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Thread: Asobi ni Iku yo!

  1. #21
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The catfight between Aoi and Manami in the living room was great. They're both really good at fighting, Aoi has the edge with her teleporting and firearms skill, but Manami seems to be a little better at improvisation.

    I like the aspect that Manami still loves Kio and despite her feelings resurfacing now that she and he found out it was just one big misunderstanding, she's stepping aside. She had her chance, and she isn't selfish enough to realize that Aoi needs her own chance too. One way or another, she is friends with both of them, and she is a nice enough person to wait her turn again.

    This episode did have one problem. We still have no idea who the hell the shaman girl is. That sparse explanation went completely over my head. She shot out a Clarke line about sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, so I guess it's not really magic after all, but we don't even know if she is human. It's rather annoying that she's settled in with them and we know nothing about her.

  2. #22
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    I don't know why this show works, it just does.

    I guess we don't have too many anime that mainly take place in Osaka. I really like the chemistry between the characters. It's also great that Kio realize how very average he is and started training to become stronger.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    This episode did have one problem. We still have no idea who the hell the shaman girl is. That sparse explanation went completely over my head. She shot out a Clarke line about sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, so I guess it's not really magic after all, but we don't even know if she is human. It's rather annoying that she's settled in with them and we know nothing about her.
    I actually went back to check and make sure that i didn't skip an episode since she started just hanging out with them so normally. I suppose with cat/dogs alien, chow yun fat cat robot and object summoning. It's not too surprising that magic shows up somewhere along the way.

  3. #23
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I kinda wanted Aoi to kick Manami's ass. It felt weird to see Aoi actually lose (even if it is by luck, because that is part of warfare as well) to Manami when she was really bad ass for most of the show, and has tons more experience in actual combat in comparison.

    Also, why didn't Aoi use her powers in the match? Was it not allowed? I'm not sure if I missed it.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  4. #24
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Aoi would have to have been less than 50 meters (I think she said) from her kit to be able to teleport anything. They haven't clarified what other restrictions (if any) her powers have. It's not clear if she can "steal" weapons from people's hands. If she had, it probably would have been considered cheating.

    Their skirmish shouldn't have been forced to be fair since Manami knew the territory better and Aoi is just a better fighter, but using her powers would have been far too much of an unfair advantage, since Manami doesn't have any. The two of them were trying to compete on a similar level after chewing each other out in the living room.

    If Aoi can't steal weapons, the only place it would have really helped her was when she dropped the magazine, and even then I'm not sure she really would have had time to teleport and load it. They were rushing at each other full speed.

  5. #25
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The magazine part was where I thought it would have been useful, but the short span of time to reload might have made Aoi go for a bluff instead.
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  6. #26
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 09

    [Ayako-SubDESU] Asobi ni Iku Yo! - 09 - 720p | 400p

  7. #27
    Talk about blatant advertisement.

  8. #28
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There's nothing wrong with a little sponsorship. Not to mention there are a dozen or so A&W Restaurants on Okinawa. It isn't out of the question that their go-to burger joint would be an A&W. Much more realistic than a certain green-haired character being able to get her favorite delivery pizza while on the occasional military operation and whenever else she wanted.

    This episode didn't do that much for me, certainly one of the weaker ones. One of the better parts was the the doggie lady berating her robot for watching anime only to end up watching it too.

  9. #29
    I'm fine with the amount in CG, but this basically had a 10-15 second stint panning all the various merchandise with the logo plastered all over them.

  10. #30
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    This talk of advertisements and the C.C. reference reminded me of this picture I saw a while back.

  11. #31
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    I'm fine with the amount in CG, but this basically had a 10-15 second stint panning all the various merchandise with the logo plastered all over them.
    And Cheese-kun being snuggled in over half the episodes as well as a various pizza hut signs and boxes scattered about isn't the same? It is a major mascot. There was at least one incident per episode in CG.

    They don't go to A&W every episode here. Jack eats it a lot because she's always in her car, but the main cast has only gone at most three times.

    I'm not seeing why it was acceptable in CG but not here. It is more concentrated, but that's really the only difference.

  12. #32
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 10

    [Ayako-SubDESU] Asobi ni Iku Yo! - 10 - 720p | 400p

  13. #33
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 11

    [Ayako-SubDESU] Asobi ni Iku Yo! - 11 - 720p | 400p

  14. #34
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Caught up just in time for the finale.

    Aoi is great but i'm not much of a fan of Manami, the interactions between the 2 give me bad flashbacks from School Days. Even if it didn't feel realistic I'd have preferred if Manami had been honest from the get go.

    Eris is... tits, nothing really interesting to about her. I think her lack of knowledge on earth's customs could have been used for more jokes than it did, but maybe even the staff realized that of all the heroines she was the most plain and decided to focus on the other ones.

    About the main character, whose name i can't even remember, i appreciated his effort to improve himself but his personality does nothing for me. I can't even bring myself to dislike him, i'm just in a constant state of not caring every time he pops up on the screen.

    I'm not amazed but this show but I'd say it's averagely goodand i don't regret watching it. Might have had a better opinion of it with less fanservice and more comedy and/or action.

  15. #35
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 12 (END)

    [Ayako-SubDESU] Asobi ni Iku Yo! - 12 - 720p | 400p

  16. #36
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Pretty good ending, official approval of Kio's harem, despite him amazingly not figuring it out even as they were talking about it right in front of him. That completely dumbfounded me. He has surpassed all scientific levels of density. The only excuse you could make was that he was a bit too preoccupied about the mission to pay attention to exactly what Aoi and Manami were squabbling about. This was supported by Eris interjecting and telling them it wasn't the time to be fighting amongst themselves (meaning she wasn't paying attention either), and then working to resolve their fight.

    At least an official harem conclusion is possible. Aoi and Manami are friends (always a plus in hoping for an official harem ending) and Eris doesn't particularly mind. Ayako's version had a weird translation of Eris' line about Catian versus Earth customs concerning relationships. It almost sounded like on Catia, once a couple starts dating, no "wandering" is allowed because it is all documented. It came off like saying as long as none of them gets married to Kio, they can all share him.

    Also, the space battle was kind of retarded. The three girls, two of whom have never used that kind of Catian's powerarmor before, were immediate experts, even managing a super attack on Jens space cruiser. The redeeming factor was Eris' prowess with that kind of equipment, making the critical strike that turned the battle. She's a Catian military scout, being able to operate solo should be part of her skill set.

    But the real redeemer for this episode (and the series overall) was the Christmas gift from the Catians to Earth. A freaking space elevator! That kind of thing wouldn't even be remotely possible with Earth technology in the series. It effectively catapults human development several centuries into the future. No value can even remotely be assigned to it. No matter what little secret agreements the dog race has with Earth militaries, the Catians will win them over just with that.

    /crosses fingers for second season!

  17. #37
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Official harem is official, and his new cat ears may be just what he needed to add the blonde loli to it too

    Overall this series was completely retarded but in a good way, i don't get Ryll's complaint on the space battle when pretty much all of the series made a point of making as less sense as possible. I think I'd watch a second season but some better villains and more of a plot would turn the experience much more enjoyable.

  18. #38
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    i don't get Ryll's complaint on the space battle when pretty much all of the series made a point of making as less sense as possible.
    The issue was that it diverged from the trend they had been keeping, that being skilled at something takes practice.

    Sure, Aoi can jump from a motorcycle to knee a maid in the face, she can snipe someone accurately (and not in the prone position) after immediately porting her rifle in, but she's being killing and on missions for years. Manami was forced into firearms practice early on by Aoi because while she was a gun maniac, she didn't have much practical experience outside of airsoft. They practiced, improved, and faced off against each other rather competently. Kio asked to be trained, practiced for a few weeks to a few months, and even then he wasn't wholly competent with the powersuit aboard the mothership. He relied on the strength it gave him, the shield, and still clumsily trashed around.

    To have the two of them hop aboard the two sleds in power armor only Aoi should have any slight experience, and zero experience with the sled, slice back and forth taking down dozens of enemies and fight a frigate without much harm was out of the norm the series had up to then been suggesting.

    If anything, only Eris should have been competent in that battle. Aoi marginally so, and Manami should have held back and used lots of ranged attacks.

  19. #39
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Lol, who on earth would use this to go on a picnic??
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  20. #40
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Asobi ni Iku yo! Asobi ni Oide - OVA

    [IB] Asobi ni Iku yo! OVA - Blu-Ray 1080p: Torrent | DDL
    [IB] Asobi ni Iku yo! OVA - Blu-Ray 720p: Torrent | DDL

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