mangastream / binktopia
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One Piece will be on hiatus for the next four weeks, which means no chapters until September 29th.
mangastream / binktopia
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One Piece will be on hiatus for the next four weeks, which means no chapters until September 29th.
I feel as giddy as a teenage girl meeting Robert Pattinson after reading this chapter.
I'm sad
But wow... 2 years? Now im excited to see how much the characters change in that time. The tattoo I saw was the secret message and not a hommage to Ace as I first thought.
Time skip? Has to be haha, one month of no One Piece! I'm glad everyone is getting training and stronger. I'm not sure how Brooke is going to get stronger, but I'm hopeful.
I'm curious which "color" Luffy will gravitate towards. I'm thinking the Physical/Hitting any type of opponent will be his strong point.
Man, talk about confusing us. He made us think there was a time skip, then none, then there finally is one.
I'm waiting forward to it. Hopefully it won't get some stupid new subtitle like Naruto: Shippuuden did.
We've seen enough evidence for Zoro to gain control over Haki, so now i'm just wondering who else in the crew will develop Haki as well. I'm guessing Sanji and Usopp!
I wont know how I feel about the timeskip till it happens. I'm excited, but I'm always excited about One Piece. I guess this month break will be a good time to re-read, maybe even re-watch the series again. And with classes starting again, this is a good time for this long break.
Luffy ---> Can do all the colors, but excels at Color of the Conquerer
Zoro ---> Color of Armaments, I see him hitting hard "cut anything"
Sanji ---> Color of Observation, I see him dodging a lot.
Usopp ---> Current weapon upgraded + devil fruit in weapon, also Jenny Craig
Nami ---> Current weapon upgraded + devil fruit in weapon
Robin ---> More knowledge. Knowledge is power.
Franky ---> Better tech for his cyborg body, no reliance on coke.
Brooke ---> Something involving summoning or musical attacks?
Chopper ---> New forms, control of monster mode.
edit: I'd laugh if somehow Ussop unlocks Haki, or is able to use it. But it would make sense if every single SH crew member excelled or used at least one of the colors because it would make them a pretty strong team overall.
I think they all will maybe; I could definitely see Usopp really putting that "color of perception" Haki to good use (its practically perfect for a sniper). I am interested to see if they all reach the point of using haki through different means.
That makes Franky sound like he's mainlining lol
thanks for the upload..
no one piece for 4 weeks?!
Brooke is on a "sword island" he is bound to pick up some new techs.
I cant wait to have Robin comeback with some valuable knowledge on islands with natives open to the idea of a coup d'etat. That would help out the SH to have some fodder crew mates. Everyone else will prolly stumble on to some form of haki
So haki is the new SSJ now, or what? I don't think everyone *needs* to learn it.
Though if Usopp insists on sticking with a slingshot instead of a real gun, then I guess he should learn to imbue it with haki so it at least inflicts some sort of damage to people.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
holy shit, 4 weeks? wtf am I supposed to read meanwhile?
oh never mind, my brain just farted.
Last edited by depthcharge; Thu, 08-26-2010 at 01:00 AM.
I wonder if Luffy will start sporting a weapon. Would be kind of cool.
As for Usopp, I could see him using the "Color of Armament" considering he is a sniper and uses a slingshot. Imagine how surprised a Logia user would be from getting hit with a haki infused bullet from a dinky slingshot. I do hope he upgrades his weapon though and think it would be really cool if he upgraded it with a devil's fruit.
I think Frankie will definitely upgrade his body, but I also see him using some of the WG secrets. I would really enjoy if he came across some seastone and installed it on the Thousand Sunny. Other than that it would be awesome if he figures out how to upgrade weapons with a Devil's Fruit.
It's going to be great to see Zoro slice through a Logia.
[21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot
I think it'd be cool if some of the crewmembers found OTHER ways to deal with fruit users aside from haki. I personally like that Nami fights the way she does and would like to see the Clima Tact expanded on even more, to the point where haki wouldn't be used as the power-up crutch, and just her knowledge and the special properties of her weapon make her a threat. If the weather ball is as insane as those dudes on Weatheria made it out to be then we might even see Nami contributing to ship battles in a big way!
It's gonna be a long 4-weeks after all...
That was so awesome~
Haki was pretty much everything what we expected it to be, though i'm not sure i like how Oda set up the color of the conqueror as the ultimate plot device for those impossible battles
Also, no LuffyxHancock for 2 years? What the fuck man??![]()