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Thread: Amagami SS

  1. #1
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Amagami SS

    Genre: Romance

    Based on: the PlayStation 2 romance simulation game Amagami by Enterbrain

    Plot Summary: A second-year high school boy finds himself uneasy during Christmas time due to an experience in the past. However, this year at Christmas, he gets his last chance to ask out a graduating female senior named Haruka Morishima — or one of several other classmates. The story of the anime will be arranged in an omnibus format, with each heroine getting her own version of the story animated. Each heroine will sing her own version of the ending theme song. -ANN

    Links: ANN, Official

    UTW - Episode 01v2
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 07-04-2010 at 01:17 AM. Reason: Replaced v1 with v2

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I was expecting a lot from this series based on solely the fact it has inspired quite a lot of fanart. The trailer also didn't look bad at all. The only thing I did suspicious is the "each heroine getting her own version of the story". That doesn't sound altogether wholesome considering the bigger picture of the anime, even if it of course is the most accurate representation of the game. It might get tiresome to forget the previous arc and go through a reset to the next one. But maybe the game was such that it wouldn't have been possible to make a more traditional anime out of it. Well, if I'm interpreting the idea correctly at all...

    Anyway, it seemed like a decent story and standard animation with no problems. Naturally it's all about the characters in a story like this, and they seemed nice enough. Perhaps streamlined quite strongly but that is to be expected especially if the story will get reset after each arch and thus the time is highly limited for each of them.

    I'll keep watching this one for the time being, no matter what Bill didn't say.

  3. #3
    I wonder if they could have possibly fit any more tropes in this show...

    Seemed so generic and bland.

  4. #4
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I was about to write it off as boring and cliché but then that crash and burn on the last few seconds made me interested again

    I yelled REJECTED! irl, twas fun.

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This turned out to be Eclipse's show of the season:

    Episode 1 HD | SD - Eclipse

  6. #6
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Makes sense, it has sort of a Key feel to it

  7. #7
    I doubt Haruka's gonna end up being the girlfriend in the end. Senpai's usually always lose (with the exception of a certain other harem anime that starts with an S). That is, if the whole storyline is actually just one continous storyline.

    By the looks of it, according to the episode titles at least they're gonna do an arc for each character. Maybe they'll have alternate endings for each possible girlfriend after each of their respective arcs? Or maybe they're just going the common route of focusing on developing a girl each arc and then just having him choose at the end.

    Not sure what I think about Haruka wanting an older reliable man. It kinda just ticked me off for some reason. Maybe it just seemed like a stupid way of rejecting someone. A simple, I don't like you (or yet) would've done better than, "You're not an option, simply because of your age." Kinda just gave me the impression of her either being a gold digger, or a person that just wants to play around all the time and needs someone to pick up her slack. Maybe I'm just putting too much thought into it.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moogles
    Seemed so generic and bland.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ark
    Those are the feelings I got from the trailers, and to an extent this first episode.

    Funny thing is, it probably got its timing right or something, as those aspects make it feel refreshing and different. Maybe it's that the last lot of highschool romance anime have been rather upbeat and somewhat "unreal" - not that this is a perfect representation of reality but you know what I mean. adding in something special (sexual predators, for example)

    I found the eyes are weird at times - like their position in the socket is off or something. Other times they can look rather pretty.

    I'll definitely give Eclipse a go, since I had a bit of trouble with the flow of UTW's subs.

    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Not sure what I think about Haruka wanting an older reliable man.
    She threw "older" and "reliable" together, implying that Juunichi is younger, and therefore unreliable. It's age discrimination. She knows nothing about him other than that "he's nice".

    The fact that she was being so friendly with him (while the general consensus makes us believe she's unapproachable) right before the rejection gives the impression that she's playing with him and/or disregards his feelings.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 07-03-2010 at 07:56 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #10
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    So this sounds like Hatsukoi Limited. How does this compare to Hatsukoi Limited?

    user posted image

  11. #11
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandadice View Post
    So this sounds like Hatsukoi Limited. How does this compare to Hatsukoi Limited?
    Comparisons, by nature, may contain spoilers

    Hatsukoi Limited had different couples pairing up. Amagami SS seems to be about the main character vs various girls (or so the description suggests).

    Hatsukoi Limited is more light hearted - Amagami SS is more serious (the main character has relationship problems to begin with).

    Hatsukoi Limited has humour. Amagami SS... doesn't.

    Hatsukoi Limited feels like an animated story. Amagami SS feels like an animated dating sim.

    Hatsukoi Limited features white uniforms. Amagami SS has black ones.

    End Spoilers
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 07-04-2010 at 12:48 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #12
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    UTW releases a v2.

    Episode 01 v2 - UTW

    I watched Eclipse's episode one and noticed the following differences with UTW(v1):

    Nii-Nii (UTW) vs Nii-Ni (Eclipse) - I prefer UTW's version because it keeps the "double sound" effect, even if Eclipse's conveys the sound in a more phonetically accurate way.

    Sempai (UTW) vs Senpai (Eclipse) - I prefer Eclipse simply because it's correct. Japanese actually do say sempai a lot because it's easier, but it's the equivalent of writing "I dunno" because that's how people say it. For some reason, the English versions don't invoke such a strong reaction from me though, so I'm a bit hypocritical about it. (UTW used "wanna", after all)

    Onii-chan (UTW) vs Junichi (Eclipse) - I prefer UTW because what I read on screen matches what I hear. Similar stuff also happened when "pronouns" are used. (senpai vs "name of senpai" etc)

    "You're hated now (paraphrased" (UTW) vs "I'm hated now (paraphrased)" (Eclipse) - I have no idea who's right here.

    Paper, siccors, Rock scene
    - Eclipse gave two different responses for the boys after Kaoru explained the loser's job, and added "Shoot" afterwards, while Junichi didn't say anything.

    1st meeting with Morishima-senpai:

    -Morishima: Have we met before?

    -Junichi: No

    -Morishima: I see.

    I don't really remember people I've only met once (paraphrased)
    Eclipse: I'm pretty good at remembering people I've only met once (paraphrased)


    Judging from the conversation alone, Eclipse makes more sense.

    Also in that scene, UTW refers to Junichi as Mr Big Appetite, while Eclipse takes some liberty to use Mr Piggy (to tie in Morishima's fondness of little animals).

    Overall flow: Eclipse feels better (but by how much?). Perhaps it's due to concise sentences, or better use of punctuation - but it reads easier.

    I'm not really sure who comes out on top after all this, or if it even matters at all.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #13
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #14
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    There isn't really overly much to say about this episode. But it occurred to me Morishima is quite similar to Suzumiya Haruhi. Both are apparently actively looking for new exciting things without much reservations yet equally quickly get bored of them. Maybe she hasn't dated anybody because she thought it would soon become a drag and it would be harder to get out of it than walking out of a club.

  15. #15
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    There isn't really overly much to say about this episode. But it occurred to me Morishima is quite similar to Suzumiya Haruhi. Both are apparently actively looking for new exciting things without much reservations yet equally quickly get bored of them. Maybe she hasn't dated anybody because she thought it would soon become a drag and it would be harder to get out of it than walking out of a club.
    It didn't seem to me like that would be a reason. It actually feels like the opposite, that she'd jump at the idea whenever she felt it would be "fun" to do so, regardless of the consequence.

    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    A simple, I don't like you (or yet) would've done better than, "You're not an option, simply because of your age." Kinda just gave me the impression of her either being a gold digger, or a person that just wants to play around all the time and needs someone to pick up her slack. Maybe I'm just putting too much thought into it.
    Yeah, this ep pretty much confirmed it was the latter.

    Morishima is a very "princessy" type of girl, without the arrogance and elitist mannerism, but touched up on the "omg, kawaii" and "this looks fun" aspects. Outwardly, she seems really inconsiderate of people's feelings (she didn't even remember the excuse she gave him, and sexually teases him like anything), does things on a spurt (sign of impulsiveness, "in the moment" mentality, and lacking long-term planning), and in general rather childish.

    I'm undecided on whether she knows this inwardly.

    Morishima actually reminds me of Charlotte Hazelrink from Princess Lover mostly in a bad way. (Her riding Junichi during Episode 1's leapfrog instantly made me think back to Charlotte's own little ride back in P.L Episode 03)

    It's funny how despite all these flaws that we can still like her. Guess it sells.

    We finally got to hear some lines from the cold-looking Ai, and she doesn't sound too cold at all.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 07-09-2010 at 10:46 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #16
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Well, she's young.
    My reading of her reactions was that she's afraid of a love relationship, she's not ready yet. After all she's probably around 15 since she's a 3rd year. No wonder she can't be considerate of others, understand what they feel when she doesn't even understand herself yet.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  17. #17
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    They are high school students, not middle school.

  18. #18
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Hell, that was painful to watch

    There's just no valid reason for liking this girl other that wanting to get in her pants, and yet because Japan ( maybe i'm generalizing here but that's how it felt ) is so prone to confusing lust with love we have to get half asses explanations as "It's fun being with you...".

    All she does is pull you around like a dog! Stand up for yourself you spineless wimp!

    How this guy can be infatuated to an airhead that uses him as her personal bitch servant is beyond me, especially while actively knowing she's not into him. I'm with the sister on this one, just forget the damn bitch and move on already.

    I still see potential here, all the other girls presented so far seem decent enough and fun to watch so i just want this damn arc to be over by the next episode.

  19. #19
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  20. #20
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It's one thing for Morishima to think of Junichi like a puppy, but when even the male lead says "I'm a dog. Let me lick you like a dog"...

    Shit just gets hilarious.

    As easy as Morishima is to fall for, she's just so damn unstable. She's like those girls who buy a puppy because she thinks they're cute, only to abandon them in a box 3 weeks later.

    As long as she keeps thinking of him and being attracted to him like a dog, Junichi is going to be in for a heart break sooner or later. (and I'd say, very soon).

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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