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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 178

  1. #1

    Naruto Shippuuden Episode 178

    the end of this ep made me think they were getting back to the manga, but then the preview for the next ep said otherwise

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Indeed. I was thinking wasn't there supposed to be four eps of semi-filler instead of three when they showed Sasuke and the gang, but then the preview shattered that illusion.

    Patrol routes of a ninja village. Haha. That was so weak it was almost funny. But not quite.

    Oh, well. At least we learned Sasuke is heading to Konoha. Who knows why. I hope he wasn't stupid enough to believe everything Madara told him, but with Sasuke you never know. If you have got nothing but hatred going on inside your head, it's hard to think coolly.

  3. #3
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Every time a filler Raikiri/Chidori fails to punch a bloody hole in somebody I die a little on the inside.

  4. #4
    Well, if Rasengan actually did to an enemy what it did to the water tank ages ago, the show would become Fist of the North Star. And that would be awesome.

  5. #5
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Mmmmm, that water's still one of the highlights of the entire series.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    Every time a filler Raikiri/Chidori fails to punch a bloody hole in somebody I die a little on the inside.
    Yeah... "assasination technique" =/= 3 unwounded prisoners. *sigh*

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    Every time a filler Raikiri/Chidori fails to punch a bloody hole in somebody I die a little on the inside.
    Yes, and why the hell should Kakshi use it on some weak folks like this? He could have defeated them without. Kakashi would never use this technique if it's not nessesary.

    When Kakashi suggested his team for Chunin Exams it seemed like Iruka and Kakshi didn't know each other very well. And now, the have kind of a techer/student relationship.
    Damn those filler authors.

    But it was watchable anyway.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by LunaticCat View Post
    Yes, and why the hell should Kakshi use it on some weak folks like this? He could have defeated them without. Kakashi would never use this technique if it's not nessesary.

    When Kakashi suggested his team for Chunin Exams it seemed like Iruka and Kakshi didn't know each other very well. And now, the have kind of a techer/student relationship.
    Damn those filler authors.

    But it was watchable anyway.

    i think that was when they were still hiding there fact that there were only about 7 viable ninjas in the village before narutos generation came a long, the rest of them were just faceless ANBU clowns.

    I was always disappointed to learn that after the people that teach the current generation you basically have a couple of there fathers, some easy come easy go sannin and ibiki.... it makes you wonder where the last people to sit the exams went...

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    Every time a filler Raikiri/Chidori fails to punch a bloody hole in somebody I die a little on the inside.
    Except it happened in canon too. Sasuke used Chidori to stun Killer Bee for a couple seconds without actually hitting him. As far as I can tell, the only thing this filler fucked up is that Akamaru shouldn't be alive. Besides that it was pretty much perfect.

  10. #10
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    I just feel the need to say it once again, they really, REALLY, should bring back the old original Naruto soundtrack, its just leaps and bounds better than the Shippuuden one.

    I'm really enjoying these episodes :P

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  11. #11
    Genin The1LittleMchale's Avatar
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    ddl anyone? kinda not in a state to find it myself

  12. #12
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The1LittleMchale View Post
    ddl anyone? kinda not in a state to find it myself
    [HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden - 178 [480p].mkv
    [HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden - 178 [720p].mkv

  13. #13
    Genin The1LittleMchale's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    thanks friends

  14. #14
    I like this filler arc.... It feels "authentic"....

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