I'm pretty well done with the v3 bugs, insofar as I've got no motivation or commitment to continue trying to untangle them, opting instead for the 4.x update and mandatory new theme that comes with it.

If you've got sort of broad-scale v4 suggestions, feel free to post them here.

On specifics, I am liking this 1000px width of the theme I'm working on. It's still fixed-width, still centered, but like 220px roomier than the current layout. I'm going to do away with some of the subtle side gradient thing, just going for a straight-up black background, with a couple doses of #333333 charcoal for things that should be subtly separated from the background. Rather than having the banner be 815x120 with structural elements and weird gradients in it, I think I'm going to make the rotator banners just stick to 1000x150. Losing the pinstripe restriction is definitely the way to go. I'm still experimenting on whether I'll need to put other template restrictions on it or not, but I'm hoping I can make it work without them.

Lots to do .... not enough brain-cycles left to do more on them tonight. But yeah, comments welcome.