mangastream / binktopia
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thanks for the upload
So basically a mysterious new group pops out of nowhere to recruit Ichigo... maybe they all have getsu zanpakutōs and are his kin?
Lol at the pokéball.
I like where this is going though.
This chapter reminds me of a certain anime filler... three characters.
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
I hope these three aren't useless like the Vaizards. Teach Ichigo a new trick then get whopped when the battle starts >.>
it's not that Isshin and Uruhara are mysterious, it's more that Ichigo has no curiosity what so ever about anything. it's amazing how he gets through life like that...
also, he should ask Ishida, he already knows that Ishida is working with Uruhara, maybe he can spare some info about Karin?
where's Chad, anyway?
sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.
You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.
Thought filler was meant for the anime only?
Why can't he just...end it and start up a new project?