sides, not necessarily these small little skirmishes. I think the manga Ares does a much better job of blending war tactics and small individual encounters. Kishi has not done much so far to make it look like either side is using that much in the way of strategy.
He wanted to make this arc awesome and was naive in thinking that it would be that way if he just put all the most awesome characters in via magical resurrections that include personality. He needed to make actual battles where one side would lose, retreat, regroup, revise tactics, and try again. Make it more like a war, not just spam us with characters that are cool.
Actually, yes, that would've been compelling. This kind of blatantly shows one particular limitation of his as a writer. He would've been much better off doing some preparation not just on what some of the war tactics and strategies are, but also do some reasearch on how to deliver the those tactics and strategies in a story telling format. I've been so down on the manga lately that I keep forgetting, this could've been good.
"You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."
- Inquisitor Czevak
I was expecting something far more interesting when they started this war, what with the army divisions, commanders, et al. So far, the skirmishes are very weak and it's unfolding is rather confusing. Why didn't Kabuto initially raise the Seven Swordsmen and have them ambush patrols and scouts? With Zabuza on the team, it would've been better sending them against someone other than Kakashi. Of course, then it wouldn't have the EMO impact Kishimoto seems to care so much about.
BTW, nice sig, Barles. One of the best "quotes" from 40k.
Off-topic, but what sig? In fact, no one seems to have a sig anymroe.
Okay, I dont get it: Why are Haku and Zabu defeated now? Wasnt that the whole danger? That those Zombies cannot be killed, only, seemingly, be beaten by heart-speech?! Suddenly, this chapter took all the possible threat from this "war" :/
And I agree with other posters. It´s sad how the whole manga concentrated on Sasuke (and a bit Naruto, lol) instead of developing an interesting story around all of these great characters we get to see now. I still remember my little fanfic, where Naruto would travel the ninja-world in search for other Jinchuuriki to form his own elite group against Akatsuki, ya know "Akatsuki vs Jinchuuriki". The seven swordsmen would have fit in there somehow, too, and then we would have got to know much more about the different countries and their Kages, bit by bit.
What´s happening currently is just a short-term-reaction to One Piece´s Whitebeard-arc. Kishimoto hasn´t spent nearly enough thought into this current story. Even more sadly, it´ll propbably all be lead ad absurdum when finally Naruto and Sasuke appear and all these Zetsus and cannon fodder ninjas are killed in literally one panel. :/
Again, agreed in that Kishimoto fails at portraying this "war" as a war. Here some ninjas fighting, there some ninjas fighting, and so on. Everything feels "small" and insignificant.
Really hope that the story hurries to introduce Naruto and Sasuke, so what we see actually matters again...
"You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."
- Inquisitor Czevak
As this was underneath Barles' post, I assumed it was his "sig", or that at least, he added a thin line and that text after his post ^^
Yeah, for me that just wasn't on there. There's just a whole bunch of white space underneath his post.
Anyways, just a thought here. It would have been cool if this war had a chess game thing going between Shika and Madara like Yagami Light and L in Death Note. Shika being L trying to figure out what Madara was doing.
I won't say Kishi can't write this way, because he has shown some promise in the Shikamaru episodes. I wish he treated this arc more like that. Many of those are some of my favorite episodes, along with Lee's. Wouldn't it be something if this Manga followed the duo of Shikamaru and Rock Lee? A mix of Bruce Lee and Shirlock Holmes.
I don't think they would entrust such a big responsibility to Shikamaru (I doubt he would want that anyway). And if that did happen, it would kind of be even more ridiculous. I am not tilted for or against this arc so far, but I don't think I would want to see 'ninja Death note'.
Last edited by rockmanj; Fri, 01-28-2011 at 11:35 AM.
Kishi fails @ war.
If Gaara professes his admiration for somebody I may just give up on this arc.
Kabuto is a major fail as a villian so far. Orochimaru was so much more fun to follow. In fact with the loss of Itachi, Deidara, and the other cool villiains whats left is pretty crappy.
Its essentially a billion zetsu's, Madara with Sharingan/Rinnegan hax, Kabuto with Oro hax, and on occassion Sasuke.
The only thing that can make this chapter cool is if Either Itachi or Orochimaru anticipated this and body switch Kabuto or Madara. That would be epic.
You're right about Shika. Gaara would probably be a better choice. And by Death Note I only meant the aspect that at first it's a complete mind f*ck and you're wondering what's going to happen next and how it will all play out as opposed to knowing how it will play out before it even happens.