Yes! finally Fire Fist Ace is free and back in action, looks like Darth was right and that really was Mr. 3.
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie
I never expected Ace to get out of those handcuffs, much less Mr.3 to develop some shounen empathy. Also; is it just me, or does Sengoku's power seem kinda... lame. For a (the) fleet admiral, that is. I mean, even Luffy blocked his one-hitter-quitter and wasn't reduced to paste. Granted, it was hardly laboratory conditions, but I expected a far more imba power from Sengoku. Oh well. Still can't wait for the next ep.
Oh there is gonna be such a beat down next week. Now the Whitebeards have a Logia too.
Mr. 3 is just pulling all the saves in this arc! Though I still have to wonder, if Luffy hadn't Haki's two episodes ago, was Mr. 3 just planning to execute Axe or what? I thought they'd address that in Mr. 3 rollback there, but they didn't.
Anyway, all that's left now is for Whitebeard to perform a Heroic Sacrifice so everyone can get away and for Ace to become one of the Emperors.
I thought it was a pretty lame power also, but then you remember he and Garp were considered about equal and Garp doesn't even HAVE a power. I'm guessing most of Sengoku's strength doesn't come from his fruit.
Didn't you know? Only old people die in shounen anime.
I kinda imagine as far as Mr. 3's situation goes... he wanted to get himself to the scaffold, but he didn't really have a plan of what to do once he got up there, so he was kinda forced into just playing it by ear. Obviously Mr. 3 wouldn't have been capable of freeing Ace right there in front of Sengoku, and any deviation from instructions would've revealed him, too.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I can imagine him using his candle stuff to block the attack on Ace or stabbing/attacking/inmobilizing the other guard instead of attacking Ace, that way, even if Mr. 3 doesn`t saves Ace, they would have to get more guards and dress them up, thus, giving the pirates some more time.
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie
Finally! I was more than tired of watching Luffy running to the platform. It started to seriously look like some dimensional warp fruit user was keeping him from reaching it.
It's relieving to see Ace finally freed, but I gotta ask, why didn't the Admirals stop them? One was slightly busy with WB, but still, he could have stopped it pretty easily alone, let alone with the other two's help.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
One Piece recently has many holes like that and you can argue and speculate ten pages about such matters, which people like Darth Ender, UChessmaster or whoever would without a doubt do. But in the end there's really not much to argue. I mean, those episodes been awesome and all, but you can even expect a shonen to get basic stuff like this right. Even if you have to resort to invisible walls, that'd still be better than half of the strong combatants idling the majority of the time for no good reason whatsoever (not showing apparent battles is not an excuse, you have to at least give the viewer a clue why they aren't doing much or what exactly they're doing - I can imagine alot without proper indications, but that doesn't make the plot any better).
But well, be happy with what you got and learn from it. I'm currently into writing a story myself and watching anime like One Piece really already helped me avoiding major mistakes that'd make the whole world concept break apart. One Piece diehards just ignore logical holes like this by default, so better don't try to get into a discussion about such "trivial" matters. You'll be flamed and hated and then ignored.
Last edited by Endrance; Mon, 12-27-2010 at 10:12 PM.
Well, like Kraco said, Akainu and Aiokiji don't teleport so one presumes they simply weren't close enough.
Also, they could have simply assumed that without a key, the only thing Luffy could do up there is get his ass kicked by Sengoku.
Wow. Way to be one giant, unprovoked dick.
Last edited by DarthEnderX; Tue, 12-28-2010 at 11:50 AM.
This is exactly it.
The anime has dragged out events in this war to make it seem like the admirals have been sitting around and doing nothing. In the manga, things were happening very quickly and simultaneously. For the most part, the admirals were busy with the higher squad captains and Whitebeard. Kizaru and Mihawk both made an attempt to stop Luffy's final charge but were blocked, and Garp's ineffectiveness is understandable. The only person I can't really defend is Sengoku. He should have done better.
This pace also makes it seem like Whitebeard has been standing still for long stretches . In the manga, he seemed most instrumental in holding up the admirals, engaging all 3 of them at different stages of the battle.
Last edited by Splash!; Sat, 01-01-2011 at 02:58 AM.
Yeah, the fights flow could`ve been a million times better and less erratic in the anime, several stuff got skipped on the manga and i was hoping they would show it as a way to increase the length of the fight instead of this boring... thing they`re doing.
Oh, don`t mind him, he`s just butthurt because we didn`t flamed the shit out of Bleach Back then.
Last edited by UChessmaster; Sat, 01-01-2011 at 04:38 PM.
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie
As far as I can see, Kizaru is the only admiral that could instantly reach a far away place. Ice and lava dudes would both need to simply run that incredibly long distance that took Luffy several episodes to cross. And Kizaru just happened to be the slightly busy one.
Besides, I don't think they expected the mastermind of the whole ambush to be so ineffective at stopping one half-dead pirate.
They don't interfere because the pacing has been dragged out alot compared to the Manga, where these events flowed much much faster than they have here. Additionally, everything that is happening in the war isn't always being show on scene. Like for example, what ever happened to Crocodile and Don Flamingo's fight? Obviously they did fight each other, but they simply chose to not show it. Same can be said about alot of stuff potentially going on. You never know who/what could have been holding up the Admirals, or if they would have even had a chance to interfere.
Absolutely agree with the above. They handled the pacing incredibly poorly in the anime.
The manga did these scenes just about perfectly with Whitebeard just being epic versus the admirals.
In these episodes, it looks like he just literally stands in one place until he has to move after a couple episodes, then stands there, and so on.
Yeah, that`s cute, just what i thought you would say.
Apparently you do since took the time to hit me with a wall-o-text.Originally Posted by Endrance
No and i`ve no idea what a can of "ice water" is supposed to do, so i`ll pass on that too.Originally Posted by Endrance
I got that idea from the post i quoted and the one where you call me out.Originally Posted by Endrance
Originally Posted by EndranceOh the irony.Originally Posted by Endrance
I`m done with the Off topic, please, continue to enlighten us with your walls and brilliant remarks comparable only to the finest Shakespearean writing.
Again, you can have the last word .
Last edited by UChessmaster; Thu, 01-06-2011 at 07:50 PM.
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie
To be honest, the only thing that really bothers me about this arc is how many deaths the whitebeard crew is willing to sacrifice just to prevent Ace's execution.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I don't think anyone has actually died so far.
I mean, sure, you get a ton of people getting thrown through the air by explosions and whatnot. know...Pell.
I doubt Oars is even dead and he's clearly taken the worst beating.
Oh...and that marine Akainu melted. That guy is totally dead.
Same. I'm a pure anime watcher(or at least, don't read manga chapters till after they've appeared in the anime), and the only times this arc feels like it's dragged is during Hancock and Buggy scenes.
I just don't understand the attitude that if they aren't specifically showing what a character is doing at every given second, then that character must be standing around doing nothing. It's like they have no concept of what a swirling melee is.
I like how the guy who attacked a bunch of board members about a topic nobody was even discussing is calling other people trolls.
Last edited by DarthEnderX; Fri, 01-07-2011 at 12:00 AM.