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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 159

  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Azonalanthious View Post
    *looks at Archangel's sig* *looks up at posts*

    You know you are fighting online, my friend?

    By the by, I believe there was a fight after the time skip where we saw Kakashi use 6 chidori's, indicating some increase in capacity though I don't recall that 100% for certain. That being said, we don't really know how much of his capacity the other techniques use - for all we know the whole lightning dog might use half ot it all by itself or some such. Which makes debating capacity based purely on chidoris/day rather pointless.
    By the by, I go a negative feedback for this post, which is fine (I got a positive as well, t'all balances out), but the negative had the comment 'you do know right?' The problem being that no, I don't. No idea what they were refering too. Whoever sent it want to enlighten me? Feel free to do it as part of another negative comment if you feel the need. Its just really bugging me - I want to know what it is that I know (or don't as the case may be), darn it!

  2. #62
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It wasn't me, i'll good rep you to prove my innocence

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    It wasn't me, i'll good rep you to prove my innocence
    Thanks, though you didn't need to. Its not like I post here so much that I am drasticly concerned about my rep, though I do read far more then my post count would suggest. I just really want to know what it is I am supposed to know. Its bugging me.

  4. #64
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Rep is useless. It's pretty much just an excuse for douchebags to swear at you without you knowing who they are or even being able to respond to them.

    I don't even look at them anymore.

  5. #65
    Whoever is doing it is trying to get inside your head, and mess with you, you do know right?

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam98034 View Post
    Whoever is doing it is trying to get inside your head, and mess with you, you do know right?
    In my experience folks rarely get into mind games like that - as darth said, its more generic cursing. But its a possiblity, and believe me, I'll live if that's the case. I'm just curious by nature, so would like to know if it is not in fact a mind game.

  7. #67
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azonalanthious
    You know you are fighting online, my friend?
    Quote Originally Posted by neg rep
    'you do know right?
    Quote Originally Posted by Azonalanthious
    The problem being that no, I don't. No idea what they were refering too.
    Inference: 'you do know that to bitch about this neg rep is to fight online, right?'

    It's a bait/jab/smart-comment/whatever-you-want-to-call-it.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #68
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Inference: 'you do know that to bitch about this neg rep is to fight online, right?'

    It's a bait/jab/smart-comment/whatever-you-want-to-call-it.
    /me stares with suspicion...

  9. #69
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    /me stares with suspicion...
    At his word, I too will prove it wasn't me.

    But mine will be red.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #70
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    At his word, I too will prove it wasn't me.

    But mine will be red.
    What an ass

  11. #71
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    What an ass
    He got one freebie. It'll only make sense for the next one to balance it out or we'll be setting an example of sympathy-rep-giving.

    Things are more interesting that way.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Inference: 'you do know that to bitch about this neg rep is to fight online, right?'

    It's a bait/jab/smart-comment/whatever-you-want-to-call-it.
    *chuckle* Nope, not fighting. Don't care enough to fight, don't care who sent it, don't mind that they sent it, and don't care about the rep itself one way or the other. There has to be some some sort of dispute for it to be a fight - all I have is curiousity about the comment and am asking for clarification. Of course, I did just dispute you, so you could argue that I'm fighting NOW.

    by the by, his comment aside, Buffalobiian didn't negative rep me, so not griping about him doing so, though it wouldn't have bugged me even if he did.

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