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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 159

  1. #21
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Well, at least before he died he finally put to rest the issue of someone being able to use more than two elemental chakras. As now he could DEFINITELY use Water, Lightning and Earth. If Abdul still came to this board I'd totally tell him to suck it!
    huh? didn't kakashi alrdy use more than 2 elementals in the very first ~10 episodes of Naruto or so?

    bell-training - earth
    first zabuza encounter - water
    second zabuza encounter - lightning

  2. #22
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Lol yeah, but Abdula's point was that all his Earth jutsus were either too weak or supported by a scroll so the point could still be made that he only had control over 2 elements

    Anyway this episode's animation was so damn weird, it was like it was handled by a studio not at all familiar in how to produce action scenes

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Lol yeah, but Abdula's point was that all his Earth jutsus were either too weak or supported by a scroll so the point could still be made that he only had control over 2 elements

    Anyway this episode's animation was so damn weird, it was like it was handled by a studio not at all familiar in how to produce action scenes
    Ya I agree, though I generally dislike the animation that everyone claims is "great" so I figured I was in the minority as usual.

    They should have fleshed out the fight a bit more and added some good animation for something like Kakashi's death.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Mugen View Post
    maybe im in denial, but i still doubt that this is the last we'll see of kakashi... and i'm pretty dissapointed that he went down so fast, even if it was one of pain's bodies...
    I'm with you - I read some of the earlier posts before I watched the episode and went into fully expecting to see his definitive death, but that's not what I saw at all. To me, it came across as far more as a 'critcal condition, near death experience' kinda thing. I'm fairly certain he's down for the fight baring direct Tsunade intervention, but I'll be suprised if he's down for good.

  5. #25
    Where are the other teams? Even if they're on assignment, I'm pretty sure the destruction of Konoha trumps any ranked mission they're on... Although I guess they might not have gotten word yet due to just how fucking fast the village got attacked and overwhelmed. Even Tenten would be useful here-if she kept endlessly throwing shuriken at the Force Push/Pull Pain it might force him to repel them and make a gap for the others to exploit. Konoha needs competent fighters like Gai, Rock Lee, and Neji bigtime right now-shit they need EVERYONE right now. And maybe Shino could sniff around with his bugs looking for the original pain. Or at least keeping the rest up to date on the locations of the 6 bodies.

  6. #26
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayoftheDante View Post
    And maybe Shino could sniff around with his bugs looking for the original pain. Or at least keeping the rest up to date on the locations of the 6 bodies.
    Pain's zombie bodies should actually have a huge weakness to the chakra eating bugs since they are completely dependent on chakra based remote control.

  7. #27
    About the whole, "where is everyone else and why isn't everyone reacting?" thing. I'm pretty sure we are seeing this like a soap opera and most of this crap is going on at the same time. Pain has probably been in the village maybe like 30 minutes max I bet.

  8. #28
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azonalanthious View Post
    I'm with you - I read some of the earlier posts before I watched the episode and went into fully expecting to see his definitive death, but that's not what I saw at all. To me, it came across as far more as a 'critcal condition, near death experience' kinda thing. I'm fairly certain he's down for the fight baring direct Tsunade intervention, but I'll be suprised if he's down for good.
    I felt that Tsunade's reaction to when she tried to heal Kakashi with the slug was fairly conclusive to me that he had died. If he had only been "near death" she wouldn't have sent it away without doing anything to him.

  9. #29
    Anyone think Sasuke is going to be pissed when he finds out Pain went and basically destroyed Konoha without him?

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    I felt that Tsunade's reaction to when she tried to heal Kakashi with the slug was fairly conclusive to me that he had died. If he had only been "near death" she wouldn't have sent it away without doing anything to him.
    I see your point, but it came across to me a little different (maybe because I've got both military and medical backgrounds). I never really 'thought' about that point but I just assumed it was triage - Sakura's green/yellow/red stuff. Those injured who will live even without help, those who might survive with help, and those who will probably die even with help. In a battle situation you always devote most of your efforts to the middle category. I figured Tsunade just put in him in the final (probably gonna die) category, which matches up with the critical condition point in my earlier post, rather then it being that he was already dead.

    Alternately (and I just thought about this as I was typing this post) - Kakashi is in the condition he is in because he completely and totally exhausted his chakra, right? Do we even know if that can be healed by medical jutsu? Its not an actual 'wound' after all and I don't think we've ever seen any evidence that medical jutsu can transfer chakra or anything similar. And her reaction could very easily be to a critical ninja being taken out of the fight so early, even if he isn't dead.\

    Edit: Oh, and Tsunade's in person response came across to me as a very angry "Damnit, I know I could save him if I went, but I've got bigger responsabilities." Given how weepy/sad we've seen her get over the death of those she cares about, I would expect a lot more grief and a lot less anger out of her if he was already dead rather then just critical.
    Last edited by Azonalanthious; Sat, 05-08-2010 at 10:45 PM.

  11. #31
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azonalanthious View Post
    I see your point, but it came across to me a little different (maybe because I've got both military and medical backgrounds). I never really 'thought' about that point but I just assumed it was triage - Sakura's green/yellow/red stuff. Those injured who will live even without help, those who might survive with help, and those who will probably die even with help. In a battle situation you always devote most of your efforts to the middle category. I figured Tsunade just put in him in the final (probably gonna die) category, which matches up with the critical condition point in my earlier post, rather then it being that he was already dead.

    Alternately (and I just thought about this as I was typing this post) - Kakashi is in the condition he is in because he completely and totally exhausted his chakra, right? Do we even know if that can be healed by medical jutsu? Its not an actual 'wound' after all and I don't think we've ever seen any evidence that medical jutsu can transfer chakra or anything similar. And her reaction could very easily be to a critical ninja being taken out of the fight so early, even if he isn't dead.\

    Edit: Oh, and Tsunade's in person response came across to me as a very angry "Damnit, I know I could save him if I went, but I've got bigger responsabilities." Given how weepy/sad we've seen her get over the death of those she cares about, I would expect a lot more grief and a lot less anger out of her if he was already dead rather then just critical.
    That's good and all, but it doesn't explain why she ignored Chouji's question.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #32
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    ya, especially since chouji would be able to take both his father AND kakashi back.
    for healing.

  13. #33
    At least they could take the corpse of Kakashi back as it contains a lot of useful information for Konoha. Like the sharingan...

    You don't want the body of one of Konoha's strongest shinobi lingering around in a war zone.

    Just find it weird that they killed off the most popular character of the show such a short fight before his death. Asuma got several episodes while he isn't nearly as popular as Kakashi.
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  14. #34
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    the fight could have been a bit more epic... or more fluent
    i don't think its bad that he died so quickly, it just shows how much stronger pain is.

    but the battle felt "lame"
    pretty much nothing happened.

    and i don't get why the second pain body just stood there and expected kakashi to jump into his blade-tail-thingy instead of jamming it into him when he was forced to use the chain to bind himself to the stone

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    the fight could have been a bit more epic... or more fluent
    i don't think its bad that he died so quickly, it just shows how much stronger pain is.

    but the battle felt "lame"
    pretty much nothing happened.

    and i don't get why the second pain body just stood there and expected kakashi to jump into his blade-tail-thingy instead of jamming it into him when he was forced to use the chain to bind himself to the stone
    Maybe because the puppet pain was also attracted by his force and couldn't really move?
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  16. #36
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    didn't look like it at all to me

  17. #37
    Well, Choji's Dad Choaza? seemed way too weak. I mean, Choji in the arc to rescue Sasuke, ate couple of soldier pills and almost died but defeated his opponent.

    While this round, it is lack luster.

  18. #38
    Wow I never thought Kakashi would die! like that. I expected a more grandiose fight. I was a little surprised when he used about 3-4 jutsu and he was already half tapped. I know lightening jutsu use a lot of Chakra but common!

    On another note its nice to see the story progressing in a nice pace. Although i smell the stink of fillers around the corner... maybe that's just me ^^

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Sabrac View Post
    Wow I never thought Kakashi would die! like that. I expected a more grandiose fight. I was a little surprised when he used about 3-4 jutsu and he was already half tapped. I know lightening jutsu use a lot of Chakra but common!

    On another note its nice to see the story progressing in a nice pace. Although i smell the stink of fillers around the corner... maybe that's just me ^^
    Kakashi is like that, though. He's usually not the guy to wear you down in a long drawn out fight. He more or less sets you up for a really powerful attack, basically trying to 1-hit kill you. Also, I'm pretty sure Pain's gravity attack messes you up pretty badly; you're basically a rag doll.

  20. #40
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Kakashi's max Raikiri capacity per day was like 4 or something.

    He missed Pain twice while using the clone.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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