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Thread: Highschool of the Dead

  1. #81
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    That still doesnt warrant freaking death. And you could tell from her expression that she simply wanted revenge for having been touched. sick bitch

  2. #82
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    That still doesnt warrant freaking death. And you could tell from her expression that she simply wanted revenge for having been touched. sick bitch
    Yeah attempted rape should just warrant a slap on the wrists, the same with attempted murder since it didn't succeed anyway amirite?

  3. #83
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    At least the molester granted them the most valuable lesson: Even in a land filled with zombies your most dangerous enemy is still another living human. I'm somewhat pleased they learned that so early and easily as it would have bothered me a lot if the story had made a bigger event out of such an elementary thing.

    That also explains why, in my opinion, Rei's reaction was understandable. They had been fleeing zombies, watching them kill their fellow students and friends, and then when they suddenly met another survivor, he attacked them and worse. It was rage, disappointment, humiliation, fear, desperation, and other negativity mixed together. Not just being a vengeful bitch.

  4. #84
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Yeah attempted rape should just warrant a slap on the wrists, the same with attempted murder since it didn't succeed anyway amirite?
    Attempted rape != rape
    Oh come on, it was just a bitchy move wanting to kill him. Again, imo, you could see it from ReiŽs expression that she really simply wanted to get revenge for this guy touching her tits. Nothing else.

    Hope, sheŽll see a bad end in the near future.

  5. #85
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Attempted rape != rape
    You cannot be this fucking retarded so i'm going to choose to believe you're trolling me and ignore the matter

  6. #86
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    I'm not even gonna make an argument, because if you think she was in the wrong; then I doubt any argument I come up with is gonna change your way of thinking.

    (Talking to MFauli)
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  7. #87
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    At least the molester granted them the most valuable lesson: Even in a land filled with zombies your most dangerous enemy is still another living human. I'm somewhat pleased they learned that so early and easily as it would have bothered me a lot if the story had made a bigger event out of such an elementary thing.

    That also explains why, in my opinion, Rei's reaction was understandable. They had been fleeing zombies, watching them kill their fellow students and friends, and then when they suddenly met another survivor, he attacked them and worse. It was rage, disappointment, humiliation, fear, desperation, and other negativity mixed together. Not just being a vengeful bitch.
    That's one thing I really liked about this episode. Komuro's narration and Rei's absolute look of disgust as they drive off taught the two of them a lot. The world they knew was over.

    I think this episode redeemed Rei in a number of ways. She used her knowledge of her father's work to get them a gun and extra bullets, didn't balk or cry at the deed either. Komuro certainly did. Hell, I loved the look on her face right before they drove off. Rei saw nothing but a waste of life in him. You have to feel bad for they guy, he probably went a bit out of his mind killing his entire family when they turned, but those kind of selfish acts both have and don't have their place in this new world.

    Rei and Komuro used him, plain and simple. They got to escape without any difficultly after leaving him there bleeding and crying. In some ways, the two of them are as bad as he became. To survive you have to turn cold-hearted. They too only thought of themselves at that point.

    But that's the world they now live in.

  8. #88
    In my view beating (especially to death) people who are no immediate threat to you because they did something bad to you or someone you care about is morally wrong even if you really want to and they seem like they deserve it. I find it quite understandable that she wanted to make him suffer for what he put her through but revenge for the sake of revenge isn't justifiable as far as I'm concerned.

    If she had actually gone through with it I wouldn't have shed many tears for the guy but I wouldn't see her as much better than him either. We're supposed to be past patting people on the back for taking the 'an eye for an eye' mentality to the extreme. I think the guy tried to rape her because she was hot and he wanted to and he thought he could get away with it (mental instability probably helped too). That's a bullshit reason to harm someone. I think she wanted to beat his ass even after he was rendered a non-threat because he made her feel scared and weak and embarrassed and because she thought she could get away with it. That is also a bullshit reason to harm someone.

    P.S. For what it's worth I do think he got what was coming to him in the end.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 07-26-2010 at 11:37 PM.

  9. #89
    Anarchy! At that stage, thinking about being moral and sane will put you in more danger. I think the guideline is, if I call 911 and no body picks up, i wait 15minutes and do the same for 2 more times. After that I operate in anarchy mode for 24hours and try to return to sanity again by calling 911 for help.

    Anyone, who messes up in those 24hr, can't blame me for being anything other than insane. (btw being the cruel person that I am, I am probably not going to insta-kill the person after I initially disable him, i will let him die a slow painful death)

  10. #90
    It was probably actually worse to just leave him there without finishing him off.

  11. #91
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    It was probably actually worse to just leave him there without finishing him off.
    Lol, true

  12. #92
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    The recap at the beginning was ridiculous.

    oh, and Rei is now officially a super-bitch. If Takashi hadnŽt stopped, what would she have done? Killed the guy for...touching her tits? Fuck you, bitch. Hope she gets it back at her soon, sigh.
    He was going to make her his sex slave.

    If someone wanted to make me their sex slave, I

    ... probably won't kill them neither.

    What irked me was how Takashi waited so long before acting. Was he going to stand and look if that guy just decided to rape Rei on the spot? He was close enough to the guy anyway to worry about missing. Just point it at him and scare the shit through him.

    If this is how he's going to use a gun, he should just stick with the bat.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 07-27-2010 at 02:41 AM.

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  13. #93
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    He was going to make her his sex slave.

    If someone wanted to make me their sex slave, I

    ... probably won't kill them neither.
    Clever how you purposely omitted the sexuality of your imaginary assaulter

  14. #94
    Maybe he doesn't mind?

    Beggar cant be choosers!

  15. #95
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I simply refuse to accept that what the guy did was enough to grant him death. Even moreso when it was clear that Rei just wanted to get revenge on him. Had she kicked him in the stomache while he was laying on the ground, that would have been reasonable. But charging a baseball bat, probably aiming for his head? Yeah, not okay. For me, this scene really hurt ReiŽs character, and IŽm not routing for her anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    He was going to make her his sex slave.
    Which would have been incredibly hot if the anime-producers had shown that

  16. #96
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    What irked me was how Takashi waited so long before acting. Was he going to stand and look if that guy just decided to rape Rei on the spot? He was close enough to the guy anyway to worry about missing. Just point it at him and scare the shit through him.

    If this is how he's going to use a gun, he should just stick with the bat.
    I disagree. I think he handled the situation very well. Handling a gun is not as easy as it seems, and with the guy holding Rei so close, there is a decent chance of hitting her if he shoots from a distance.

    The reason why he didn't act immediately was because the guy had the knife near Rei's throat, and was prepared to kill her if he had moved suddenly. Pointing the gun at him is also a bad idea, since it will only make him go nuts (especially if he gets scared) and he might just hurt/kill Rei in the process.

    In the scene when Takashi was slowly moving towards the guy, he managed to piss the guy off enough for him to point his hostility (and knife) towards Takashi. He managed to use this chance well too.

    @Mfauli - As expected.
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  17. #97
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I disagree. I think he handled the situation very well. Handling a gun is not as easy as it seems, and with the guy holding Rei so close, there is a decent chance of hitting her if he shoots from a distance.

    The reason why he didn't act immediately was because the guy had the knife near Rei's throat, and was prepared to kill her if he had moved suddenly. Pointing the gun at him is also a bad idea, since it will only make him go nuts (especially if he gets scared) and he might just hurt/kill Rei in the process.

    In the scene when Takashi was slowly moving towards the guy, he managed to piss the guy off enough for him to point his hostility (and knife) towards Takashi. He managed to use this chance well too.

    @Mfauli - As expected.
    Was that the only instance where the dude's knife moved away from Rei? I thought there were earlier opportunities, though not necessarily directing the knife away, but pulling away.

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  18. #98
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    While physical distance is quite important, what is even more important is the target of the person holding the knife. If he just suddenly dashed in and startled the maniac, chances are he would have slashed Rei's throat because that is what his mind is focused on. Moving his hand a foot or two is still much faster than Takashi running more than 10 feet.
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  19. #99
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    While physical distance is quite important, what is even more important is the target of the person holding the knife. If he just suddenly dashed in and startled the maniac, chances are he would have slashed Rei's throat because that is what his mind is focused on. Moving his hand a foot or two is still much faster than Takashi running more than 10 feet.
    He shouldn't have to rush in. My idea is that since the knifer is giving Takashi the freedom to move, he could have used it to his advantage.

    The scenario in my head is that he just finds a suitable time where he can blend the action of placing his hand on the gun into whatever he was doing at the time. The knifer's already let his guard down since he threw away the bat and is a distance away from him, not to mention he was rather preoccupied with something else half the time.

    All you have to do is then draw, aim, and tell HIM to freeze. The air of confidence is what's required, not the actual chance of hitting the knifer. Verbally nailing the idea that bullets are faster than his hand into the knifer's head while casually walking forwards will then distract and freeze him while you close in on a distance where you can reliably take him out.

    You first move in to disable him mentally.

    Then physically.

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  20. #100
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I get the idea, but it's a very risky plan. The guy was admittedly crazy, so yelling freeze and pointing a gun at him can cause him to behave in a number of irrational ways. Takashi's plan was more straightforward and reliable, although I admit it did involve a lot more patience.
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