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Thread: Freezing

  1. #21
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    So they start by blacking the frames, so heavily they could just broadcast the audio alone.
    Then they'll beeep the "too hard" audio parts.

    In the end, you'll get a succession of beeps and no images
    I can't wait for the progress the future holds

    Other than that, I have mixed feelings with that first ep. I can't say I enjoyed it and the story isn't appealing to me.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  2. #22
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 02

    WhyNot - Freezing - 02 - Uncensored: Torrent | DDL

    Hiryuu - Freezing - 02 - Uncensored - 720p: Torrent | MegaUpload

    Whine-Subs - Freezing - 02
    Last edited by Marik; Sat, 02-05-2011 at 10:44 PM.

  3. #23
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    That show is a farce, isn't it?

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  4. #24
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    That show is a farce, isn't it?
    What do you mean? (Well yeah, absolutely nothing happened this episode that was worth mentioning).

    The sub and video quality is quite bad though. Regardless, a sub is a sub, no matter what I think of it.

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  5. #25
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I can't figure out if Kazuya isn't a wuss, or is just really naive and stupid.

    Sattelizer has major fetish appeal though. Blond, curvy, glasses, and long skirt (since she is a transfer from East Genetics). The glasses and skirt are what do it for me in this instance, and maybe her apparent love for hamburgers (ref ED). Ganessa isn't bad either...if she wasn't so much of a bitch.

  6. #26
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    What do you mean? (Well yeah, absolutely nothing happened this episode that was worth mentioning).

    The sub and video quality is quite bad though. Regardless, a sub is a sub, no matter what I think of it.
    Well, other than ecchi+fanservice, nothing worth watching happens in the show. So why bother? Is what I keep asking myself.
    If I need ecchi (or more) and fanservice, there are lots of funny shows, pictures and material anywhere on the internet.

    I wonder what you guys think about it, is it really worth it? Was the source story good enough to overlook those 2 eps?

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  7. #27
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    I wonder what you guys think about it, is it really worth it? Was the source story good enough to overlook those 2 eps?
    Depends on how far the story goes in only 13 episodes. The manga was a bit slow paced, but there was a large focus on bullying and the allure of corruption that comes with power, rather than the extra-dimensional invasion. That's what made the series stand out for me.

    We saw the beginning of that with Ganessa here, and we'll see a lot more of it from what they showed in the preview.

    It was a huge deal for the school that Sattelizer lost. It was on the school news the same morning. She went from "untouchable" to a target in no time at all.

  8. #28
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I haven't touched the source material, and so far Satellizer's the only thing holding this show together, Kazuya almost tipping the balance the other way, and everybody else is just meh.

    I agree that this episode fell hard even compared to the first one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    I can't figure out if Kazuya isn't a wuss, or is just really naive and stupid.
    I'll go with naive and stupid. He stood up for Satellizer, and wasn't afraid of the stories about her dicing up people who've touched her (though that's probably just his Sis-con taking effect).

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  9. #29
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yes, nothing much indeed happened in this episode, due to the somewhat meaningless fight eating most of it. Although remembering hazing should make up much of the story, I suppose the bout did have some relevance, to visibly establish that shady tradition in the show.

    But this is really only barely holding together, that much I readily agree with Bill. I suppose I'll keep watching but I find it sad I expect less from this than the recycling bin Infinite Stratos...

  10. #30
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  11. #31
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Is this show on a counterbalance with Infinite Stratos or something? One bombs out this week and this rebounds.

    Anyway, whatever shitty pacing last week's episode experienced, this one more than made up for it. The humiliation was gripping, and I could only sit there and urge Aoi to hurry the hell up and cast his freezing already. All that time I felt that the possibility of him not being able to due to his inexperience was very real though, which made the tension all the better.

    lol at "These breasts are such a waste on the Untouchable Queen". More like "These breasts are such a waste on censored TV." :P

    I was hoping Kazuya would snap, walk over there and smash up those cellphones, but I guess his performing freezing fulfils my expectation of him enough already.

    Anyway, get on with this "initiation" already.

    PS: I always thought Sattelizer's glasses were rimless at the top. Too bad it looks more like just an animation thing. Rimless glasses are more.. unique - though I can't say I've ever seen anybody with top-rimless frames who was (or looked) remotely young.

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  12. #32
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Aww...Satellizer didn't get to eat her hamburgers.

    Well, I guess Kazuya isn't a total wuss. He's got protagonist powers, but even if he didn't, he still has the right idea. Pandora's shouldn't be fighting each other the way the slut did with Satellizer. They have a more important calling than beating each other up for some arbitrary (though militant) pecking order. While Satellizer isn't completely in the right to disrespect her military superiors like that, she doesn't deserve the treatment she gets. Those in power should act responsibly instead of getting haughty.

    So the stigmata are an easy way to guess overall power ranking or potential. Kazuya's sister is a benchmark for power, since she could handle 20 with relative ease. If the skank had only two, she was pretty weak. No wonder she compensated with having three linked Limiters...or like the other girl said, maybe it doesn't matter anyway. Ganessa had four I think. Satellizer has six. That should put her on a fair ranking with the average third year then. It could be a match up of her raw power versus their techniques. Though she did know Accel Turn, which she wasn't supposed to. Curious.

    So the biggest question is why Kazuya can use freezing without being paired. Perhaps the stigma material in his body resonates with all the stigma in the pandoras?

    Edit @ Bill: Kazuya isn't supposed to have freezing without a contract at all. It was a surprise to everyone (except maybe him). His is also very strong, it wiped out the freezing the other three limiters had set. The fact he can do it at all is strange enough, that it is so strong is even more unusual.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 01-22-2011 at 08:17 AM. Reason: additional comment and spelling mistakes

  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The humiliation was gripping, and I could only sit there and urge Aoi to hurry the hell up and cast his freezing already.
    Exactly! But we had already seen him do freezing when he caused Satellizer to lose, didn't we? I guess people (like teacher) just didn't pay too much attention to it back then.

    Is the stigma material borrowed from the monsters they are fighting? Genetically adapted to match humans. If so, having high amounts could indeed be risky, like carrying a bomb that could detonate at any time.

  14. #34
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Exactly! But we had already seen him do freezing when he caused Satellizer to lose, didn't we? I guess people (like teacher) just didn't pay too much attention to it back then.
    They were in physical contact that time, and I was really sure that it was a condition that had to be met when I was watching this episode for the unpaired Freezing. It was also why I kinda freaked out when they failed to touch finger tips that time, and really wondered if it'd never happen.

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  15. #35
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 04

    WhyNot - Freezing - 04 Uncensored: Torrent | DDL
    Last edited by Marik; Sat, 01-29-2011 at 06:51 AM. Reason: Added DDL finally....

  16. #36
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Well, setting and scenario are bad. Fights are nice though. Ingrid has a better breast size, I like them better. I do not see much to discuss other than that

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  17. #37
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    Well, setting and scenario are bad. Fights are nice though. Ingrid has a better breast size, I like them better. I do not see much to discuss other than that
    Ingrid's motivation wasn't exactly logical though. Sure, she may want to enforce military ranks, but you've got to notice a bad apple when you see one. Commanders ripping off their troops are just as bad as troops abandoning a good commander. If a Third Year starts a fight, you're by no means obliged to let them finish it. Ah well, for development's sake I'll accept this little flaw.

    Now I really want to see that diary (not really, but if I try to, Sattelizer would go so far as to show us something else instead )

    Despite Satellizer's use of glasses as her on/off switch for seriousness, it's wide-eyed vs stare cute eyes vs I'll-kill-you eyes that really does the trick.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 01-29-2011 at 07:44 AM. Reason: better descriptions

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  18. #38
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I hope we will get the baptism even if the dude doesn't even need it to perform freezing. Not only it could make a nice scene but unless it's simply some threshold thing, it should make Kazuya even stronger. It's also annoying there's nothing solid or formal between them, just an intention to help the other. That leaves things ambiguous and, furthermore, other Pandoras could come hunting for him due to his high level of power.

    No matter how strong Satellizer's hesitation is (even if it's based on a raping incident or whatever those flashbacks refer to), surely she must soon realise she can't go on without a limiter forever. So, why not get the strongest one in that case? Too much tsun for her own good.

  19. #39
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Looks like we will..... from the previews she tells Aoi to come to her room. MmmmMmm.

  20. #40
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 05

    Last edited by Marik; Sun, 02-06-2011 at 02:40 PM.

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