Nova in a bikini...never thought I'd see the day...
Nova in a bikini...never thought I'd see the day...
Not the most revealing special episode, but I liked this a lot. It's not very often that you see Satelizer smile so much (particularly with her glasses off).
Other than that, I was expecting some more.. umm.. fluids... from the Niagara Falls demonstration lol.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I thought for a second that it was Kazuya controlling the other girls using his Freezing ability to take advantage of this "anything goes" training scenario. Guess he's still as soft as ever.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
At least he is not denying that he does like it. Eh..why the hell are we talking about one of the few guys in a pure fan service episode? Yay for moaning.
I wonder if anyone cares...
Freezing Sci-Fi Action Anime Gets 2nd Season
And yes, I know it's almost 3 days old news.
Cool. Let's just hope it's as good as the first 3 episodes of the first series.. as unlikely as that would be.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Today is a good day.
Now I hope it's not about the resort arc but the Alaska arc instead.
What I said when I found out:
<%Ryllharu> wtf
<%Ryllharu> Freezing got a second season
<%Ryllharu> There is no god.
The second season is being called, Vibration. Satellizer seems to have a new uniform.
There's a trailer up on the Freezing site showing the Alaska arc.
Great news! Been looking forward to seeing that arc animated.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Bloody Rana is still standing between Satella and Kazuya. Oh, well, I guess at this point it's a solid plot element that the baptism will never happen. Or it will happen in the very last chapter of the manga.
This Alaska trip is looking quite promising, nevertheless.
I knew before watching this again that any plot/scenario would be even more fragile/thin than their Volt/texture.
Still I was amazed at how they made it all pointless right from ep1 of that second season.
And fanservice/ecchi wasn't even that good.
I hope it'll get better starting ep2
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
Oh good, I'm not the only one who thought that. During the episode I thought it needed to be more hardcore, but by the end I decided that it wasn't because it was soft, but that it wasn't all that good. There really needs to be more sexual tension/advance between the male/females or else it's just nudity without the tease.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Since that show isn't about anything but fanservice/ecchi, it's a shame they can't even do that well.
That ep wasn't even on par with average comedy shows ecchi/fanservice.
We've had crude breast shots, fast panty shots, the usual Volt texture selfdestruct mode and that's about it.
Yes that's it, no teasing or tension.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.