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Thread: Highschool of the Dead

  1. #21
    The teacher that first got bitten, has less then desired reaction time. If someone is spewing blood, it would have made sense to get the fuck away from him asap.

    Anyhow, I like this show.

  2. #22
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by depthcharge View Post
    The teacher that first got bitten, has less then desired reaction time. If someone is spewing blood, it would have made sense to get the fuck away from him asap.
    Well, from the sound of things, and even the photo in the credits, it looked like the female teacher had a bit of a thing for the P.E. teacher. Romantic, platonic, or just really close professionally, we'll never know, but she was concerned about him more than I would have expected given the situation. She was more or less leaning right over him when he woke and bit her.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Granted, the fanservice is there prominently but on the other hand if you consider zombies at large as an idea, they are rather carnal no matter how you look at them - so why no make the rest of the show just as carnal? It's fitting, so I won't be complaining (not that I'd complain about fanservice anyway as long as the whole show isn't just one big blob of service with nothing in between (aka Queen's Blade)).
    I agree with Kraco about the carnality of the series being the reason for the fanservice. Is it unnecessary? Maybe, but they are ripping off clothing and tearing into flesh anyway, so why be shy about anything else? The effect of having both the violence, gore and sexuality makes the show even more raw. It ends up being shocking on a number of levels, even the proportions of the character design.

    Still, I'd say my favorite part of the episode is without a doubt the two, "best friends," who betray each other, only for the other one to get grabbed straight away. When the zombies grabbed her around the face, and her expression changed, a chill ran up my spine. It was also a pretty good lesson. She had every opportunity right at the beginning to save her friend. She was only grabbed around the ankle. The two of them might have lived longer if she hadn't been so concerned about saving herself at the expense of someone else. Two sets of eyes are better than one.

    The chaos and panic evoked was excellent. It is this caliber of series that the anime industry needs to re-energize itself.

  3. #23

  4. #24
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaySee View Post
    Looks like Coalguys aren't dropping this quite yet: (they're also less censored than HS's version)

    Coalguys - Episode 02



    "Protecting a man's pride is a woman's duty."

    If Saeko wasn't already the hottest candidate, she's just stolen the Best Female Character crown now. Damn she's awesome, just look at that OP!
    (edit: and PVC figures are already in the works! CONTAINS CHARACTER DESIGN SPOILERS AND NUDITY)

    Too bad characters like her who are too much in their own league end up alone romantically.

    Kouta's rubber sights and all were funny, but do nail guns really have that much power at range? These zombies seem to have an iron grip, but jack all structural integrity. The duct tape, on the other hand, has shockingly good quality.

    This shot along with the interaction between the genius and gunner all but seals those two romantic pairings, which leaves poor Saeko and (god I hate her) the school nurse.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 07-12-2010 at 10:58 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #25
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Man these episodes are over way too fast. Kohta is like the new MacGyver.

  6. #26
    Is Commie or CoalGuys better for this show?

  7. #27
    Commie's translation is better. CoalGuys have grammar/spelling errors and put in random stupid stuff like "What's that? A rapist?" However, Commie doesn't sub the opening and only releases 480p. This last episode from Commie had lots of encoding errors too.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by JaySee View Post
    Commie's translation is better. CoalGuys have grammar/spelling errors and put in random stupid stuff like "What's that? A rapist?" However, Commie doesn't sub the opening and only releases 480p. This last episode from Commie had lots of encoding errors too.
    Are they the same in terms of censoring?

  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    man, the nurse pretty much destroys the whole feeling

    as if the eechi scenes weren't enough, no, they had to implent a totally useless extremely huge breasted blonde chick with a boring, silly and sleepy attitude, great!

    however, the zombie smashing and chaos everywhere is still awesome,

    The television report at the end confused me a bit. are they "rioting" nationwide already? and the police + SDF seem to know about the zombies already (they wouldn't shoot the people in the body bags otherwise)... which makes me wonder why the reporter got killed. it's not like they are hard to oversee in the middle of a street.
    even if the citizen don't know about the truth yet, the police should be able to warn them or shoot the zombies before they reach them.

  10. #30
    I like ecchi in this series as zombie and ecchi go well together, nurse has her own special abilities. As for TV report: zombie react on sound so gunshot will attract all nearby zombies to buffet and more you shoot the more zombies you attract.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  11. #31
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Episode 2 was fantastic. I don't mind the jiggling since I already read the manga, but I can understand why first timers are somewhat annoyed.

    It saddened me that every version got censored this time around though.

  12. #32
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    man, the nurse pretty much destroys the whole feeling

    as if the eechi scenes weren't enough, no, they had to implent a totally useless extremely huge breasted blonde chick with a boring, silly and sleepy attitude, great!
    It's not even that so much as the "BOIOIOINNNNGGG" sounds that were played everytime her tits moved.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  13. #33
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I swear i orgasmed when she picked up the chainsaw, it was that damn awesome even if they censored it

    Other than that I'm pretty much with Bill on the pairings even though i think even if fatty doesn't get killed along the way he isn't getting no pussy until the very final episode

    Also i don't get all the hate for the nurse, i for one am looking forward for the moment when reality comes crashing down on her and she breaks

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    I swear i orgasmed when she picked up the chainsaw, it was that damn awesome even if they censored it

    Also i don't get all the hate for the nurse, i for one am looking forward for the moment when reality comes crashing down on her and she breaks
    If it weren't censored, you would know that it was a drill. The nurse is that annoying character everyone wants to die, but keeps lucking out. Hopefully there will be her epic murder at the end.

  15. #35
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    I swear i orgasmed when she picked up the chainsaw, it was that damn awesome even if they censored it
    A chainsaw on a highschool... right

  16. #36
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It was still awesome

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell View Post
    A chainsaw on a highschool... right
    Chainsaws aren't used in wood shop, they're for cutting off branches and trees. A band saw and reciprocating saw are. OH! Using either of those in a scene would be nice! Shove a zombie into a band saw or reciprocating saw to the neck.

  18. #38
    It was a drill. At least it sounded like one of those that a dentist would use.

  19. #39
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's a drill. See this page from the manga should you desire. That said, the sound effect was completely off.

    I thought Takagi was probably one of the most dynamic characters so far, and not just because of her breakdown into tears. Compared to Rei and Busujima, she's fairly helpless, but she still had a very strong desire to survive. She finds the first person she sees that might be able to help her, knowing he's some sort of gun/technology otaku, and drags him to the woodshop and lays out everything on the table. She bosses him around, and then waits for him to McGuyver something. Sure, she comes off as a bit of a princess, but she's got the smarts to back up her claims about being a genius.

    She stayed away from the staff room knowing that it would be the first place panicky (and probably bitten) students would go. Sure enough, she was right and Hirano and she were safe. Most importantly, she decided that figuring out how the zombies work was the right approach for the two of them.

    Again, she's not Busujima, she's not Rei, and she's not Komuro. She can't fight on her own. She figured out a way to dodge them, and went about it somewhat scientifically. No one else we've seen so far has bothered, Busujima didn't. Busujima is a cool, calm, and experienced fighter, and she merely uses the minimal effort. Takagi can't do that, and when her smarts couldn't save her, she overreacted with the drill. It gives her a depth we haven't seen in the other characters so far.

    I really liked the trichotomy in approaches the three girls used in getting themselves to safety. Takagi was all leadership and brains, Busujima pure skill, and Rei was primarily brute force (the hose and using the spear so forcefully that it takes her time to extract it). I'm sure the nurse will display something useful sooner or later...or maybe she's only their driver?

  20. #40
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    I'm sure the nurse will display something useful sooner or later...or maybe she's only their driver?
    Her boobs will fit behind the wheel?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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