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Thread: The Legend of the Legendary Heroes

  1. #61
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    It seemed to me like the audio and video were a little desynced in the episode.

    Otherwise it was certainly interesting. Those pink siblings were quite mofos after all, already possessing relics and looking for more, plus knowing full well how to use them. But of course they were entirely unprepared for the power of Ryner's apocalypse mode.

    Now I'm looking forward to the next episode to see if Ferris starts to treat Ryner any differently after witnessing first hand how dangerous he can become. To be entirely honest Ferris's fighting skills against the relic wielding chick disappointed me. She seemed quite powerful based on the earlier fights but clearly she needs a relic weapon of her own to power up.
    Same here with the video and audio, derps sucks ass

    Agreed, even among the rare group of Alpha Stigma holders Ryner is apparently something special

    Yeah... that ain't happening >_>

    As for Ferris' power we had already seen that she doesn't have what it takes to take on relic holders, Ryner himself has a tough enough job with them when he isn't in Omega mode

  2. #62
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    As for Ferris' power we had already seen that she doesn't have what it takes to take on relic holders, Ryner himself has a tough enough job with them when he isn't in Omega mode
    Aye, after thinking about it, for the relics to really be worth looking for, I suppose they indeed need to be so powerful than to face even a semi-skilled user, you either need to have one yourself or be a monster like Ryner. So, to be fair, I probably shouldn't hold it against Ferris.

    What comes to be earlier comment about how Ferris might change her view of Ryner, I actually hope she won't change too much, because it would make Ryner feel like even she now considers him a mosnter. The dude certainly doesn't deserve that emotionally even if objectively it's very true. So, I'm half hoping Ferris will simply tell him to buy her a whole load of dango to compensate for all the trouble he caused her in omega mode.

    One thing I forget to mention is that it made me glad Ryner didn't allow Iris to hit him but rather snatched her from the air. He allows Ferris to do that (and even seems almost enjoy it), but a man has to retain some dignity.

  3. #63
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    So, I'm half hoping Ferris will simply tell him to buy her a whole load of dango to compensate for all the trouble he caused her in omega mode.
    That would be really unfair though. In that fight alone (and in the previous battles) Ryner has been saving her ass all the time. She even admitted it in a tsundere way this episode.
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  4. #64
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    That would be really unfair though. In that fight alone (and in the previous battles) Ryner has been saving her ass all the time. She even admitted it in a tsundere way this episode.
    Yeah. I wouldn't object either if she was uncharacteristically nice to him for a little while. I'm only hoping she won't turn genuinely cold (not tsundere cold) or forcibly cordial or agreeable so that Ryner would immediately feel alienated. Although considering Ferris (and the whole family) is made of weirdos, my worry is probably completely baseless.

  5. #65
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Oh boy.

    I can not put into words the ecstasy I was in upon hearing Fukuyama Jun's deep, depreciating, crazy (Lelouch) voice again.

    "Mere insects, Die Disappear!! Mwahahahahahaha!"

    /me faints


    Ferris would definitely become one of his "true friends" circle. I don't see her changing in any regard except becoming closer to him. (and that is why next week can not come too soon)

    The thing with Ferris too, is that she's an exceptional, but "mere" swords(wo)man. That scythe gave the pink girl the following:

    Strength +9000
    Opponent speed -10% (20m radius)
    Opponent speed/attack -5% per contact

    It's like turning on hacks against a skilled FPS player. You'd have to be a dumbass to lose.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 08-28-2010 at 11:22 PM.

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  6. #66
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Hmm, I can't seem to find any episodes of this not on torrents, or from any of the groups I had been watching.

    For the short term, I sadly have to drop this show. I'll pick it up again later when/if the episodes are available.

  7. #67
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Hmm, I can't seem to find any episodes of this not on torrents, or from any of the groups I had been watching.

    For the short term, I sadly have to drop this show. I'll pick it up again later when/if the episodes are available.
    You can use the megaupload DDL links here.

    They're all HorribleSubs.

    edit: More options available here:
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 08-29-2010 at 04:52 PM.

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  8. #68
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, thanks to Bill and others, I'm caught up again.

    I very much enjoy that Ryner and Ferris have a pair of rivals. A series like this isn't complete without some. It is particularly nice that they are not comic relief (I guess that is what Milk is for), and are in many ways more capable than Ferris or standard Ryner. What makes them the most dangerous is that they actually seem to know quite a bit more than Ryner does with the notable exception of what he actually is, and the girl is on par if not better than Ferris thanks to the relic she uses. It also wouldn't surprise me if they had more than the three relics the brother mentioned.

    Also, Noa Ehn is hot, we need more of her. I was kind of hoping she would end up being one of Sion's wife(ves), but if they're going to go anywhere romantically with her, I guess it will be with Claugh the White Knight.

  9. #69
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Are there any subbers besides Derp still doing this show? or are the other groups just really slow?

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  10. #70
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penner View Post
    Are there any subbers besides Derp still doing this show? or are the other groups just really slow?
    They're just slow.

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  11. #71
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    It also wouldn't surprise me if they had more than the three relics the brother mentioned.
    Now they have one less in any case after Ryner annihilated the anti-magic one, along with the dude's hand. That was a great scene.

  12. #72
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I really like how realistically weak the human body is despite the absurd magical elements in this show.

    Ferris admitted that if Ryner hadn't stopped her flight after clashing with the scythe girl, she would have died (as any human should). Ferris' previous wound was also handled quite well. The guy who used the dragon relic also had to burn his arm so that he wouldn't die from blood loss after Ryner deleted it. Even with all the powers and whatnot, people still die fairly easily in this series.
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  13. #73
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Now they have one less in any case after Ryner annihilated the anti-magic one, along with the dude's hand. That was a great scene.
    The way Awakened Ryner talked down the comb's hero suggested to me that the entity in Ryner's eye probably lived during, or before the same time as that person as the original Alpha Stigma bearer.

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  14. #74

  15. #75
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I think it was handled quite nicely. I liked Ferris's line that she won't dodge anymore and it's up to Ryner how it all will end. Considering his general level of power, I think she made the right call by deciding he would have killed her a long time ago if he really wanted. Whether that was counting on the Ryner side of the dual personality to actually be able to make decisions or perhaps believing the Alpha Stigma wouldn't want to kill her either, is another question.

    In any case Ferris managed to show a considerably gentler side of herself to balance all those whacking scenes. I also got the feeling she didn't do what she did only for the sake of the job at hand but she genuinely appreciates Ryner's company. Good for him.

  16. #76
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Whether that was counting on the Ryner side of the dual personality to actually be able to make decisions or perhaps believing the Alpha Stigma wouldn't want to kill her either, is another question.
    I'm sure she was counting on the former.

    The Ryner X Ferris pairing reminds me a lot of the Code Geass Lelouch X C.C. pairing. FukuJun's voice greatly emphasizes this impression too.

    After seeing the last part of the Ryner rescue scene with Ferris comforting Ryner, I am definitely rooting for further development in their relationship.

    Ferris was really bad ass being all calm (like she always is, though I'm not sure if it's all an act or if she naturally has nerves of steel) while facing Ryner in god mode. Ryner could have killed her at any time, considering he can cause giant explosions to happen anywhere at a whim. I also liked the fact that she actually read Ryner's research. While she acted like she didn't give a damn, she knew, and maybe even genuinely believed Ryner's goal and method. It really gave depth to her as a character.
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  17. #77
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shinta
    Ferris was really bad ass being all calm (like she always is, though I'm not sure if it's all an act or if she naturally has nerves of steel)
    I think she's calm because of her personality, though whether that itself is nature or nurture hasn't been revealed. I honestly think that scene couldn't have been handled any better. It was awesome.

    And in a slightly different sense, so was the "other" scene. Claugh's a weird one. You'd think traveling by carriage would be faster than on foot.

    The more I watch Froaude, the more I appreciate having him in this story. He's using people left, right and center - even Sion himself to a degree. Sion's integrity checks every time are pretty tense moments, as you have to wonder at what point he'd snap.

    Just as Ryner has his Alpha Stigma, Sion has his own double-edged sword to deal with.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    The Ryner X Ferris pairing reminds me a lot of the Code Geass Lelouch X C.C. pairing. FukuJun's voice greatly emphasizes this impression too.
    That's so true. Complete with Dango Obsession.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 09-04-2010 at 09:23 AM.

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  18. #78
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The more I watch Froaude, the more I appreciate having him in this story. He's using people left, right and center - even Sion himself to a degree. Sion's integrity checks every time are pretty tense moments, as you have to wonder at what point he'd snap.
    The story definitely needs him. Also Sion needs him, and Sion knows it himself, no matter how much he also hates it. He's too good to do what needs to be done. I'm not sure yet whether Froaude has ambitions of his own or if he has simply concluded he can't be a figurehead himself and thus needs to rise alongside somebody more presentable. Although of course Sion isn't doing what he's doing simply to become a king of an even more powerful nation.

  19. #79
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    The story definitely needs him. Also Sion needs him, and Sion knows it himself, no matter how much he also hates it. He's too good to do what needs to be done. I'm not sure yet whether Froaude has ambitions of his own or if he has simply concluded he can't be a figurehead himself and thus needs to rise alongside somebody more presentable.
    I'd say that's definitely the case. He needs continental unification to get what he wants, and one such as himself would never get the support of the people, no matter how able he is. Only Sion can do that, and he's around to accelerate his plans.

    I'm hoping to see both sides of this story come together in the grand finale, perhaps having Sion screw up and get one-upped by Froaude, to have Ryner/Ferris lay down the iron hammer with all their relics.

    It's funny - what if Froaude is trying to achieve the same thing as Sion (world unification, then maintaining world peace via relics), and he's the one backing the pink siblings' quest.

    PS: I loved how Ferris slipped in "manservant" to that list.

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  20. #80
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    (Depressed+drunk post, so take it with a tbsp of salt)

    Ferris X Ryner romantic scene = satisfaction

    Sion is a hypocrite. He knows what needs to be done and what he allows Froaude to do. He is just too much of a coward to do it himself. He can do it then just cover it up if he really wants a mint clean image when becoming king. He is certainly capable enough to realize Froaude's plans, so coming up and enacting them himself instead of feigning innocence should be easy enough.
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