Remember the days when you first joined the forums? When the internet was sparkling and new? Remember when avatars were limited to a tiny 60x60 and sigs could only be a meager 80 pixels tall? Remember your first struggles with MSPaint/Photoshop? Remember that old picture you cropped just so you could have something to display after your post in the forum?

I am happy to announce the beginning of... Retro Sig Week! Resurrect those old sigs and avatars for a week! You can wear the same ones all week, or choose a different one each day. Post here and tell us the stories of your retro sigs and avatars. Maybe you're still using your first sig, or perhaps your first sig was so horrible that you deleted it and threw out the harddrive.

I will begin by presenting to you, my first ever real sig, made for me by fellow forum-goer thundrakkon, who took a look at the MSPaint monstrosities I was using and said, "Let me make you a nice sig." And nice it was, and still is! (Horrible MSPaint Monstrosities to come later next week).