Just saw Captain America: The First Avenger 3D,
After Thor being pretty damn good, all I was hoping for was that they wouldn't butcher the story of the starspangled man. Now while not as good as Thor, Marvel has definitly kept the quality up.
It was already forshadowed in 2008's Hulk that The first Avenger's origin story would be mostly based on the alternate Ultimate universe version; this was a good thing however, since the official origin story isn't that interesting..
But while I did like the choice of story, there were a few tiny things that bothered me; about halfway through the movie they go through a montage of Cap fighting along side his fellow soldiers, but never once showed Cap actually -training- with is super iconic weapon of choice: the shield.
The reason why the shield always returns after being thrown isn't because it's "special", but because the serum enhanced his brain so much that cap actually subconciously calculates how to throw it in order for it to bounce back...it would've been nice to see that explained...perhaps in the upcoming Avengers movie.
I did however really like how it ended in present time, but still, coupled with some pacing issues I feel this
could've been on par with Iron Man or even Thor, but ultimately falls a bit short.
The cast was pretty great; Chris Evans makes a great Captain America. Even though he also plays (a pretty good) Torch in the marvel movies, I'll associate him with cap first now; it just fits him better...aaannd Torch is dead now in the marvel universe anyway ;P.
His "arch-nemesis" the Red Skull was played by Hugo Weaving and didn't dissapoint at all; he's at his best playing villains anyway.
The rest of the cast was good enough, I wasn't really bothered by anyone...well agent carter's kiss had some pretty horrible cliché timing, but the rest of her performance was solid.
Now the visuals were great. "Skinny Steve" was pretty awesomely done. Instead of using a different body with Evans' head superimposed on it like benjamin button, they actually
shrunk him and thus all scenes had to be acted out as if he was really that small xP.
This way had the advantage that it looked far more natural than the other aforementioned movie.
The shield bouncing of surfaces and nazi faces looked great too.
It's funny though that my favourite scene in the movie actually used the least CGI; when cap jumps of his motorcycle and just bashtackles a Nazi out of the way was just stupidly epic, even if it only lasted for half a second. Now if cap actually yelled "charging star" at that scene I would've lost it and screamed :x.
The 3D effects were just right, better than Thor.
As a sidenote I also really enjoyed them putting cap in his comic book outfit first, just to show how insanely silly it looks in real life ;P.
Even if this wasn't as good as Thor I still say this was very worth the watch and was highly enjoyable. Also stay after credits for a very epic trailer of the upcoming avengers movie!
Cap can do this all day, so watch it ;D!