Apparently, no matter where you grow up, there's always going to be three shitty little bullies.
The new ending is way better than the new opening.
I'm beginning to think we are facing another couple of years of fillers. There's certainly no end in sight for these. And just like last time, they only seem to be getting worse week after week.
The new intro sucks.
And what's up with them financing some good studio's for these filler episodes, yet during the Pain fight....ugh...
i actually like the new opening... hope these fillers end soon though, i've had enough
.................................................. sig made by KitKat ..................................................
the new opening is ok, the ending has the worst animation i've ever seen.
I actually did not watch this episode... after the non-filler stuff I skipped to the end.
The filler flashbacks are getting annoying. They do some current filler episodes. BY current I mean use them as they are now. Naruto with his sage mode, owning all the Ninja by himself. :P
I love the new ED. I actually watched the ED from start to finish. Animation might not be up to people standards but I enjoyed, reminded me of some half live-half animated movie from the 70s lol.
I found the ED quite nice to watch. Even though Naruto is an idiot, he's always willing to train so it suits him.
I think it has some of the most realistic animation they've shown in the series. It looks more like motion-capture of someone doing actual martial arts.
It's like the polar opposite of the Kyuubi vs. Pain animation.
Oh COME ON! Who let the yaoi fangirls direct the new OP video?
This episode felt more like a cheap fanfic than even a flashback.
Opening felt shorter than usual... which is good because it plainly sucks.
Best part was the new ending.
Next episode looks painful.
What do you mean by Cheapen?
I mean they should allow Naruto to pwn all the Ninja without coming up with super powered OMFG I WILL RULE THE WORLD ninja. As it stands now, Naruto far outclasses at least 95 % of the known Ninja. So why make it seem like Naruto is weak now. They should let Naruto build on that and since enemy ninja are weaker, make it seem like they are no match for Naruto and have some fun owning them all.
I for one wouldnt mind a way for Naruto to figure out a way to get Sage mode and Kyuubi to work together for some sort of Kyuubi sage mode combination :P
Don't flame at that idea. Just a thought I had.
I think all series should be limited to 26 episodes that are completed prior to release. Flat out. If they need more time or the series is in great demand, they can complete another 26-run and apply for another season. That'll avoid shit like this. It guarantees they need to pre-complete and put out their best if they expect anyone to watch it and look for more.