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Thread: Highschool of the Dead

  1. #321
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Uhh... It was their intention to find out how their folks are doing. So far they have only verified Saya's parent's situation. Saya's parents no doubt care for their daughter to a degree - the mom even came to rescue her from the zombies - but I very much doubt they will risk anything at all to try to locate and check the status of the others' families. If they don't go out themselves to find out, nobody does.

  2. #322
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Shouldnt it be the other´s wish to leave then?

  3. #323
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, people are different. Saya might even feel it's her responsibility to speak aloud because her situation is "perfect" right now. Maybe she thinks the others wouldn't want to pressure her to leave the safety of her home - in fact she might be mortally afraid they would leave her there and continue on their own to look for their own folks. Psychologically thinking it makes sense to me she's the one talking, also considering her personality.

  4. #324
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #325
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    I didn't expect this, but is was actually a pretty nice episode!

    Hardly any fanservice, but more a preparation for the final few eps. Nice backstory of why Rei hates Shido's guts. Speaking of Shido, he got what he deserved. Hopefully he and his orgy-bus will meet a slow and painful end.

    I'm really curious how this series will end, now that various countries are using nukes.

  6. #326
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harima Kenji View Post
    I didn't expect this, but is was actually a pretty nice episode!

    Hardly any fanservice, but more a preparation for the final few eps. Nice backstory of why Rei hates Shido's guts. Speaking of Shido, he got what he deserved. Hopefully he and his orgy-bus will meet a slow and painful end.

    I'm really curious how this series will end, now that various countries are using nukes.
    Yeah. The soundtrack in the submarine scene really got things kicking again.

    Rei's more than justified to hate Shido after this, but flunking a year really doesn't deserve a death sentence. I'm glad they didn't dwell for any longer than necessary. His explanation for how things happened this way doesn't quite make sense though. If he hates his father so much why did he take orders from him? Neglected children like him normally disown their parent as soon as possible.

    Saeko more or less recovered from her earlier awkward moments as well. Let's hope everything's back on track for a blast finale!

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #327
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It could be making Rei flunk a year just opened her eyes. I doubt that was the only fell deed by Shido even before the zombie attack and they already saw what he's like after it. Besides, I got the impression Rei was more angry about the humialition her dad suffered than about her own fate.

    The nukes will destroy zombies but humans even better, no doubt. I doubt the zombies are very sensitive to radiation, unless somebody actually found out they are and thus ordered the attack. But on the other hand, big cities should be full of zombies and thus if they are nuked, the less zombie contaminated outlands will have better chances.

    A decent episode despite the stupid tent scene that was too detached from reality. Saeko behaved nicely and coolly. Komuro should definitely go for her!

  8. #328
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harima Kenji View Post
    I didn't expect this, but is was actually a pretty nice episode!
    woah, woah, woah! Have we been watching a different episode?

    Wtf was this whole Shido-sensei scene?!
    So Rei wants to kill him for...him making her repeat a school year? wtf?! I really expected something like rape, especially after the scene with his other students inside the bus. But that? Solidifies my opinion of Rei being a complete dumb bitch. And then this scene gets even more fucked up by Takagi´s father appearing and...not doing anthing to stop murder from happening. ROFL
    I went completely "wtf?!" in that moment. "It´s your decision", omgrofl.
    But this scene leads directly to the third wtf-moment, which is Takagi´s father sending Shido-sensei away from safety...ALONG with the other students! XDDDDDD

    Yeah, well, this scene completely sucked and made no sense at all, not if you´re a sane human being. The scene with Takagi´s father and Saeko was weird, too, but oh well...

    I really hope this won´t get a second season, because I know I would have to watch it then.

  9. #329
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    You are sympathising a little bit too much with those reality denying people in the tent, MFauli. Old man Takagi is certainly at the other end of the spectrum, but he's nothing but honest about it. He told Komuro as well that he has no means of taking care of an infinite amount of people, especially since it seems like they are leaving as well. He's quite old himself and very experienced by any reckoning and most likely saw immediately what manner of a man Shido is. A dangerous man to have among the gullible you are trying to keep under control. Similarly he judged the students a lost cause.

    Don't seriously tell you hadn't realised what he is like after the public execution scene. Under the chaotic circumstances he deemed judging Rei's actions more valuable than some worthless piece of shit man's life. Very simple.

    The episode showed a bloody nuclear holocaust beginning to ice the zombie armageddon cake and you still try to judge the people based on civilized peace time standards?

  10. #330
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    The episode showed a bloody nuclear holocaust beginning to ice the zombie armageddon cake and you still try to judge the people based on civilized peace time standards?
    You´re accepting the "new reality" too easily, Kraco. Right, old Takagi has been portrayed as a very strict man, but I must have missed the scene when he said that they wouldn´t welcome any more survivors. And to send a guy that you don´t like into the certainty of death is murder no matter how you look at it. If old Takagi would simply say "we dont take anymore guests" it´d be different. But that´s not how it went.
    And Rei´s behavior cannot be okay´ed by any means shown. She wanted to kill him because he made her repeat a year, and I dont think you´re deluding yourself into thinking "she only reacted that way because of the Zombie-breakout". That zombie-thing played no role in her actions towards Shido-sensei. And no matter if she did what she did because of the year at school or Shido´s actions towards her father, NOTHING of that makes killing someone okay. Definitely not.And again, Rei wasn´t taking action under situational influence.

    And anyone partificipating in that scene didn´t know about the nuclear attack at that moment, so dont bring in bs-arguments

  11. #331
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Nah, the nuclear war didn't affect them at that point but it should affect how you consider their actions. Because it signified people were ready to bring in the nukes. That's how the mental state had developed until that point. When you nuke a city with 99% of the population turned zombies, it still means you are going to kill a whole bunch of people as well. So, how is that different from sending away somebody? At least they didn't take his car and send him away on foot. He still has a chance equal to what he had before finding the mansion. In Takagi's position I'd have sent Shido away as well. Like I said in my previous post, you don't take in somebody who will undermine you behind your back.

    If you missed the scene of the resources, it was when Komuro was talking with old man Takagi about going to rescue their families and sending them to the mansion. Takagi said he can't take care of that many people. So, basically he wasn't that keen on taking care of the busload of students in the first place. He prioritises his own people.

    I still maintain Rei wanted to kill Shido for all the things accumulated, not only because of one repeated year. Plus the fact she has been "killing" zombies already and they had killed the molester back then. In short, she's used to killing and views it as a solution.

    Well, I'm not saying I condone all of their actions and decisions, but that's irrelevant as long as I can understand the reasoning behind them. And that I do. With the exception of Komuro not going steady with Saeko and forgetting the rest! Har har.

  12. #332
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Well, I can´t understand Rei´s reasoning, at least from a "sane human being"-point of view. They killed zombies, and Komuro wounded the molester, but Rei´s extreme disgust and anger towards Shido-sensei existed before all that when they were inside the bus. I bet if she was alone with him there she´d have wanted to kill him, too.

    I stay with my opinion about Rei that I had long ago: She´s an insecure bitch that wants everything to go the way she likes. Evidence is how she complained about Komuro killing his zombified friend, her reactions towards Shido-sensei and when she wanted to kill the molester. Really, this show would be a happy end imo if she died in a gruesome way. How about being raped to death by zombie-Shido?

  13. #333
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    woah, woah, woah! Have we been watching a different episode?

    Wtf was this whole Shido-sensei scene?!
    So Rei wants to kill him for...him making her repeat a school year? wtf?! I really expected something like rape, especially after the scene with his other students inside the bus. But that? Solidifies my opinion of Rei being a complete dumb bitch. .
    I really wonder sometimes if you even watch the damn episodes or just scroll through them in order to catch things to make yourself look like an ass.

    As others pointed out already, Rei didn't care about flunking a year. Her problem with Shidoh was the humiliation her Father had to go through at the hands of the Senator and his bastard son.

  14. #334
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell View Post
    I really wonder sometimes if you even watch the damn episodes or just scroll through them in order to catch things to make yourself look like an ass.
    Definitely the latter for him.

    I would have killed the bastard right then and there. In such situations, self-preservation gets priority, and introducing an infectious (as is obvious from the behavior of the orgy students), evil (as evidenced by his actions against Rei, even if we exclude stuff the characters are not privy to), and intelligent (clear from his identity and background) person to your group is the worse possible choice you can make.
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  15. #335
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Nah, it was better to send him away alive. The tent people were already doubting Takagi after the execution of a zombie, so executing the still living son of a senator would have had nastier effects. However, sending him away, while still looking dubious to some, is quite humane, especially in the eyes of reality deniers. I'm not sure Takagi much cares what they are thinking of him and his methods but even he should be wary of having a rebellion in his hands. He has enough worries as it is.

  16. #336
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Makes sense. Sending him away is pretty much a death sentence anyway.
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  17. #337
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell View Post
    I really wonder sometimes if you even watch the damn episodes or just scroll through them in order to catch things to make yourself look like an ass.

    As others pointed out already, Rei didn't care about flunking a year. Her problem with Shidoh was the humiliation her Father had to go through at the hands of the Senator and his bastard son.
    Did you even read my posting? No matter what of the two is the bigger reason for Rei´s anger, it fucking does not make killing okay! Not in the slightest. But I guess you´d have also been okay with Rei killing the guy that touched her tits, because...sigh. People/Adults are humilitated by other people/adults all the time, that´s reality. If that grants you killing them, murder would have to be legalized, lol. But keep on defending that bitch that is Rei.

  18. #338
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, while I dislike Rei almost as much as you do, to keep things in the proper perspective, the truth is that the gas station dude was already guilty of an assault and molestation, Shido was guilty of corruption by seriously misusing a position of authority and responsibility toward minors. Rei is guilty of... Threatening to kill somebody but not actually doing it? I think you are criticizing her a bit harshly compared to her "victims". Theoretical future crimes aren't usually ranked very high in civilized societies. Even an attempted murder requires something to have happened, even if it's just a bullet missing its mark. But if the suspect never discharged the gun, it's pretty hard to accuse of attempted murder.

  19. #339
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Well, Rei didnt experience Shido´s "misusing of a position of authority and responsibility toward minors" as she had long ago left the bus, before Shido started his "religion", lol. So what is left is a guy that took advantage of his business-position and that made her repeat a year. Hardly anything criminal, happens all the time in rl. And again, the molester only grabbed her tit, nothing more. Also, some of you defend Rei by saying "it´s the situation, zombies, a nuclear attack, omg!", well, isnt the same true for the molester?
    I simply cant accept Rei´s intentions of killing other people for minor, if at all, "crimes". That´s why she comes off as being a self-centered bitch.

  20. #340
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    All I'm saying is that intentions mean absolutely nothing if nothing happens. I mean, I have thought countless times I'll take my katana and make the downstairs chain smoker very familiar with its blade but after all these years the chain smoker is still smoking and I'm still contemplating doing something about it... Does this make me some scumbag criminal, eh?

    I certainly don't think making a normal student repeat a year happens all the time. Assuming she was a normal student and not a problem student. So far she hasn't indicated she sucked at academics or was a cause of public disturbances. Quite the contrary: It was obviously problem for the whole family that their child unexpectedly needed to repeat a year. Don't forget this is Japan where your public image means almost more than your real skills and abilities.

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