Animated series
See also: List of Wakfu episodes
Ankama Animation has been producing a French-language cartoon series by the same name, based on the video game. The first season of 26 episodes began airing on 30 October 2008, and new episodes will continue to air into January 2010 on France 3. Like the video game, the show is animated with Adobe Flash software; all the production is done in France, with the help of a few Japanese animators. The series is directed by Anthony "Tot" Roux, and character design is directed by Xavier "Xa" Houssin and Kim "Tcho" Etinoff.[11] During the London MCM Expo, the first two episodes were shown for the first time in English, but it is not known if an English-language version is planned. A spin-off called Mini-Wakfu, which features humorous shorts with characters depicted in super deformed style, has aired since September 2009. A special episode called "Noximilien l'Horloger", this episode will appear on the future DVD releases, it will tell the origins of the main antagonist, Nox, the production of this episode was made in Japan by a team of animators who worked on Kemonozume and Kaiba.