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Thread: Game: Mass Effect 3

  1. #61
    Finished the game in 39 hours with everything done, and around 6000 EMS. Endings sucked, OST was good. Favorite has to be Leaving Earth

  2. #62
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Yeah, I couldn't complete the Hanar-quest either

    I may have found another bug but it's minor, finding someone on Citadel who needs turret parts I found on mission.
    what do you mean?
    you can't find him? or the parts?

    the guy is @ commons and for the parts...well I can't remember.

    Endings sucked
    the only problem I had with the ending was the normandy part.
    and the green ending in general (doesn't make sense... at all)
    thanks god that I chose the orange one as my first, got both "secret" (if you want to call them that) endings because of that too.

  3. #63
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Yeah, I couldn't complete the Hanar-quest either

    what do you mean?
    you can't find him? or the parts?

    the guy is @ commons and for the parts...well I can't remember.
    I found out you have to wait until after another major event before you can complete the turret parts mission. That same major event clears the Hanar diplomat mission from your queue. Later, there's another "find the terminal" mission... not sure if that one is not completable if you leave the Citadel like with the Hanar diplomat mission, so I finished it before leaving the Citadel.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  4. #64
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    For those of you that has finished the game, and/or are aware of the reaction most people had to it, this might be an interesting read.

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  5. #65
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    not sure if want
    even though the normandy part during the end-cinematic is totally retarted, I liked the orange/blue ending

    would love to get additional explanations about the reapers though, I still don't know who or what created them.
    and it's extremely weird that they themselves are AIs....if you consider their purpose.
    by their own logic, they too, are bound to rebel against their creators.

  6. #66
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I thought the green ending was awesome, i'm just sayin.

  7. #67
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    the green one doesn't make sense in my book
    its extremely far fetched, pure fantasy, thus unrealistic (yeah I said it...) and poorly explained.

    if they are going to change the ending, I wouldn't mind if they go for the indoctrination theory.
    it would bring Harbringer back into the game, which I always thought as shepards archenemy.

  8. #68
    Ending Parody video. So, yhea, if you havent guessed: SPOILERS.

  9. #69
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Everyone who has beaten the game should watch this

    I do really, really hope they intended all of it and are going to make it a little more obvious for the player. It would be enough to get the explanations *after* you made your decision (blue/red/green).
    The way it is now, is simply not enough

    that little video, made by a fan, is so much more intense than everything you encounter story wise in the game.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 03-22-2012 at 06:44 AM.

  10. #70
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Everyone who has beaten the game should watch this

    I do really, really hope they intended all of it and are going to make it a little more obvious for the player. It would be enough to get the explanations *after* you made your decision (blue/red/green).
    The way it is now, is simply not enough

    that little video, made by a fan, is so much more intense than everything you encounter story wise in the game.
    Around 40% of that made sense, the rest reads like a conspiracy theorist's wet dream.

    I considered the hypothesis of it all being in his head simply because of the dreams and the catalyst's avatar, the boy only Shepard could see. That said... i dunno, it's hard to tell if they're going somewhere with this or if it's just pretentious ambiguity.

  11. #71
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    That video is stupid long, I didn't even bother watching the first 10 seconds; watch this one instead:

  12. #72
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow View Post
    That video is stupid long
    but a lot better enacted and explained than that short one.
    and its missing a lot of stuff too.

    wouldn't mind having that 25minute video rolling on my screen after the credits (without the text below it of course)

  13. #73
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    the video is good, but I feel the 7 minute one conveys the exact same message; especially for people with short attention spans.

  14. #74
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    If people have managed to play through 3 ME games (maybe even multiple play-troughs) and get the ending they did i think they can get trough 21 minutes of awesomeness that gives you an speculated version of what was really happening. One that will make you satisfied with the ending you got if it turns out to be true.

    BTW this means my Shepard lost to the indoctrination >_<. I might have to replay the ending and choose the "red" ending instead :P

  15. #75
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Warning: Vague Spoilers
    (Sooner or later we should be able to discuss it openly though.)

    It was pretty obvious which color you were meant to pick. Even before I heard the Indoctrination theories, everything just seemed off about what was implied by the Catalyst. It was too cut and dry, too concise, too simple. Plus, I didn't spend the last 117 hours so I could make peace with the Reapers.

    Sure I felt a little bad, but this was the only way to "win." The reward of the extra little scene aside from the Stargazer was worth it.

    Screw the cycle, embrace chaos. It's that unpredictability that made Shepard successful in all previous endeavors. The drive to not simply follow what you are told, that what others tell you is always true, it is this that got Shepard promoted to Spectre in the first place! Otherwise everyone would have continued to believe Saren. If you picked any other ending besides Red, you were spitting in the face of your own Shepard.

  16. #76
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    No not really. I don't like to play games with others lives as the stakes. In this case the Geth and any synthetic would die. If the Geth had been evil i could have made en exception but as it turned out they where not. It was not my right to end the Reapers at the cost of dooming the Geth (and anyone else that was synthetic including all the people that was full on implants of different kinds because of medical procedures). So my Shepard chose to control the Reapers instead and send them to the edge of dark space to never return.

    At my choice if Legion would upload the Reaper code to the Geth to give them true intelligence i chose to let him do it. I prepared myself for the fact that it might end the Quarians. After all it was the Quarians that was the aggressors. Even when you went there to help them so they could back off, they still attacked. So if they got wiped out it was their own fault. But since i was a "Godly Paragon of Peace" i was able to stop them from attacking ^^. But i didn't do all that just so i could sacrifice them to end the Reapers.

    But since i think like that I guess the Reapers managed to indoctrinate me good O_o

  17. #77
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Warning: Vague Spoilers
    (Sooner or later we should be able to discuss it openly though.)
    If you picked any other ending besides Red, you were spitting in the face of your own Shepard.
    Warning: Vague Spoilers

    so you were spitting on the geth and EDI then... and maybe on yourself too.

    I made my shepard work hard to make others believe that these machines have "souls" and a right to *live*, but in the end, I've forsaken them and wiped them out... at least thats what the end sequence shows me (whether it actually happened or not is uncertain)

    in general the catalys tells you this:

    You destroy synthetics, you won't die (he doesn't mention it though, but he doesn't deny it either)
    Reapers are dead and can't "save" the organics anymore

    you sacrifice yourself, you become the new "commander" of the reapers, always able to intervene if you want to... you'll die though, you'll turn into a ghostly being.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Fri, 03-23-2012 at 11:38 AM.

  18. #78
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Warning: Spoilers
    (not vague ones!)

    ...and you believed them? That's downright shameful. It's as equally likely that the Shepard-Ghost will get corrupted, just as Illusive Man did. To think that one existence can control a force as insidious as the Reapers is the pinnacle of hubris, and you fell for it. Just watch it. You look like you're getting turned into a husk.

    As for who you lose in choosing the Red ending, I've made plenty of sacrifices throughout the trilogy, ones that I certainly didn't want to do. What's one more group for the sake of trillions?

    ME3 is an entire game of hard choices. I already had to let the Quarians all die for their aggressions, despite my best efforts. I replayed that whole section just to see what I had done wrong, couldn't change it. Sacrificing the Geth for everyone else wasn't that hard, because Legion was already dead. It's hard to sympathize with the other Geth. EDI was a regrettable loss, but this game showed us plenty of times that you can't save everyone.

  19. #79
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Oh please don't pretend now that you knew what was going on, you chose destroy because you believed it would destroy them...guess what, it didn't; you chose destroy because you believed it would be acceptable to sacrifice the geth and EDI (even though she's not synthetic life). Believing and choosing control is just as much as a valid decision if you believed and chose destroy.
    Synthesis however is arguably even worse than the worst (4th) ending and everyone who chose that has betrayed everything shepard fought for.

    You never cared for legion or what the geth had become, so ofcourse you chose destroy ending; everyone else that valued the geth as much or more than the quarians and believed in saving as many lives as possible and peaceful solutions (paragon shepard) however, couldn't possibly choose to throw them away, unless they were completely aware of what was going on...which you weren't, don't lie, we discussed this ;P.

    So yeah cool that your complete emotional detachment from legion/geth made you indifferent to their supposed deaths, but basing your final choice on that (which you did), doesn't make it any more valid than the people who chose control.

  20. #80
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow View Post
    Oh please don't pretend now that you knew what was going on, you chose destroy because you believed it would destroy them...guess what, it didn't; you chose destroy because you believed it would be acceptable to sacrifice the geth and EDI (even though she's not synthetic life). Believing and choosing control is just as much as a valid decision if you believed and chose destroy.
    Synthesis however is arguably even worse than the worst (4th) ending and everyone who chose that has betrayed everything shepard fought for.
    It's a perfectly cromulent argument. The catalyst doesn't want you to choose Destroy. It's very dismissive of that option, making the implication that the chaos that would come would be somehow worse than the chaos the Reaper presence has been causing ever since Saren found I'm going to believe something that is proud that it created the Reaper Cycle. Of course it doesn't want me to destroy its creations, it believed that the Reapers were the only solution.

    It is the least trustworthy source.

    I cared for Legion, just not as much as you did. I liked EDI too, like I said, that one I felt bad about (until I saw Joker flying the Normandy in a ME field, fleeing Earth at top speed...then I didn't feel so guilty). That means he wasn't killing Reapers in orbit like he said he would be doing!

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