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Thread: Oreimo

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Alternative titles:
    Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
    My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute

    Type: TV
    Episodes: 12
    Producers: Aniplex, AIC Build
    Source: Light Novel
    Genres: Comedy, Drama, Seinen
    Trailer: 1080p

    Synopsis: Kyousuke Kousaka, a normal seventeen-year-old high school student, hasn’t gotten along with his younger sister, Kirino, in years. For longer than he can remember, Kirino has ignored his comings and goings and looked at him with spurning eyes. It seemed as if the relationship between Kyousuke and his sister, now fourteen, would continue this way forever.

    One day, however, Kyousuke finds a DVD case of a magical girl anime entitled Hoshikuzu Witch Merle (Stardust Witch Merle), which had fallen into the entranceway of his house. To Kyousuke’s surprise, inside the case is a hidden adult video game titled Imouto to Koishiyo! (Love with Little Sister!). Kyousuke attempts to fish out the culprit who dropped the case by bringing up the topic of magical girl anime at the family dinner table. All that comes out is a strong negative reaction from his parents, especially his anti-otaku policeman father.

    That night, Kirino bursts into Kyousuke’s room and, in perhaps the first conversation she has initiated with him in years, says they “have things to talk about.” Kirino brings Kyousuke to her room and shows him an extensive collection of moe anime and lolicon bishoujo games she has been collecting in secret.

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    [Mazui] Ore No Imouto - 01 [9C50F426].mkv
    [Mazui] Ore No Imouto - 01 [XviD] [1ED82106].avi

    [Himatsubushi] Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai - 01 [5A8FC484].mkv
    Last edited by Marik; Sun, 10-03-2010 at 10:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    are there any non-school student non-moe non-harem non-loli shows this seasons?

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    are there any non-school student non-moe non-harem non-loli shows this seasons?
    Iron Man? (I haven't watched it, so if there are in fact school girl characters apparent in it, my bad :x)

    that Super Robot Wars one?

    Psychic Detective Yakumo oh no wait he's like a college student or something...

    Togainu no Chi, or Hakuouki? (Though afaik those both have some moe for the women if you know what i mean)

    Letter Bee second season maybe? I dunno I haven't seen the first season of that one or Hakuouki :\.

    Kuragehime probably won't have too many heavy moe elements, considering it's aimed at a female audience. (But at the same time it shouldn't be too heavy on the BL) Female cast? yeah. Heavy moe? most likely not.

    There seem to be a good number of otaku-based anime this season. OreImo, the lil sister is an otaku, right? and I think World God Only Knows is the same.. (Or about an otaku who's forced not to be an otaku or something?) and Kuragehime is all about fujoshi. Of course, it's nothing new for these types of shows to come out.. It just caught my attention that there's 3 of them at once.

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  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I liked hearing Azusa's VA (Taketatsu Ayana) in a more "forceful" role here than she played recently in K-ON (the slapping him awake while crawling on top of him was funny), but ultimately I'm not sure what to make of this series.

    I'll give it a few more episodes, but it wasn't a homerun from the first episode. The soundtrack sucked too. Very jarring. The fact that I noticed it was bad enough, but it felt grating most of the time.

    edit: I would like to point out the VA played one of the sisters in KissxSis, and now she's an imouto-otaku, heh. I also recognized a number of the games she had. School Days and Summer Days, and a few Navel titles as well.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 10-03-2010 at 08:04 PM.

  5. #5
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I recognized school days along with summer days and cross days who i assume are related.

    It was pretty boring... you'd think they'd step it up with the comedy but it honestly feels like something directed for the sake of real life otakus who will get a laugh out of watching a little girl do that stuff

    I might watch episode 2 if i'm bored, i might not... who knows

  6. #6
    I liked it. The part where the brother had no idea how to play a visual novel was funny.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Somebody called this the best show of the season and maybe that's why my expectations were somewhat high, but this first episode didn't entirely convince me. However, I'm more than willing to give the second episode a fair chance.

  8. #8
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Somebody called this the best show of the season and maybe that's why my expectations were somewhat high, but this first episode didn't entirely convince me. However, I'm more than willing to give the second episode a fair chance.
    That's probably why I liked it. Because I had not read any expectations of this show.

  9. #9
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 02

    [Mazui] Ore No Imouto - 02v2 [8530F9DB].mkv
    [Mazui] Ore No Imouto - 02 [XviD] [45794325].avi

    v2 is out and is encoded from a ts. There are a few script tweaks and since it's a new raw there's no patch.


    [Mazui]​ Ore​ No​ Imouto​ -​ 02​ [0330E299].​mkv

    I believe they used the leaked ANN raw.
    Last edited by Marik; Sun, 10-10-2010 at 11:06 PM. Reason: Added avi

  10. #10
    I liked how Kyōsuke tried to explain what a community was.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  11. #11
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I very much enjoyed this episode. He figured out what her problem was right away (no friends she can relate with about her hobby), though he did need help to find a solution. Saori too, was very concerned about making sure everyone in her circle wasn't left feeling isolated. She could tell the two were nervous and didn't want to gush about their particular interest with all those others who were hitting it off so well. I was glad that Kyousuke noticed Saori's attentiveness and insight too.

    What really seems to set this series apart from a series like Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu is the tone they present. Otaku aren't generally respected in Japan, manga is one thing, but anime and especially eroge are another. While this series is a comedy, they don't always treat the issues lightly.

    Kirino is popular at school, very mainstream, but she is intensely worried about her hobby. She was succumbing to the social pressures, and becoming isolated. She was even further isolated at the meet, because of her more mainstream interests. Essentially caught in the middle, she was lucky to have her brother and people like Saori. She sought her brother's help, and instead of it being a comedy about keeping it a secret, he was genuinely trying to help her. He found her some friends to connect to, he went along because she was nervous, he's been trying to play the games to understand her better, etc.

    That doesn't mean there can't be comedic elements though. The argument between Kirino and Kuroneko was hilarious. It was like being here!

    The series probably won't stay like this forever now that Kirino has a place to talk about her hobbies, and it may well transition into a clash between the two faces she presents with her brother caught in the middle, but I found this episode very pleasant.

  12. #12
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I can't help but wonder how the brother fits in at all. I guess a siscon series requires such a brother but it clashes with the realism created elsewhere. In short, why does Kyousuke go so far to help her? His holding all the cards, in the end, since he knows Kirino's secret, not the other way around. Doesn't he have his own hobbies or buddies to spend time with?

  13. #13
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    woah, just watched the first ep due to lack of anything better. This show actually is really good Is that the voice-actor of Kyon (Haruhi) and Tomoya (Clannad)?

    The show has a nice, quality feeling to it. Now dling ep 2. I wonder if this is a show with a developing plot line, though, or single episodes of pure comedy.

  14. #14
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    He is voiced by Yuuichi Nakamura (Tomoya). Kyon is voiced by Tomokazu Sugita. They don't even sound similar.

    The brother is a nice guy who has a really cute little sister. The sister asks for help, so he does all he can to help her. Makes sense to me.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  15. #15
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The brother is a nice guy who has a really cute little sister. The sister asks for help, so he does all he can to help her. Makes sense to me.
    It's far more likely to make sense in fiction than in actuality. And I have no problems with that. I just thought to pay attention to it after Ryll mentioned how this series's feet are much closer to the ground, when addressing the otaku issue, than Nogizaka Haruka's. I personally find it somewhat unlikely a normal high school guy would go out of his way this much to support his annoying little sister. If he was already an otaku himself then perhaps, why not.

  16. #16
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I can't help but wonder how the brother fits in at all. I guess a siscon series requires such a brother but it clashes with the realism created elsewhere. In short, why does Kyousuke go so far to help her? His holding all the cards, in the end, since he knows Kirino's secret, not the other way around. Doesn't he have his own hobbies or buddies to spend time with?
    Just watched ep 2 and came here to post the same. When he told Kirino that he finished the game, he accepted playing another one just like that. Why does he have such an obligation to do that? Usually in such anime, the lead character, which here is Kyousuke, is an otaku himself. But Kyousuke isnt that AND does not have any kind of far as we know. At this point, he feels like an empty shell that´s just there to push the story revolving around Kirino forward.

  17. #17
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I can't help but wonder how the brother fits in at all. I guess a siscon series requires such a brother but it clashes with the realism created elsewhere. In short, why does Kyousuke go so far to help her? His holding all the cards, in the end, since he knows Kirino's secret, not the other way around. Doesn't he have his own hobbies or buddies to spend time with?
    You're a only child aren't you? :/

    You're compelled to help your sister no matter what, you can bitch and moan all damn day about all the ways she annoys you but in the end it's just the way it is

    Also i enjoyed this episode much more than i did the first one, but i still feel my otaku levels aren't high enough to fully appreciate it

  18. #18
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    You're compelled to help your sister no matter what, you can bitch and moan all damn day about all the ways she annoys you but in the end it's just the way it is
    Very true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    It's far more likely to make sense in fiction than in actuality. And I have no problems with that. I just thought to pay attention to it after Ryll mentioned how this series's feet are much closer to the ground, when addressing the otaku issue, than Nogizaka Haruka's. I personally find it somewhat unlikely a normal high school guy would go out of his way this much to support his annoying little sister. If he was already an otaku himself then perhaps, why not.
    I'm not that certain he really has much in the way of his own friends, or his own hobbies for that matter. They don't show much of him at school, but he only really seems to talk to that one girl, who appears to be their neighbor. He's ignored at home ("They didn't care where I was.") and doesn't get out much, his room is plain and rather bare. His sister is giving him some attention for the first time in years. He's going to help out, if only to stay engaged with someone in his family.

  19. #19
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Fine. Then I'll just consider him a siscon. Because that's what doing what he's doing makes him.

    I'm not an only child, though. I thought only the only children romantically thought a sibling would always go out of their way to help the other siblings. Naturally you do as much as reasonably expectable but I think this dude is going beyond that. I'd yield if he had put a stop to it at this point, having done this much out of pity to get the sis some friends (even though he seemingly has none himself), but somehow I believe he's going to follow her every whim and serve her till the end of the season.

  20. #20
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    He's ignored at home ("They didn't care where I was.") and doesn't get out much, his room is plain and rather bare. His sister is giving him some attention for the first time in years. He's going to help out, if only to stay engaged with someone in his family.
    okay, that doesnt make it any better, regarding Kyousuke himself. Even a misfit has some stuff he likes to do. As is, he doesnt have anything. A person that doesnt take part in society usually is more likely to play games, watch anime and stuff. But thats not the case, either.

    I hope they´ll clear this up in the upcoming episodes. As of now, to me Kyousuke appears to be a guy that wakes up, goes to school, comes home, eats dinner, then goes to bed. fullstop. Something´s not right with that.

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