After Katanagatari I simply can't see Tenten the same anymore. Before, she was just a good for nothing kunoichi I could ignore (because weapons are totally useless in Naruto unless the ninja wielding them is so good that he/she wouldn't even need weapons in the first place - which Tenten is not), but now that I hear Togame every time she opens her mouth, I don't know what to think of her. It's kind of annoying.
I'm sure something else happened in this episode as well, but I'm equally sure it was nothing worth mentioning.
I feel bad for whoever had to waste their time to draw/animate this episode
I still loled when Sasuke booted Naruto out of his room.
*sigh* I remember when Sasuke was still a cool jerkass instead of a complete shit pile.
guess it was another filler? whats next weeks ep look like?
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It's a filler with a team of Tenten, Neji, and Naruto sent on a mission with Tenten leading the team - because it's supposed to be a nonsense mission. I hope Tenten comes up with a good scheme at least, har har.
I have a feeling that the year has changed before these fillers are over.
Great, a Team Gai episode without the only entertaining member of Team Gai...this'll be great.
I'm watching every +/- first minute of an episode and every +/- last minute. The middle part is crappy filler,
found this
11/04 (184) 「出撃! テンテン班」
[Set Out! Team Tenten]
11/11 (185) 「アニマル番外地」
[Animal No Mans Land]
11/18 (186) 「ああ、青春の漢方丸」
[Ah, Medicinal Pill of Youth]
11/25 (187-188) 「ド根性師弟忍風録」
[Tale of the Gutsy Teacher and Student Ninja]
looks like we'll have at least another month of fillers
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