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Thread: Tales of Vesperia ~ The First Strike ~

  1. #1
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Tales of Vesperia ~ The First Strike ~

    Taking place sometime before the Tales of Vesperia videogame, the movie follows Yuri Lowell's time on the Knights alongside Flynn Scifo.

    Yuri and Flynn are posted on the town of Shizontania, were they must protect the villagers from the recent infestation of monsters. Alongside the twin red-heads, Hisuka and Shastere, and under the command of Captain Fedrok, the Knights must uncover the mystery behind the recent infestation of Aer.

    This movie marks the first full movie made for a Tales game. It was announced alongside the PS3 port of the game (for Japan) and some of its characters even make an appearence on the ~complete version~ of the game, which weren't featured on the original Xbox360 game.

    My comments? Wow. The movie is fantastic. I enjoyed it completely, even without having played the game (I hate Bandai Namco for not giving PS3 users this jewel).

    Chihiro 480p (1.05 GB)
    Chihiro 720p (3.74 GB)
    Chihiro 1080p (9.19 GB)

  2. #2
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    The 1080p, its over NINE THOUSAND!

    Seriously though, this is awesome :P

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  3. #3
    Downloading! Almost forgot about this movie. If this is a prequel I have no idea why Rita and Estel are doing in this movie. Repede is understandable, same with Raven. If they have their own storylines that don't intertwine, it'd make sense.

    I have the 360 version, and I was planning to buy the PS3 version if they ever localized it. But too bad Bamco are a bunch of idiots.

  4. #4
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    Downloading! Almost forgot about this movie. If this is a prequel I have no idea why Rita and Estel are doing in this movie. Repede is understandable, same with Raven. If they have their own storylines that don't intertwine, it'd make sense.

    I have the 360 version, and I was planning to buy the PS3 version if they ever localized it. But too bad Bamco are a bunch of idiots.
    There seems to be a recent small hope. Troy Baker, voice of Yuri, said on Sakuracon 2010 he had been called to record new voices for the PS3 version. And he also said he was surprised Namco hadn't announced the game yet.

    If Bamco is crap... I still hope for an European release to import it.

    And do tell when you watch the movie. I could answer your question regarding several characters, but I prefer you watch it yourself. I downloaded the 720p version.

  5. #5
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I thought you hadn't played the game Zell

  6. #6
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    I thought you hadn't played the game Zell
    Who said I have? Unless you count the Japanese PS3 Demo.

    Besides... you do not need to play the game to enjoy the movie, which takes place in the past of the game.

  7. #7
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell View Post
    Who said I have? Unless you count the Japanese PS3 Demo.

    Besides... you do not need to play the game to enjoy the movie, which takes place in the past of the game.
    You don't but you'll enjoy it a whole lot more if you did

    Rita's adorable character design is nothing compared to her spunky personality, i love her character

  8. #8
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Rita was adorable in the movie.
    Did you watch it yet?

  9. #9
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell View Post
    Rita was adorable in the movie.
    Did you watch it yet?
    Actually i still have to finish the game, i'm sidequesting just before the final boss

  10. #10
    Overall the movie was OK, I guess. I thought it was pretty boring however for most of the movie. The only scenes I seemed to enjoy were the scenes that had Repede in them. We found out where that pipe Repede always had in his mouth was from.

    It was predictable as all hell that he was going to be the main bad dude. Knew it right away the moment I saw him.

    I was expecting Ring a Bell by Bonnie Pink to be somewhere. This is my first time hearing the Japanese version. But I have to say I like the English version better.

  11. #11
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    Overall the movie was OK, I guess. I thought it was pretty boring however for most of the movie. The only scenes I seemed to enjoy were the scenes that had Repede in them. We found out where that pipe Repede always had in his mouth was from.
    That's basically my line of thought too. I found everything up to Lambert's death to be pretty enjoyable, and his death was done well emotionally too, but the build-up afterwards just didn't feel significant. I didn't get that sense of urgency regarding the situation, and it didn't help that the mechanism of the destroyed machine was left largely unexplained.

    I wish Flynn had got to keep Nylen's sword. It seemed to sway the favouritism towards Yuri (who I wasn't particularly fond of).

    I liked Rita a lot on the other hand, and was completely oblivious to the twin's different bust sizes until they spelt it out.

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  12. #12
    Well it was an ok movie, though like most movies/shows based on games they can't do too much so I'd say it works. Though were surprised at things since it seemed Flynn and Yuri treated each other differently compared to the movie. Always figured their trust came from growing up together and aiming to be knights together so that was weird. But yeah overall ok.

    Read somewhere that Tales studios isn't going plus rather 20 or so millions minus so doubt the PS3 version will ever see the light here in the west, which is kinda to bad since they're suppose to include characters from this movie as well.
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  13. #13
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fireheart View Post
    Read somewhere that Tales studios isn't going plus rather 20 or so millions minus so doubt the PS3 version will ever see the light here in the west, which is kinda to bad since they're suppose to include characters from this movie as well.
    The debt belongs to Tales Studio, which only exists in Japan, not to Namco Bandai. Bamco is just being an ass not localizing it... and by extense it worsens Tales Studio's debt since they don't get a dime from an international version.

  14. #14
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Finally got around to watching it, greatly enjoyed it

    I get how people found the overall result predictable but i still found it great, if anything i'm annoyed they didn't add those delicious twins to the 360 version.

  15. #15
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Those two aren't on the 360 because they didn't exist back then. They do appear on the PS3 version though.

    Funimation (they suck) is going to release this movie in BluRay for NorthAmerica next year. I may end up buying it since I liked it that much (even if Funi sucks)

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