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Well things just got a lot more interesting. About time Kubo played the Isshin backstory card. Although think it's kind of silly that after the stupid entire Arrancar arc and all that stuff with Aizen that Ichigo wouldn't want to get some answers from his dad especially after a year had passed.
Is that ichigos mom?
5 pages wasted on ramen, i loled
Aw, no ramen dog fight? Seems like Karin is training with Urahara these past years.
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
Actually this wasn't shit. Nice surprise. Might be better to do a semi-reboot and forget about the last arc.
Well i'm going to be a complete deviant here and actually try to discuss Bleach without Kubo bashing, as i still enjoy the Manga. I'm a simple guy and sometimes a story about Sword wielding Deathgods and soul eating monsters, doesn't need to be perfect in every detail for me to enjoy reading it.
</end Disclaimer>
It seems to me that Ichigo and his father might have similar type Zapakto. Use of the final form of the zampakto will effectively destroy their shinigami powers for some time. Ishin only got his powers back at the start of the Arrancar arc. I was expecting the time leap after the last arc be be a few years, but Ichigo may appear to get his powers back much faster then his father.
so this new customer wants Ichigo to find out the real story behind his father? well we know that Ishin has captain level reiatsu, and he appears to wear a captains cloak. its safe enough to assume that Ishin was a captain in the Gotei 13. I'm going to make a wild intuitive leap and call it, that Ishin was captain of 5th Squad before Aizen, during Urahara's time.
We also get a flash of Karin associating with Urahara now. if she's training with Urahara its quite possible that she will undergo hollowfication in the Pit similar to Ichigo.
I agree with what he said ^.
Saved me time. heh
Ichigo is an idiot. seriously, a mysterious starnger approches you and asks for informatio about your dad and you volunteer to give it? why not try snooping and may figuring out why he's so interested in your old man?
It's been so long since Ichigo had to face a mental problem that I can't say if this is out of character for him or not.
next, the topic of Isshin's powers. I'm not completely sure that he really lost them at all, we don't have much going for that. I'd rather think he was simply hiding himself, or something.
if he did lost them, then it probably was something else this final getsuga. in the first chapter, Ichigo met rukia before gaining powers of his own (and thereby unlocking Isshins) and Isshin could still sense her in the room.
it's too complicated for me.. if Karin is training as a shinigami, then her powers should have already unlocked Ichigo's (unless Uruhara is waiting with her and avoids moving to the level of Shikai\Bankai on purpose). mega fuck this shit. Isshin didn't lose the spirit sensing abilities, why did Ichigo lose his?
my guess is that the new guy is here to kill Isshin, because he quit the shinigami force without being promoted to Zerosquad or going into spirit prison. they just remembered his existence now. and of course, this single guy is stronger than the entire gotei captains, or what not.
it's not a good chapter, as far as I'm concerned, just plain boring.
now; kubo bashing.
same as last week.
newfuck comes and says "check this out dawg! I want you to find information about this motherfucker!1". and Ichigo\reader answers "I know his name, he's been here since the first chapter, he even had a part in the action two months ago". so kubo says "YOU DONT KNOW SHIT! EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT NOW!"
really, would it kill kubo to draw another person in that picture of isshin? then, instead of bashing him, we would be busy trying to guess the mystery man's identity. and it would give Ichigo a reason to be suspicious of something ("there's a guy in the picture who I don't know... is that the Spirit king? this dude's father? me from the future?")
also, I'll need an explanation as to why newboobs could kick Ichigo's ass last chapter.
sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.
You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.
I don't hate the direction Kubo is going with this. That's the nicest thing I've said in a while about his work.
Just as Aizen planned.
thanks for the chapter
What i cant wrap my head around is that if Ichigos dad was called Isshin Kurosaki, and was a captain in the gotei 13.
Why the hell hasent anyone mentioned that to him anw? Come on someone must have reacted to "Kurosaki", maybe just an inbreed moron who speaks out of terms.
Either way hope Kubo shines some light on what Aizen was talking about earlier"Half human and ......" before getting interrupted.
You're naive to think Kubo will shine light on anything because he, himself, doesn't know; however, in this instance he ruined his own attempt at suspense. I forget what chapter that was, but if you look at the last page where it's mentioned and the first page of the next chapter, you will get your answer.
I think you are referring to where it says half shinigami, half human. But yeah, own goal that one.
It was an editing mistake by Shonen Jump. He was supposed to say "You are the product of a human and ---" both times, obviously.
I can believe Ichigo never went on to ask his dad all the deep backstory of his powers or whatever. Ichigo never seemed terribly interested in the nuts and bolts of all the wacky shit going on in his life and "my dad had similar abilities" seems like enough for him. He even says, when Isshin shows up during the huge Deicide battle, that he has nothing to ask his father. Isshin has basically estranged himself from his family with both the death of their mother and with his big secret. I can see why he never bothered elaborating - it would be a conversation that had to start with "So, about why everything I ever told you about myself is a lie and how I could have done a lot of good if I had come clean sooner".
I don't give a shit about Karin, Tatsuki etc since none of the foreshadowing about the bit players getting relevant combat abilities has ever meant anything and that is all he does with them besides Tatsuki's dyke crush on Orihime. Hell, even the major bit players like Chad and Ishida only get the ability to get the hell beat out of them by 2nd-tier villains and cry about Ichigo saving everything.
The same "mistake" was made on the anime, leaving me fairly confused...
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie
Being half human and half shinigami (if this now is true), does this even bring any explanations to the mystery as to why he has so much power that he has to be the main char (for now).
Makes more sence that it might have been not the words "shinigami" or "human" that were wrongly translated but rather the context they were in.
But seriously being half human and half something else (maybe zanpaktou, freak experiment of the hougyuku, consider it was made roughly 80 years or so before ichigo was born/made) might even explain it a bit further. But i still think these zangetsu/engetsu are something like hyuorinmaru(the ice dragon sword), some powerful entity drawn from fable, lore or maybe even royal blood.
Last edited by Logrus; Tue, 11-23-2010 at 04:55 PM.