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Thread: Oreimo

  1. #21
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I really like how the episode was leaked one day early from the crappy ANN servers.

    Oreimo Episode 2 Leaked 1 Day Before Japanese Debut (Updated)

  2. #22
    You people are making it sound like he's giving up his freedom and all his time by helping her. All he did was finish an eroge, and go to Akibahara with her so far. Do you people not have siblings? Do you not spend time with them at all? If you think that's demanding you must really not get along with your siblings at all.

  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Like I said in my previous post, if it stopped here, I'd admit it's not out of question because Kyousuke clearly pitied his sister for not having any friends to talk with about the stuff she secretly likes. However, I very much doubt he will drop it here. He will keep playing the games against his will till the end of the show and catering to his sister's selfish needs also otherwise. Like a real siscon.

    But since this is a siscon series, who cares? I'm only saying it's not realistically normal behavior in my opinion, but this is an anime, not real life simulation.

  4. #24
    You're using the term siscon wrong. Kyousuke is not a siscon. He's just a normal older brother. Labelling this as a siscon series is even weirder considering so far we have seen nothing alluding to the fact. Just because the series is about someone's little sister doesn't make it so.

    Not to mention their interaction so far is absurdly normal besides all the otaku related stuff. I'd say it's pretty realistic. And I don't think he's playing the game's against his will, he's just indifferent to it. He's got a pretty indifferent outlook on life in general.

  5. #25
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Granted, I don't have a little sister of my own and I never lived a phase of life without any hobbies or interests of my own, so maybe you are right. For a completely empty person this could be realistic. After all, you have to do something to fill 24 hours every day. If you've got nothing else, serving your sister could be an efficient choice.

  6. #26
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I dont have a sister, either, "just" two younger brothers, but I still think the problem is not what Kyousuke´s doing, it is what he´s doing it instead of...which so far seems to be...nothing, lol.

    And he´s definitely a siscon. Granted, maybe I´d be a siscon, too, if I had a cute sister :P But the way he keeps getting involved with her, right after we were shown how bad their relationship actually is...well...

  7. #27
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It's exactly because they had such a bad relationship that he's trying to get more involved now. Honestly, i don't see where you people are seeing anything more than a concerned brother.

  8. #28
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 03

    Last edited by Marik; Sun, 10-17-2010 at 09:06 PM.

  9. #29
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    lol, another messed up family in this show
    Wtf @ direct fist punch into his face!

    And his dramatic speech to his dad was completely unnecessary when he later lied about owning the stuff anyway.

  10. #30
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It was a surprising turn that their parents found out this early, and also pleasant that the issue was not that she liked anime as much as she had an ero-game. That roots this series a bit in my eyes, and like Kyousuke said, a perfectly sound argument from his father. The speech was still necessary, otherwise the father would have thrown everything away. The only thing that saved the whole scheme was the fact that Kirino owns the only computer in the house (and secretly owns a laptop). That was the only way the, "They're mine!" statement worked.

    I can't help but see the two otaku girls as Kirino's real friends and the other ones from school just for show now. I'd like if the did an episode where she either hangs out with her model friends, or that she ignores her otaku friends while she's hanging out with the other models. It's one thing if she legitimately likes both groups, but the "normal" girls are starting to suspect she has something going on, which of course they think boyfriend. I'll be a little disappointed if they just leave that sort of thing hanging.

    I also wouldn't be surprised if the father is keeping tabs on Kyousuke to make sure he doesn't give the ero-games to Kirino. That would be the responsible thing. Kyousuke's made the sacrifice of being viewed as even more of a waste than he already is, so their father should reasonably be keeping that kind of "corrupting influence" from his daughter.

    It also seems that Kyousuke does have a bit of a life of his own. Hanging out with his little girlfriend. It's mostly one-sided by the look of things, and there is still the risk that he's going to become a siscon, or he might even fall for Saori for all we know. But he does seem to hang out with her.

  11. #31
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    The brother is doing pretty well for himself, he's got a girl who he's close to enough to make late night calls before bed and then a sister for his sinful lust lol

  12. #32
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I thought the father was going to punch Kyosuke earlier, specially when he said he would kick his ass in his face.

    Their mother seems a bit more understanding.

    Kirino is just too cute...

  13. #33
    The father might be understandable on certain topics, but he's pretty damn stubborn. I wonder what happened to him that caused him to change this much?
    I am training in the shadows.
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  14. #34
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nadouku View Post
    I wonder what happened to him that caused him to change this much?
    He has a dark past of experiencing the hot incest with a younger sister himself, he knows what its like, and wants to spare his children the suffering that comes with it.

    Just joking

  15. #35
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    The speech was still necessary, otherwise the father would have thrown everything away.
    A more cautious person wouldn't have gone so all out with the speech, though. But maybe Kyousuke shares his parents' opinion that he's no good and thus decided to turn the reactor to 120% when less would have likely sufficed, having no reputation to lose.

    First of all, the fact the parents didn't know anything indicates they haven't a habit of checking the kids' rooms. So, even if Kyousuke had said he's just checking what such games are all about and not declared himself a full hentai otaku, the old man might have been pacified. In fact it would have better explained why Kirino was carrying it - that is, her evil older brother didn't want to buy it himself but forced her to, while she was anyway browsing for anime goods.

  16. #36

  17. #37
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I have to admit, after this episode, I really have no idea where this series is going with its characters (which of course is a great thing).

    First off, we have Saori again. There is the frequently noted shift in her online persona and the one she presents in person and over the phone. More mysterious though, is that they very deliberately didn't show her face over the phone. Combine this with the super high-end brand make-up box and we get...what exactly? Does she clean up exceedingly pretty? Is she really into cosplay? As tall as she is, she might secretly be a model. She's shown having a boyish figure, but a lot of that could be the clothes. The shirt is hideous and tucked-in to hide any potential slender waist, but she's by no means flat.

    She's also getting pretty friendly with Kyousuke. Secret phone conferences, hanging close to him while Kirino and Kuroneko have their friendly rival spats, etc.

    Then we have Ayase. Her secret will be revealed next time, explaining whatever reason she had to be at Comiket, and the title is certainly hinting at some "odd" hobby, but the stranger thing was her reaction to Kyousuke. She was also getting pretty close to him for it being their first meeting.

    Ayase taking a good long look at him on the couch, then defending him while his sister played her little hate-filled act in front of her friends, and then sought out a reason for his behavior grabbing the box. Capping it all off, she seemed undeterred to learn more about him, and got his phone number.

    The problem is that it totally isn't clear what her goal in all this is. Ayase might be snuggling up to Kyousuke because she somehow fell in love at first sight, or she might have been getting closer to him as a way to later sneak out information on Kirino's secret. Nothing nefarious about it, I do think if that is the case she just wants to know more about her friend. But with her appearing at Comiket, it might be that she suspected Kirino was into otaku hobbies, and was seeking confirmation through Kyousuke. That way, if Kirino is a bit of an otaku too, Ayase would be able to "come out" to her friend without fear of the same social reprisals that Kirino is terrified of facing.

    So what's the truth? Is a harem blossoming around Kyousuke, or is it simply a number of coincidences because he's essentially Kirino's backup, chaperone/guardian, and manager?

    On a final note, I really enjoy this hateful/grateful dichotomy to Kyousuke and Kirino's relationship. It is subtle variation on the flood of tsundere girls the past few years, and comes off very natural for siblings.

  18. #38
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Inb4 harem ending is all i took from this episode

  19. #39
    Kyōsuke could have handled the box situation better but I don't blame him since he was in a hurry to get those "goodies" away from Kirino's friends.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  20. #40
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Then we have Ayase. Her secret will be revealed next time, explaining whatever reason she had to be at Comiket, and the title is certainly hinting at some "odd" hobby, but the stranger thing was her reaction to Kyousuke. She was also getting pretty close to him for it being their first meeting.
    About the title for next episode... did it had questions marks? I only saw four blocks with questions marks, so I don't know if that was on purpose or if I am missing a certain font.

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