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Thread: Game: Mass Effect 3

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  1. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Aug 2007

    Oh please don't pretend now that you knew what was going on, you chose destroy because you believed it would destroy them...guess what, it didn't; you chose destroy because you believed it would be acceptable to sacrifice the geth and EDI (even though she's not synthetic life). Believing and choosing control is just as much as a valid decision if you believed and chose destroy.
    pretty much this

    I went for red for only one reason: revenge.
    if it turns out to be the right/paragon endingg, then even better

    I didn't want to control them, for what reason would I want to control them, if I can wipe them out...especially since I have to give up everything else, I didn't want that
    I wanted to be with Garrus, Tali and Liara even more. (man that last conversation with garrus, brings back a tear into my eye)
    but killing the geth in the process made me feel guilty as fuck.

    however, it never came into my mind that everything is just a dream when I stood infront of the device.
    the only 2 things which were extremely fishy to me were

    Anderson on the Citadel:
    How did he get there, what the... he was not there..., how did he manage to reach the console before me, there was only a single way to reach that damn thing!

    but I was like.. "meh poor writing"


    Child-holo= Device
    Why does it look like a random dead kid on Earth.. did it read my mind and manifested as something I know/knew?

    and I don't believe anyone who says that they came up with the indoctrination theory themselves :P
    (it's probably not even true in the first place)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 03-24-2012 at 07:18 AM.

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