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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 185

  1. #1

    Naruto Shippuuden Episode 185

    Episodes out and it has to be one of the worse fillers I've ever seen in the entire series.

    Naruto fights a talking ostrich.

    A talking ostrich that knows ninjutsu for no reason

    Rock Lee boxes with a kangaroo

    And Shino fights an ant eater.

    Sooooo retarded on so many levels.

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I can't believe they could have been serious when making this episode. It was more like failed parody or something. When watched in complete disbelief it... well, it still sucked all the way to the thermosphere.

  3. #3
    I LIKE IT!!

  4. #4
    after watching the first minute and a half and getting the premise of the episode I couldn't believe what I saw and for the first time I closed a naruto filler without forcing myself to watch it. I skimmed through it and cringed. The only good part of this episode was the short at the end with tsunade thinking those 2 ninja were gay.

  5. #5
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
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    I thought this episode was fun as all hell.
    It was action packed, silly, AND exciting. Honestly, what more could you guys want? I'm torn between letting you all know how much fun you must be at parties and posting

    So, I'll do both.
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  6. #6
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah....I barfed a little.

    Two good parts of this episode though were Kotetsu's genre savvy("I'm having flashbacks! That means I'm about to die!") and the clip after the credits.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet View Post
    Naruto fights a talking ostrich.
    A talking ostrich that knows ninjutsu for no reason
    Rock Lee boxes with a kangaroo
    And Shino fights an ant eater.
    Sooooo retarded on so many levels.
    Yeah seriously! I mean, what's next? A giant ass talking frog with a katana that plays a prominent roll throughout the entire series? Ridiculous!

  8. #8
    Most of the talking animals in the series have usually been summoned creatures. I can accept them talking due to their presumed mystical nature, but there is no precedent for non-summoned animals talking at all. I mean look at Tsunande's pig it just grunts and squeals. Which is honestly why I hate the stupid talking ostrich since it goes against the lore already established in the nartoverse unless it is some kind of mystical ninja ostrich

  9. #9
    Was Guy/Lee's turtle summoned? I seem to remember him appearing in a puff of smoke but thinking it was just a ninja smoke bomb not a summoning at the time (way back in the day), but am too lazy to go check.

    So while I was enjoying (if that's the word) the most recent filler, I did happen to think of one reason for these fillers -- the village was destroyed. By showing us a single scene or two of building wrapped around a flashback filler, they can rebuild the village and have it feel like it took time to accomplish, so its not "look, no village" to "rebuilt village" in one episode but is also not a bunch of boring rebuilding eps. Which isn't to say that they couldn't/shouldn't have come up with a better way to do that, but it might be at least a partial reason for the fillers.

  10. #10
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet View Post
    Most of the talking animals in the series have usually been summoned creatures. I can accept them talking due to their presumed mystical nature, but there is no precedent for non-summoned animals talking at all. I mean look at Tsunande's pig it just grunts and squeals. Which is honestly why I hate the stupid talking ostrich since it goes against the lore already established in the nartoverse unless it is some kind of mystical ninja ostrich
    The frogs don't come from another dimension you know. They live on a mountain. It's a real place. The summoning jutsu just teleports them to the user.

    The same could be done with any animal.

    As far as the pig is concerned, Akamaru just barks also, but he's clearly intelligent and capable of performing jutsu. Yet Kiba's mom's dog can totally talk.

    I think the difference between normal animals and ninja animals is really just a matter of training.

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cal_kashi View Post
    I thought this episode was fun as all hell.
    It was action packed, silly, AND exciting. Honestly, what more could you guys want? I'm torn between letting you all know how much fun you must be at parties and posting

    So, I'll do both.

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