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Thread: Highschool of the Dead

  1. #101
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I get the idea, but it's a very risky plan. The guy was admittedly crazy, so yelling freeze and pointing a gun at him can cause him to behave in a number of irrational ways. Takashi's plan was more straightforward and reliable, although I admit it did involve a lot more patience.
    I guess his was a proven method.

    I just had to watch Rei get abused in the meanwhile.

    (Why the hell am I feeling upset about that anyway.. )

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #102
    Would it help if you watch a woman groping a man's chest?

    The ending scene had the thug transformed into a zombie, now that would be a force to be reckon with.(yeah, a zombie that is also a hentai)

  3. #103
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    The recap at the beginning was ridiculous.

    oh, and Rei is now officially a super-bitch. If Takashi hadn´t stopped, what would she have done? Killed the guy for...touching her tits? Fuck you, bitch. Hope she gets it back at her soon, sigh.
    ya man!

    she could have touched his penis and call it a fair game!

  4. #104
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I have to agree with Shinta on Takashi's plan being the best one around. He obediently threw away the bat and started to refuel the bike letting the molester believe he's perfectly in charge. He also kept the gun hidden which was of utmost importance. Because otherwise the bastard would have told him to throw it away as well or he would slash Rei's throat. I somehow doubt Takashi would have had the guts to disobey considering he was aware of how difficult a weapon a pistol is the moment he held one in his hand.

    So, in short, he needed a perfect moment to use the gun under circumstances where the crazed molester would have no chances anymore and where he, as a n00b, wouldn't fail.

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I simply refuse to accept that what the guy did was enough to grant him death. Even moreso when it was clear that Rei just wanted to get revenge on him. Had she kicked him in the stomache while he was laying on the ground, that would have been reasonable. But charging a baseball bat, probably aiming for his head? Yeah, not okay. For me, this scene really hurt Rei´s character, and I´m not routing for her anymore.

    Which would have been incredibly hot if the anime-producers had shown that
    Because clearly, we knew Rei was going to savagely beat him to death with a baseball bat, because she glared at him and seemingly wanted physical retribution against someone who tried to rape her.

  6. #106
    Considering the messed up situation they were in, I can't blame Takashi for shooting the guy. For one, the guy already established that he was a threat to Rei and Takashi, cynically speaking, wounding him insures that he won't pounce on them the minute their back is turned or when they're getting on the bike to leave. A crazy, semi-rational human is more dangerous than a zombie. Besides it gives zombies live bait to distract them from their escape.

    He could have told the guy to freeze let Rei go and skedaddle, but Takashi was making his choice instinctively in the heat of the moment, with no police training or firearms training, and he just saw his childhood friend being threatened with rape, the only thing going through his head was prlly "take the crazy guy down"
    Last edited by DeathscytheVII; Tue, 07-27-2010 at 06:27 PM.

  7. #107
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeathscytheVII View Post
    Considering the messed up situation they were in, I can't blame Takashi for shooting the guy.
    Oh, no one's blaming him for that.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #108
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Noone´s blaming Takashi for anything, he didnt do anything wrong.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Noone´s blaming Takashi for anything, he didnt do anything wrong.
    haha, okay, so you get mad at Rei for wanting to kill the guy, even though she didn't do anything. But then Takashi was the one who shot the guy, which according to your logic was completely out of line, since all he did was tough Rei's breast. I mean, he was groping Rei, and not groping Takashi, so why should Takashi have gotten involved lol?!? Not to mention, Takashi shooting the guy results in the guy getting mauled to death by zombies. So Takashi pretty much killed the guy for touching Rei's breast. But in all of this, Takashi did nothing wrong, and Rei (who did nothing) is the bitch.

  10. #110
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sentenal View Post
    haha, okay, so you get mad at Rei for wanting to kill the guy, even though she didn't do anything. But then Takashi was the one who shot the guy, which according to your logic was completely out of line, since all he did was tough Rei's breast. I mean, he was groping Rei, and not groping Takashi, so why should Takashi have gotten involved lol?!? Not to mention, Takashi shooting the guy results in the guy getting mauled to death by zombies. So Takashi pretty much killed the guy for touching Rei's breast. But in all of this, Takashi did nothing wrong, and Rei (who did nothing) is the bitch.
    But it is totally easy to understand imo: Takashi acted violently when Rei was in immediate danger. The guy left Takashi no other choice but to shoot. Meanwhile, Rei wanted to act violently AFTER the situation had been cleared.

    Not that hard to understand, eh?

  11. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    But it is totally easy to understand imo: Takashi acted violently when Rei was in immediate danger. The guy left Takashi no other choice but to shoot. Meanwhile, Rei wanted to act violently AFTER the situation had been cleared.

    Not that hard to understand, eh?
    Earlier, you said that touching Rei's breast shouldn't warrant death. But, Takashi acted violently because Rei's breast was touched, resulting in death. Plus, Takashi didn't HAVE to shoot the guy, once he got the gun to point blank range, but who cares. He didn't do anything wrong. But then Rei had the nerve to glare at someone who tried to rape her. What a bitch.

    hahaha I agree with what whoever said earlier in the topic, I think you are trolling

  12. #112
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sentenal View Post
    hahaha I agree with what whoever said earlier in the topic, I think you are trolling
    I don't think he is doing it intentionally though. He is something like a natural troll.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  13. #113
    Genin The1LittleMchale's Avatar
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    I think this series is going to continually repeat the situation of him killing people over her in some manner or another.

  14. #114
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sentenal View Post
    Earlier, you said that touching Rei's breast shouldn't warrant death. But, Takashi acted violently because Rei's breast was touched, resulting in death. Plus, Takashi didn't HAVE to shoot the guy, once he got the gun to point blank range, but who cares. He didn't do anything wrong. But then Rei had the nerve to glare at someone who tried to rape her. What a bitch.

    hahaha I agree with what whoever said earlier in the topic, I think you are trolling
    wow, is it really that hard to get? Takashi acted when someone´s life was in danger. Rei wanted to act when everything was over. Clear difference.

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    wow, is it really that hard to get? Takashi acted when someone´s life was in danger. Rei wanted to act when everything was over. Clear difference.
    Yeah, you are right, there is a clear difference. Takashi actually killed someone. Rei gave someone a mean look. WHAT A BITCH.

  16. #116
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sentenal View Post
    Yeah, you are right, there is a clear difference. Takashi actually killed someone. Rei gave someone a mean look. WHAT A BITCH.
    Takashi shot a guy in the shoulder to save someone, Rei wanted to smash his head out of revenge. sigh

  17. #117
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Oh please, Takashi shot that guy with revenge on mind. He didn't really have to shoot him, he can just order the guy to release Rei. And how could you even know what Rei thought at that time? But then again my post would be irrelevant to your natural trolling capabilities.

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  18. #118
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    In my judgement you are wrong, Oyabun. Partially because moments before Takashi had obeyed the molester without a question - to create himself the chance to use the gun he was quite unfamiliar with - and on the other hand because the molester was quite crazed. You can't first be meek and obedient and then suddenly assume to be taken deadly seriously the next moment. If he had not shot, the molester would have again threatened to kill Rei unless Takashi throws the gun away.

    You can't really expect to deal gentlemanly with somebody who is so hostile against the other few survivors under such circumstances. The molester had thrown away his humanity already and was little better than the zombies. So, he had to be dealt with just like with the zombies; with appropriate and direct force.

    Keep in mind that Takashi only had one chance to save Rei, the bike, and himself.

  19. #119
    I think they meant to say, Takashi could have demanded " I have a gun to your chest, give up, drop the knife and let the beauty go" /leave without ever shooting a gun close range.

    Then again, if you like hostage situation, you gotta look at this.

    Policewoman shoots to kill

    Notice: How the policewoman shows the robber mercy by giving him a clean kill? With the level of calmness that Takashi showed, you can safely say that he shot the guy with the intention of revenge?(IMHO, he shot the hentai for insurance, to make sure they don't get entangled with the sorry ass again.)
    To further analyze, Takashi was more then just calm, he is probably better then a pro, in the sense that a normal fodder police would have drawn the gun immediately, but he played possum and pretended to discard his "only" weapon(bat).
    Last edited by depthcharge; Thu, 07-29-2010 at 09:50 AM.

  20. #120
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    I would have killed that jackass without hesitation the moment i saw an opening because it's a god damn apocalypse with the dead rising and eating people, you seriously don't have time to fuck around with crazy people.

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