Quote Originally Posted by Azonalanthious View Post
*looks at Archangel's sig* *looks up at posts*

You know you are fighting online, my friend?

By the by, I believe there was a fight after the time skip where we saw Kakashi use 6 chidori's, indicating some increase in capacity though I don't recall that 100% for certain. That being said, we don't really know how much of his capacity the other techniques use - for all we know the whole lightning dog might use half ot it all by itself or some such. Which makes debating capacity based purely on chidoris/day rather pointless.
By the by, I go a negative feedback for this post, which is fine (I got a positive as well, t'all balances out), but the negative had the comment 'you do know right?' The problem being that no, I don't. No idea what they were refering too. Whoever sent it want to enlighten me? Feel free to do it as part of another negative comment if you feel the need. Its just really bugging me - I want to know what it is that I know (or don't as the case may be), darn it!