That was pretty intense. When you have fireballs raining from the sky, things truly feel epic.
Still, was it really necessary for for Pain to undergo so much distortion? Feels like shitty animation.
And somehow, Katsuya manages to stay on Naruto whose skin is supposed to be undergoing a constant proliferation/destruction cycle.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
One word. Epic.
I agree. I have yet to watch it in high quility but I kinda felt the animation could of been done more better, if you pause it in some places you can find a good bunch of funny facesbut yeah overall I enjoyed it so much, its better then reading the manga.
The animation and added scenes were crap. Sure the crater in Konoha was big but now it's so freaking big you can make an ocean in there and still not see the end? I was really hoping they would animate it better like they do with normal episodes. The animation kind of ruined it for me.
I disliked the animation, but it leads to something good it seems. Is he finally about to know the truth about yondaime?...
Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!
I hope so. I hope he kicks serious ass in the next episode.
If it's in 2 weeks, I wonder if it will be an hour special.
I enjoyed the ep, but yeah, the animation was really, really off, particularly in the first half. Almost to the point where it felt like a different show. Anyone else catch the road-runner legs at ~4:45? Come on, we aren't watching loony toons. I'm pretty laid back in that department - I can't think of another time where the animation really got to me - but it did here. Almost to the point where I'm siding with NeoCybercoin and saying it ruined the ep.
It was something different. I enjoyed the change of pace, the animation had to be so over the top that you can sense the epic calamity of it all. Albeit the elongating faces is way offbeat for this series but I don't think that can make or break an episode.
Parts of it were truly awesome, other parts looked so weird they made me lose focus from the ep and all i could think was 'what the fuck?'.
It looks like Nagato is seriously running out of power, and a big w00t on the Fourth living inside Naruto o.O
Also, Hinata isn't dead (yet?), yay :P
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
So....yeah. The first five minutes or someone already said, it was like watching a Loony Toons cartoon. This is obviously the same team that did Naruto vs. Sasuke 2, which was awesome, but it seems like they had no editor on this one. Nobody to tell them "Okay, that's enough." Because they just went insane with it.
It got better from the point where he destroyed his crystal.
I immediately went to the manga after this because there were a ton of characters using abilities they didn't have previously, not surprisingly, none of it was in the manga.
Most notably, all of the Kyuubi's fire attacks. Aside from the fact that he's red, there's never been anything to suggest that he can use the Fire element before now.
I also thought it was strange that Pain, who previously could be taken out pretty easily if you could actually get past his Push, was all of a sudden completely immune to damage. Even blocking the Kyuubi's physical attacks, which in addition to causing massive damage, have been shown to burn flesh. As expected, the Kyuubi never really makes contact with Pain in the manga.
Also, Pain has Water element powers since when?
So yeah, the animators went crazy with the making shit up.
But aside from all that....
Woot! Boobs are alive! ALIIIIIIVE!!
Poor Kyuubi almost gets out and then BAM! 4th's Ghost.
I do think it's cool that the Kyuubi basically regrows as more tails come out. At 4, Naruto is like his blood, then he gets a skeleton at 6, and muscles at 8. I'm guessing at 9 his fur grows back.
Also, Sage of the Six Paths made THE MOON! He's the Anti-Piccolo!
Last edited by DarthEnderX; Thu, 07-01-2010 at 02:55 PM.
The overall emotional intensity made me easily forget/overlook the bad animation. Freakin' epic... I almost strangled my computer when the ED came up because I wanted more. Another two weeks...
Side note... the new ED I thought was pretty awesome, and appropriate for 4th of July coming up.
yeah i have to agree with this... the horrible animation totally ruined the ep for me... road runner legs looked silly and stupid... only things i liked are that hinata is still alive and the 4th seems to be living inside naruto
i was just thinking wtf was that... so cheesy
exact opposite for me, all emotional intensity was lost... what a waste it could have been a much better episode
.................................................. sig made by KitKat ..................................................
It was completely the other way around for me. The animation was so bad it kept pulling me completely out of the moment with wth double takes, which caused me to loose any feeling of emotional intensity. At least for the first part of the ep. It was better in the second half, still little things, but small enough that I could ignore them and really get into the feel of it.
Heck, there are filler episodes (lots of them!) that did a far better job of telling the story and drawing me in, even if the story they were telling isn't as good.
Well everyone's right about the bad animation at the start. What I meant more was that once the intense scenes towards the end started kicking in, I forgot all about the bad animation before it and got drawn into the scene. If I had only watched the first section, I'd be crying in Pain of my own.
Except for the railroad spike Pain getting hammered in. That was glory.
After the road runner legs scene I tried to tell myself I didn't really see anything and proceeded to forget it. But it surely was a glorious epitome of the weird animation in this episode.
Still, there were some good scenes and forgetting the loony and otherwise compromised details the general mood of the episode wasn't bad. It conveyed the utterly chaotic and inhuman nature of Kyuubi when Naruto drops the control. Although Pain suddenly and inexplainably scaling up to meet that alien power somewhat detracted from that atmosphere.
I understand many people's anger for the animation but I kinda of understand the style choose for it. They showed a lot more extreme emotion with the kind of animation. It was more like trying to show you just how sickening the power was of both fighters. At times that animation can get annoying but I think it's to express a great magnitude of emotions and power.
The style didn't show extreme emotion at all though.
In fact, even moreso than the Loony Tunes comparison, the first thing that came to mind watching the Kyuubi in the first part was Luffy's 3rd Gear. The way he kept ballooning up all over the place.
It's like, the Kyuubi is supposed to look all sleek and angular. Not all puffy and rounded off. There were scenes where it looked like they drew him with mouse ears...
The part that made me lol was right after that. When Pain's head is poking out of the ground going, "Do you hate me?"