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Thread: Naruto Chapter 504

  1. #21
    How hard can it be to understand this? If the Jinchuuriki is killed then so is the biju. But the biju eventually comes back in some form. The fox lent Naruto the chakra so that neither the host nor the demon would die. Minato sealed the kyubi into Naruto instead of Kushina because she was going to die, and Minato did not the Kyubi eventually coming back as well as Konoha being left without a Jinchuuriki.

  2. #22
    A jinchuuriki would be harder to capture than the bijuu itself too. This was the correct choice for Minato to make.

    But man, Minato really played the ultimate hero. He made so many clutch decisions in such a small window of time. Managed to come up with a suitable counter to a super diabolical scheme as it was beginning to unfold.

  3. #23
    It was said by the nine-tails himself that he would die if Naruto died. Kushina also said that she would die and take the nine-tails with her. However, she also added "...for a while, at least." or something along those lines.

    Therefore, it would appear that the bijuu dies with its host, but after some time, its chakra manifests itself again and the bijuu returns. Although, it could be many many years before that happens.

  4. #24
    If someone succeeded in killing the jinchuriki, (it would not be impossible): rather surprising since they are suppose to be uber strong.

    My guess is that, when that happens, the tail beast is dragged to deathgod stomach(or where ever convenient) and locked up for 20 years before it can roam freely on Narutoland.(notice Naruto is now 16yr- meaning 4 more years till the 2nd half of kyubi returns to Narutoland)

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by depthcharge View Post
    If someone succeeded in killing the jinchuriki, (it would not be impossible): rather surprising since they are suppose to be uber strong.

    My guess is that, when that happens, the tail beast is dragged to deathgod stomach(or where ever convenient) and locked up for 20 years before it can roam freely on Narutoland.(notice Naruto is now 16yr- meaning 4 more years till the 2nd half of kyubi returns to Narutoland)
    Where did you get the number 20?

  6. #26
    I initially thought of 100yrs but figure that 20 would be a better number. In part, due to Madara's evil plan to resurrect the 10 tail would require a complete 9 tail(I think). So this war goes on for 4 years and at the climax, the complete 9 tail appears for the 10 tail resurrection. (ok it is a random number I pulled out)

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
    Where did you get the number 20?
    Quote Originally Posted by depthcharge View Post
    I initially thought of 100yrs but figure that 20 would be a better number. In part, due to Madara's evil plan to resurrect the 10 tail would require a complete 9 tail(I think). So this war goes on for 4 years and at the climax, the complete 9 tail appears for the 10 tail resurrection. (ok it is a random number I pulled out)
    Clear as mud.

  8. #28
    IMO the moment the host dies, the bijuu's chackra gets released, then it takes awhile for all the chackra to get together and manifest itself into the beast

  9. #29
    It's a plot hole, just accept it. Whilst learning summoning Naruto blackmailed kyuubi with death if he himself got killed, now we find the can reappear. If that's all it takes if I were the Kyuubi I would have let Naruto die and reappear, instead of keeping him alive for something like 80 years and being trapped all that time.

  10. #30
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    No time indication was given to it's reappearance, perhaps it would be in 80+ years, or 150, or 10......
    I guess being set free, is a safer bet then having to wait for who knows how long until remanifesting.

  11. #31
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    Actually Naruto didn't bring up "my death=your death". All he said was that Kyuubi should pay rent for sharing his body. It was Kyuubi himself that suggested that what Naruto meant was that if he died Kyuubi would die. And he didn't really confirm it either. He just laughed and commended Naruto on his bravery and boldness.

    And that is how it was translated in the anime too. So it was never confirmed that he would die. It wasn't even the reason that Kyuubi stated for giving Naruto his chakara. It was open to interpretation and most reached that conclusion since there was nothing else that said otherwise. But now when we have heard more facts, we can come to a conclusion that is in line with the current facts. So not really a plot hole.

  12. #32

  13. #33
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    My guess is the tailed beast returns after a set amount of time but probably with a whole new personality/ set of memories / etc.Kind of like a reincarnation, so in a sense, the 9-tails as we know him, would die.

    It would make sense on why he prefers to stay within Naruto than (temporarily) die.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  14. #34
    But remember that akatsuki left the jinchurikis alive so that they could harvest the bijou, if this is because the bijou would die or be released in some chakra form to be resurrected later in X years is never explained, it's somewhat of a plot hole...

  15. #35
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TwisT View Post
    Actually Naruto didn't bring up "my death=your death".
    No, the Kyuubi did, wich makes it even worse.

    This whole thing is a plot hole and this chapters = Kishi fixing things up
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  16. #36
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tofu #2 View Post
    you guys remember this part?
    That reminds me that Naruto destroyed that necklace and nobody has mentioned it since

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    That reminds me that Naruto destroyed that necklace and nobody has mentioned it since
    That necklace should have never been introduced in the first place. It never really served a purpose. I think Kishi wanted to go somewhere with it, but wasn't sure where, so he just destroyed it and would rather forget he ever introduced it.

  18. #38
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    it did tie in to the idea of the first hokage controlling the kyuubi, and that does contribute to the horrible senju\uchiha\kyuubi mess.

    but yeah, it's gone, and good riddence.

  19. #39
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    Minato's reached a new threshold of badassery. He's a cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    That reminds me that Naruto destroyed that necklace and nobody has mentioned it since
    The necklace is no longer needed now that Naruto has control of the Kyubi's power.

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

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