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Thread: Oreimo

  1. #61
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    They did show him, he was that quiet guy who helped carrying the supplies

  2. #62
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    My only criticism with this ep is that the whole "sleeping together with Manami" worked because the producers didnt show her dad at all. It´s....acceptable for grandparents to act that way, but a dad shouldnt have allowed it, especially since everyone had their own room set up.
    The clock was hardly past ten when they went to sleep. Chances are the dad was still preparing for the Halloween event. Thus he might never even learn of it because most likely he also gets up before Manami and Kyousuke and is gone by the time they worm out of their little stoic love nest.

  3. #63
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    @Archangel: I know

    @Kraco: Yeah, possibly. Still, the whole situation only worked BECAUSE they left the dad out of the picture :P

  4. #64
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    @Kraco: Yeah, possibly. Still, the whole situation only worked BECAUSE they left the dad out of the picture :P
    Yes, but I don't feel like it was artificial at all, justifying you saying it was only possible because the producers of the show so wanted. Kyousuke is very familiar to the whole family and it most likely didn't even occur to the dad's Halloween event occupied mind that there could be any risks in having him stay over. He went sleeping assuming Kyousuke sleeps in the same quest room he's always slept in and he would have no reason to even imagine Manami sleeping elsewhere than her own room. Manami is the oldest of the two children (assuming they have only two children) and thus we can also assume the grandparents' enthusiastic encouragement would have been a news to the dad as well.

  5. #65
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 07

    Last edited by Marik; Wed, 11-17-2010 at 06:49 PM. Reason: Replaced with v2.

  6. #66
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    not much to say here. only that I really dont like super-perfect people like Kirino. So now she´s capable of writing novels professional enough that someone considers publishing it? Ew...

    Makes me appreciate Bakuman a bit more, where even though the heroes proceeded a bit fast, they have only one area that they excel at.

  7. #67
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, although I'm not sure that was the whole truth of it so I'm not yet so worried. But if they go down that road... Well, after seeing the clips of the Merumeru (or whatever it was) anime, I could be said that the standards of the world depicted in the series are quite low anyway.

  8. #68
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Kirino's writing style was obviously a low-level fanfiction. And I don't know how doujinshi get published... but the publishing sounded like a scam anyways. People probably browse through fanfiction and chose random victims and tell them they can publish... and end up charging them for a set of books nobody is going to buy.

  9. #69
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, that's what I initially thought as well, although combined with the fact there could be more nefarious scamming going on as well if the "publisher" learned her real name and the fact she's a model.

  10. #70
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    This episode was pretty boring overall. Big disappointment after the last few.

    The only thing that really stood out was Kirino accidentally admitting she likes her brother to his face. Though...we can't really be sure exactly how much of a lie that was considering her little acting scene with the bucket of water. She was very insistent he buy her something, and was displaying them happily after the hotel.

    To be honest, the phone call from Manami did more for me. I don't know why, but she's so innocent sounding despite everything we've seen (the lap pillow, the not-really-objecting to the barbs from her grandparents) and I find it rather irresistible. To constrast, incest does nothing for me.

    Concerning the novel, I think it will be a scam, or at least some kind of self-publishing (author paying for every copy printed). Kirino's dedication on their little date was commendable, but it would feel wrong if this series started going in this direction so soon. Like MFauli said, it wouldn't be fun if she was perfect at everything.

  11. #71
    It does sound shady, indeed. I actually liked how Kirino and Kuroneko mirrored each other in their argument of flaws in their respective novels.
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  12. #72
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  13. #73
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    ... what's with that tracker?

  14. #74
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Deepbone is their tracker. I like to link straight to it instead of going through Their site goes down a lot.

  15. #75
    This episode was kinda frustrating to watch.

  16. #76
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    This episode was kinda frustrating to watch.

    Kuroneko and Kyousuke did express their secret hatred toward Kirino, where everything always seems to go right for her, but Kuroneko likes her as a friend/rival and Kyousuke does like her as a what was the whole point of that part of his speech anyway?

    These past two episodes have turned me off of this series a lot. It is ridiculous that she goes from writing a terrible cell phone novel into not only getting published, but getting an anime with minimal to no changes despite the production being ultra-short notice.

    I can't help but compare this part of the series to Doujin Work, where a girl gets into that business to make money, only she sucks at art and writing. As the series progresses...she still sucks at art and writing. Here, Kirino gets one bit of criticism from her friend about how crappy her novel was, and suddenly her next one is not only published, but also a bestseller? WTF.

    I liked that this series started in relative realism, even going into the attitudes of the average person against anime and otaku culture, and these last two episodes it just completely reversed everything it accomplished and became ludicrous.

    If Kirino thinks she can get away with only more more "life-counseling" session, then that is exactly how Kyousuke should treat her. He should go off and marry Minami, and then the next time that Kirino needs his help, he should refuse until she begs, crying.

    He's been helping her all this time, taken in all the conflict she might have faced, and now has nothing to show for it. He's gotten beaten up by their father, twice, is loathed by her normal friends, and now has thrown away his dignity doing a dogeza in front of anime producers. To show for it, he's on friendly terms with Saori and Kuroneko. Kirino is back to being a bitch again because everything has gone so well for her.

    She hasn't faced any conflict since the first episode and a little bit with Ayase, whom we haven't seen since. Kyousuke's taken in all the rest, and took the majority of the blame with Ayase. Now she's back to thinking she's super wonderful and that most of the success she's recently gotten is mostly due to her own efforts. Not blind luck and a lot of help from her brother and friends.

    Ugh, really frustrating.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 11-22-2010 at 05:23 AM.

  17. #77
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm thinking that this will go back and bite Kirino in the ass, or at least I'm hoping so. Kyousuke needs to get something for all his troubles.

    Still, being liked (even as a possible brother candidate) by a kuudere goth loli is more than enough reward for me. Too bad Kyousuke likes "perfect" tsunderes, the fool.

    Kuroneko is so awesome this episode.
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  18. #78
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    okay, this episode has ruined the show for me. will continue watching for non-Kirino scenes, though.

    Seriously, this is beyond ridiculous. Not only that she is writing novels. That novel becomes a beststeller. And just like that she´s offered her FUCKING OWN ANIME! I laughed out loud when that happened. That crap continues then by Kirino getting totally depressed JUST because her anime is slightly altered. Yeah, i would be totally sad when someone just told me my very own anime show!!! And even that wasnt enough. All these studio officials that have nothing better to do than holding meetings with a little fanfic-writing girl. And then these people give in to an emotional speech of a brother instead of going with their rational business decisions. WAH!

    Kirino has now become one of my most hated anime-characters ever. I dont know if she is what would be called "Tsundere", but when I think back at Tsunderes like Taiga they had some redeeming features. Kirino is just a selfish, self-centered girl that gets anything she wants and is perfect at anything she attempts to do. There´s no room for sympathy. She´s the worst kind of person, sigh.

    Damn, I´ll never again complain about Bakuman and its characters making progress in the manga-business too fast. It´s all over the place in Oreimo...

    Edit: ah, im glad to see Im not alone with these sentiments

  19. #79
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'll just pretend this episode never happened. Well, it only half happened for me anyway since I stopped watching in the middle of it. In the beginning I was just waiting for the scene where Kirono wakes up from a dream, but then when I realised this was just an insult to all real authors out there, I stopped watching. If this had been actually a funny comedic episode, it would have been another story, but there was no humour included, only the complete disbelief inducing sad plot.

    I hope the story goes back to basics in the next episode.

  20. #80
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    the annoying thing for me was Kyōsuke(!) and not Kirino
    his move was really pointless and pathetic.
    hell, what did he even think he could do with such a weak preformance and the worst ithing is that it actually worked out
    not to mention he just realized how much he *HATES* his sister and still does all that shit for her, thats such a hard contrast that this episode was really really hard to believe.
    the only reason I didn't start to rage was Kuroneko...

    the most amusing thing however is even though Kuroneko said what she had to say (god bless her), the studio is still going to produce that shit.

    We might lose hundred thousands of $$$$ but hey, didnt he beg nicely? he got on his knees didn't u see that? we must hear him out, lets do as he says!

    thats just amazing haha... oh gawd.
    yeah.. Kirino is the smallest problem in this episode

    at first I was like
    "YES! The studio will kick ass by showing how things work in the *real* world"... "WOAH even my favorite Charakter in this series (Kuroneko) says really nice things" and then one despicable pleading later.... huff
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 11-22-2010 at 03:41 PM.

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