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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 167

  1. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post

    He just force pushed the clouds away, we just didn't know about his powers yet so it made it look like he had godly powers, just as Aizen Kishimoto planned

    That... i can't explain it without spoiling but there's a reason for that
    Naruto official databook by Kishimoto:

    Rain Tiger¹ at Will Technique (雨虎自在の術, Ukojizai no Jutsu)
    Ninjutsu, No rank, Supplementary, All ranges
    User: Pain

    Is this heavenly net of rain, falling down and enclosing, the tears of a god grieving for his village?

    A perception ninjutsu, allowing one to freely manipulate rain infused with the user's own chakra. In the village of Amegakure, it rains each week on Sunday... This rain falls from rain clouds, formed with Pain's own chakra. During this technique, the falling raindrops are closely linked to pain's senses. When the rain is obstructed by a chakra belonging to someone not of the village, the existence of the intruder can be detected. Also, in order to function in the "place" where the technique was invoked, the rain will keep on falling until Pain uses the seal to cancel it. Therefore, when Pain leaves the village, he always uses this technique, keeping a close eye on the village of Amegakure.

    [picture of Pain using this technique]
    →When Pain unleashes the technique, the rain falls. The hunt for intruders begins...

    Covering the village is a strict, vigilant net!!

    [picture of the rain falling down on Amegakure]
    ↑The rain seems convenient for infiltrating. However, it is a definite trap.

    ¹ The tiger is well-known for its ferocity and watchfulness. It keeps a very close guard on its cubs, watches vigilantly for an opportunity to catch its pray, and walks huge distances to patrol its territory.

    Sealing Technique: Phantom¹ Dragons Nine Consuming Seals (封印術・幻龍九封尽, Fuuinjutsu: Genryuu Kyuufuujin)
    Ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, S-rank, Supplementary
    User: Pain

    The captured jinchuuriki² are generally sealed inside this giant statue!

    The users are ten of the greatest shinobi. With all members deeply concentrating, the sealing statue is started up and with the "absorption chakra" released from the mouth, the Bijuu's³ chakra is extracted and then sealed. The chakra of the "Bijuu" is massive; the invocation of this technique spans several days, even for Akatsuki-class users. For regular shinobi, even just starting up the statue would be impossible.

    [picture of the nine dragons emerging from the statue's mouth]
    [pictures of the statue's eyes opening]
    ←↑The "absorption chakra" is shaped into nine dragons and the chakra of the "Bijuu" is consumed and sealed. After the sealing is complete, the statue opens his eyes.

    ¹ The "gen" in "Genryuu" is the same as the "gen" in "genjutsu". It means "phantom" or "illusion" and although it is usually translated as "illusion," I went with "phantom" here since it fits better in my opinion; although the dragons are ethereal, they are not illusionary.
    ² Jinchuuriki (人柱力) means the "power of human sacrifice". They're the hosts of the Bijuu.
    ³ Bijuu (尾獣), the "Tailed Beasts".

    These two techniques have nothing to do with gravity and yet the main Pain uses them.

    And ofc they can use the substitution jutsu, they can also walk on water and probably do a bunch of other basic ninja moves
    So in other words, the konoha nins were wrong when they concluded they could only use their powers. One of the Pains using something other than his powers is enough for us to conclude that they were wrong.

  2. #122
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Actually... they've never used substitution.

    Walking on water's a bit of a push to call it a 'technique" since it only involves controlling a constant output of chakra from your feet. It's like calling tree-walking, or even chakra molding a technique in itself.

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  3. #123
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by antiravage View Post
    lots of words
    With the exception of the statue summons, every "explanation" you gave is stuff you completely made up. There's no evidence that any of those things are how they work.

    Yes, anything at all can be explained if the viewer is allowed to just make shit up to explain it. If you have to pull stuff out of your ass to explain something though, it's still a plot hole.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    I don't see these plotholes other people see. I see continuation of the story.
    That's the point. The animation studio shouldn't be trying to "continue the story". What if they're writing shit that's in direct confrontation with something Kishimoto intends to write? Or worse, is in direct confrontation with something he's ALREADY written. Which is exactly what happened.

    Giving the fox elemental attacks is fine if Kishimoto intends for it to be able to do it. Maybe he had a very good, very specific reason why the Kyuubi didn't have them yet. Maybe the animators just ruined that now because their giving things powers they shouldn't have.

    There's no reason they even needed to add fire attacks. Blasts of red chakra would have worked just as well.

  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    thats not true, it was just extremely exaggerated, you either like it, hate it, or accept it... but not something we haven't seen already.
    Gurren Lagann for example, was full of such weird-over-the-top scenes.
    how can you even compare gurren lagann to this episode...

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  5. #125
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    Ohhh, I see.

    Do we know for certain the studio is not in direct verbal communication with Kishimoto?

    I can't see them going ahead and doing what they want without his input. :/

    You're positive they werent just chakra balls and a chakra laser beam?

  6. #126
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    I can't see them going ahead and doing what they want without his input. :/

    You're positive they werent just chakra balls and a chakra laser beam?
    I always thought they were chakra balls and chakra laser beams.

    Much like its arms, that thing just flings pure chakra around.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #127
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    They looked like fire to me. Also SOUNDED like fire. Also, a couple times they melted rocks.

    The Kyuubi's chakra attacks are actually usually black with red highlights. The fire attacks were just straight up orange flames.

  8. #128
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    They looked like fire to me. Also SOUNDED like fire. Also, a couple times they melted rocks.

    The Kyuubi's chakra attacks are actually usually black with red highlights. The fire attacks were just straight up orange flames
    the kyuubi's chakra burns away naruto's skin and everything else it touches
    during the fight against Oro he used his fire-lazer too, so its nothing new

    the kyuubi's raw chakra seems to be that way.
    it always looked like magma anyway, even (or especially) during naruto's 1-tailed form

  9. #129
    This fight was just insane, i read the manga and i dont remeber it being so OTT.... i mean what the fuck, the power levels of the people involved in this fight are unreal..... why exactley does pain even fucking WANT the tailed beasts if he can basically defeat the current hokage, a legendary sannin, a possible future hokage in kakashi, elude capture by an ENTIRE village's worth of security and lay waste to said village with only a moments notice... what exactley is the point in gaining MORE power then being basically undefeatable....even the nine tails seems evenley matched against one pain, imagine if there were all 6 of them up at one time could the nine tails compete with that? could naruto have competed with that...

    Itachi, sasuke, madara, other hokage, other villages (given that its been said a couple times that the leaf is the strongest, or close to it) how could they possibly hope to compete with pain? even comparing the other akatsuki members there worth on the battle field is just pathetic compared to the destruction pain can give out and id likley say pain could fight and kill every single one of the dead akatsuki members.

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by chambers View Post
    This fight was just insane, i read the manga and i dont remeber it being so OTT.... i mean what the fuck, the power levels of the people involved in this fight are unreal..... why exactley does pain even fucking WANT the tailed beasts if he can basically defeat the current hokage, a legendary sannin, a possible future hokage in kakashi, elude capture by an ENTIRE village's worth of security and lay waste to said village with only a moments notice... what exactley is the point in gaining MORE power then being basically undefeatable....even the nine tails seems evenley matched against one pain, imagine if there were all 6 of them up at one time could the nine tails compete with that? could naruto have competed with that...

    Itachi, sasuke, madara, other hokage, other villages (given that its been said a couple times that the leaf is the strongest, or close to it) how could they possibly hope to compete with pain? even comparing the other akatsuki members there worth on the battle field is just pathetic compared to the destruction pain can give out and id likley say pain could fight and kill every single one of the dead akatsuki members.
    Pain is trying to end war (or at least change the Pattern): unlike a few of the others in his organization, I am guessing that he is NOT immortal. I would even go so far as to guess that he is dying. Since he will not be around for ever it is logical to create some sort of weapon out of mythical, immortal, beasts since such a weapon WOULD be around forever. Said weapon could continue the cycle of destruction and peace even after pain passes away. Really such an impact, if possible, is far more amazing than any lasting power of an individual or even immortality. To be able to constantly control the future without even being present or active IN the future, that is THE legacy of all time.

    The relationship between Pain and Madara actually may very well follow the lines of Master and Apprentice right out of Starwars. Perhaps even so far as that Madara may have saved Pain in the past (sort of a Darth Vader origins story here). I think Pain is clearly more powerful than Madara but at the same time more vulnerable to manipulations by Madara.

    Nobody commented on my theory regarding the metal polls Pain seems to have an endless supply of. I am hurt.

  11. #131
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    the kyuubi's chakra burns away naruto's skin and everything else it touches
    during the fight against Oro he used his fire-lazer too, so its nothing new
    Sakura described coming in contact with the Kyuubi as it's chakra being poisonous, rather than burning.

    In the Oro fight, the beam specifically doesn't burn/melt anything though, it cuts/explodes, which is what raw chakra does.

  12. #132
    Basically, Nagato has the ability to use all 6 elements if he wants to. He could maybe even use 3 together if he's good enough. That's what the Rinnegan and the whole sage of the 6 paths thing does for him. As far as his puppet people: it's all up in the air. Either he can only use one special technique per puppet, or he builds them up beforehand to use techniques. For example, he would have to specifically set up a puppet that could absorb earth/water element chakra he gives off to use wood element technique.

  13. #133
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam98034 View Post
    Basically, Nagato has the ability to use all 6 elements if he wants to. He could maybe even use 3 together if he's good enough. That's what the Rinnegan and the whole sage of the 6 paths thing does for him. As far as his puppet people: it's all up in the air. Either he can only use one special technique per puppet, or he builds them up beforehand to use techniques. For example, he would have to specifically set up a puppet that could absorb earth/water element chakra he gives off to use wood element technique.
    But there are only 5 elements.

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  14. #134
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam98034 View Post
    Basically, Nagato has the ability to use all 6 elements if he wants to. He could maybe even use 3 together if he's good enough. That's what the Rinnegan and the whole sage of the 6 paths thing does for him.
    Says who? None of the Pains have used any elemental powers at all. He has 6 different powers. Nobody said he can use 6 elements(which, like Buff said, there aren't even 6).

    So...AGAIN...way to try explain away the animators plot holes by pulling powers out of your ass.

  15. #135
    Are you sure there isn't six? Why else was he called the sage of the six paths? Maybe there's a special 6th element? I smell a sequel to a old school movie with Bruce Willis.

  16. #136
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam98034 View Post
    Are you sure there isn't six? Why else was he called the sage of the six paths? Maybe there's a special 6th element? I smell a sequel to a old school movie with Bruce Willis.
    Because he is/controls/becomes six entities that represent the six paths or domains in the Buddhist belief of reincarnation and suffering. (Additional information: Buddhists believe that only through enlightenment can one escape from this cycle of suffering)

    The five elements are: Earth, Fire, Water, Lighting and Wind.

    Elements have never been known as "paths".

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  17. #137
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Says who? None of the Pains have used any elemental powers at all. He has 6 different powers. Nobody said he can use 6 elements(which, like Buff said, there aren't even 6).

    So...AGAIN...way to try explain away the animators plot holes by pulling powers out of your ass.
    I'm pretty sure Jiraiya said that Nagato was able to learn *all* *6* Elements
    and if Nagato is able to use all 6 elements, then there is absolutely no reason for Pain not to use them too, because after all, he is controlled by nagato's CHAKRA.

    problem solved! no plothole
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 07-12-2010 at 05:45 AM.

  18. #138
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I'm pretty sure Jiraiya said that Nagato was able to learn *all* *6* Elements
    and if Nagato is able to use all 6 elements, then there is absolutely no reason for Pain not to use them too, because after all, he is controlled by nagato's CHAKRA.

    problem solved! no plothole

    I vaguely remember him saying that Nagato remembered every justu he taught him, maybe even elements.. but he sure as hell never mentioned six elements.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #139
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    rewatched it, its episode 131

    "He who possessed the same pupils as the Sage of the Six Paths
    not only mastered every Jutsu I thought him, he demonstrated the ability to achieve all *SIX* changes in Chakra Nature." etc etc.
    -Crunchyroll Subs (I'm 100% sure Taka also subbed it like that)

    the 6th is probably "Yin-Yang recomposition" as Kakashi stated when he exlpained the whole element-stuff
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 07-12-2010 at 09:15 AM.

  20. #140
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    There are five basic types into which the nature of chakra can be transformed, called the Five Elements Nature Transformations
    Aside from the five basic types of nature transformation, there is also a sixth type: the transformation of the Yin (陰, In) and Yang (陽, Yō) nature of chakra.

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