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Thread: The Legend of the Legendary Heroes

  1. #261
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The Sion that tried to kill Ryner wanted to save him. The Sion that was arguing with that one wants to eat Ryner.
    What's weird is that the one who wanted to save him was saying he wasn't going to kill him, while the other one was telling him to kill Ryner (from memory).

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #262
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I think I understood most of it. Except as Buff I can't really follow the timeline when Ryner wakes Sion up... unless it was a dream telling the events before they happen, and then we switch back to after the events and Ryner waking up in his cell.

    Open ending, just in case there's enough sales for a second season.

    I wonder what will remain of Gastark's king in the end, lauching nuclear size attacks here and there, costing him body parts each time.

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  3. #263
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    I am hoping maybe some of my questions can be answered here, but by the looks of it, no one else seems to understand either.

    1) Someone asked earlier what the significance of Ryner's dad stabbing him was. In addition to this question, where did we learn that was his dad?

    2) What is that thing in Ryner's inner world that ate that random black haired woman?

    3) Okay so... weaver of all equations... is Lucile...? Isn't the weaver of equations supposed to only have half of a body? Or be a part of the dark hero? Was Lucile always the weaver of all equations, or was his body taken over? It sounded like it was a voluntary thing, where did Lucile find this demon to put in his body?

    4) Does anyone else find it obscenely disturbing how characters like Claugh, his blonde metro-sexual friend, and Milk were made out to be as nice and virtuous as "Good-guy characters" can get, yet we see them mercilessly slaughtering other nations alongside an army made from human experiments in a war that they don't bother asking why is happening?

    4) After the pink-haired guy died (the guy who uses light beasts?) It shows a messenger coming to the King of Gastark telling him something, and he smiles. Why did he smile?

    5) Someone please explain to me that dream/flashback thing

    6) If Ryner is Roland's greatest magician, why is Izuchi the only spell he knows and why does he have so much difficulty always defending himself. I have never seen him actually win a battle, and it can't be excused by "he never tries" because he is been in every possible situation, whether it be for fun, to test someone's strength, to keep a promise or to survive. He always loses.

    7) Just what faction is Tiir a part of? Is there a third faction? It makes it really hard to root for any faction in this series. One is a nation that runs human experiments and is trying to take over the world. Another is another nation that kills little girls to rip out their eyes, also to take over the world. The third seems to be a renegade group of rejects who are led by a vampire-looking fellow who mercilessly slaughters villagers.

    8) What happened to Arua?

    9) So... Lucile is the weaver of all equations... Ryner is the solver of all equations... Then what is Sion? Wasn't there just two demon monster things? (The hero and the lonely demon?)

    10) When the two Sions were arguing with each other, it seemed like the original Sion wanted Ryner to live and said that he will not be killed. Now it is reversed. I don't get it.

    Yet for whatever reason, no matter how much this show makes no sense what so ever, it is somehow my favorite of the year... Go figure.

    I want to buy the light novel series. Any idea if it's translated and where I can get it?
    Last edited by lelouch; Sat, 12-18-2010 at 05:51 AM.

  4. #264
    I don't know any of these answers really just writing down my impression on some of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    1) Someone asked earlier what the significance of Ryner's dad stabbing him was. In addition to this question, where did we learn that was his dad?
    Don't remember properly but think they never said it out right he just happens to look like the dad in the flashback Ryner had about his mom and dad and some hints here and there like the things he said.

    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    2) What is that thing in Ryner's inner world that ate that random black haired woman?
    Well wasn't that random thing Alpha? Also think the random black haired woman is suppose to be his mom.

    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    4) Does anyone else find it obscenely disturbing how characters like Claugh, his blonde metro-sexual friend, and Milk were made out to be as nice and virtuous as "Good-guy characters" can get, yet we see them mercilessly slaughtering other nations alongside an army made from human experiments in a war that they don't bother asking why is happening?
    Not really Milk wanted to know about Rolands darkness and subsequently accepted it. Also they're soldiers, they may not want to go to war but they're aware of what's happening around them with Gastarks invasion be imminent so rather than waiting they went on the offense. Besides they probably talked to Sion before the war just that they didn't include it in the episode, not to mention their faith in Sion.

    And think about it those human experiments won't die so that means that there'll be less casualties on their side while they can protect everything that Sion has built up rather than let it all be destroyed when Gastark invades them. So it makes sense that it's the most efficient way to protect Roland with the least casualties on their side.

    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    4) After the pink-haired guy died (the guy who uses light beasts?) It shows a messenger coming to the King of Gastark telling him something, and he smiles. Why did he smile?
    I don't know if it was the light beast guy didn't look at it properly, anyway I figured the message was about Kiefer hence why he smiled.

    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    6) If Ryner is Roland's greatest magician, why is Izuchi the only spell he knows and why does he have so much difficulty always defending himself. I have never seen him actually win a battle, and it can't be excused by "he never tries" because he is been in every possible situation, whether it be for fun, to test someone's strength, to keep a promise or to survive. He always loses.
    Because he's always been up against unfair odds? We've never really seen him one on one with a great magician it's been platoons of soldiers ambushing them, users with heroic relics, undead army that can't die etc. As for why Izuchi probably because he deems it to be the most harmless/less lethal magic he has.

    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    7) Just what faction is Tiir a part of? Is there a third faction?
    Yes I'd think so
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  5. #265
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fireheart
    I agree with all of them. The pink haired guy who died was the one who used lightning beasts, yes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lelouch
    3) Okay so... weaver of all equations... is Lucile...? Isn't the weaver of equations supposed to only have half of a body? Or be a part of the dark hero? Was Lucile always the weaver of all equations, or was his body taken over? It sounded like it was a voluntary thing, where did Lucile find this demon to put in his body?
    Sion = Dark Hero
    Weaver of Equations = Lucile?(he answered that spirit lady's call) = the half of the Satan of Loneliness that Dark Hero devoured.

    Solver of Equations = Ryner = the half of the Satan that was left initially.

    During the episode where they showed Lucile killing his parents to save Ferris from being raped, they mentioned that he acquired some abnormal power. Ryner noticed the same thing when he visited his house too.

    I believe this answers Question 9.

    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch
    10) When the two Sions were arguing with each other, it seemed like the original Sion wanted Ryner to live and said that he will not be killed. Now it is reversed. I don't get it.
    I have the same question.

    Perhaps the best thing I like about these turn of events is that Ferris's and Ryner's relationship is chugging along at a very healthy pace. Sucks that I couldn't get a look at her new outfit though. It promises to be even yummier than the previous ones.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #266
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I agree with all of them. The pink haired guy who died was the one who used lightning beasts, yes.
    I thought it was just some random spy from Gastark. If it was really that lightning beast guy then I feel a little disappointed. I was looking forward to the showdown between him and Tiir. Well at least Kiefer gets to keep the powerup for her up coming battle with Ferris?

  7. #267
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The pink haired guy who died was the one who used lightning beasts, yes.
    I checked the episode again and no it's not him since he's seen standing with the army behind Refal for maybe a second or less.
    You are here alone again
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  8. #268
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fireheart View Post
    I checked the episode again and no it's not him since he's seen standing with the army behind Refal for maybe a second or less.
    Fair enough. I was mistaken.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #269
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I refuse to believe any publisher outside of the Oreimo universe would publish anything this messy, which means this anime was just ruined on its own. It's like after the sensible beginning (that ended up having nothing to do with the rest of the show) they took 10% of the material and skipped 90%, resulting in this terribly mess of story telling.

    I didn't honestly enjoy very much the latter half of this show.

  10. #270

  11. #271
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I'm not so sure the novels aren't just as messy seeing as the translation efforts are being put only for the novels which the anime didn't cover.

    It's like if i only gave you season 1 of higurashi or the first 3 episodes of FLCL, you wouldn't have any idea what da fuck was going on either. If anything you should blame Japan for not giving the anime a chance to develop the story any further.

  12. #272
    The best part was then Kiefer just showed up out of nowhere after 2 years, does something to help (??) Ryner escape, then they both just run off. That topped it off for me.

  13. #273
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Not to mention she apparently ran all the way there :P

  14. #274
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    No wonder she could shake off the guards. She probably already runs faster than a horse.

  15. #275
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    And for much longer too.
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  16. #276
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    Since there is no season 2 so far for this anime does any one know where I can find the manga online? I keep coming up with "The Legend of the Legendary Heroes Vol.01 Ch.000: Starting Legend " which is basically like the first epi.

  17. #277
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoC
    The best part was then Kiefer just showed up out of nowhere after 2 years, does something to help (??) Ryner escape, then they both just run off. That topped it off for me.
    She tried. She was the one who nailed two guards with elemental spirits (I'm guessing she now possesses a ring like Froade). While she cut through the front, Ferris came from the back and bailed Ryner out before she could.

    When she saw Ryner and Ferris make it across the bridge, she destroyed it to stop their pursuers, and stayed to create a diversion.

    I say that's helping Ryner escape plenty.


    Never mind. Misread "something" as "nothing".

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #278
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    Any one?

  19. #279
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ACTIVAOG35 View Post
    Any one?
    There is no manga, only a series of light novels that are being translated into english by a group of fans. It's a work in progress, nothing concrete just yet.

  20. #280
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Just finished watching the series.

    I read some spoilers for the novels and it seems that the series end the story at the perfect place. A lot of stuff that was really confusing like Keifer showing up out of nowhere actually makes a lot of sense if you know what's going to happen next.

    Anyhow, they set it up really well for a second season so i really hope that there's a chance it'll be made despite bad DVD/BD sales.

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