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Thread: Game: Marvel vs. Capcom 3

  1. #121
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    "Oh man I freaking love Street Fighter, Autograph your spleen for me?"

    Deadpool is my favorite so far and I think he will remain my favorite. I mean his Hyper Combo allows him to beat someone with his HP bar and Combo Bar. I mean come on!

  2. #122
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Have him fight magneto, and hear what might be the best quote in gaming history ;D.

  3. #123
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon View Post
    I guess we know why she has the lowest health in the game now...

  4. #124
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    DLC Costumes + New Trailers

    The alternative costume DLC pack looks set to include a Street Fighter 1 outfit for Ryu, Resident Evil 1 clobber for Chris, Kirby era Thor, as well as costumes for Captain America, Dante and Iron Man.

    It's due to launch on March 1 for $5 on PSN and 400 MS points (£3.43) on Xbox Live.

    Also available on the same day will be the 'Shadow mode', which will allow you to play against AI routines based on famous players and specific themed teams.

    The first to be included are the game's producer, Ryota Niitsuma, as well as teams for assistant producer Akihito Kadowaki and a QA team leader.

    MvC3 DLC Costume Screenshots


    Marvel vs Capcom 3 Episode 4 Trailer (3:59)

    Final Roster Trailer (2:48)

  5. #125
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Played for a few hours with friends while my copy only shipped today...

    This is one awesome game. X-factor lets the right character completely turn the tide of battle if used at the right moment (best toward the end in my opinion after many failed "head-start" attempts). The gameplay is fun and furious, allows for a huge range of play styles, and the humor/fun is perfect. Deadpool especially with his moonwalk, prancing, silly attacks. But I'm really in awe of X-23. She's just beyond nasty. X-factor makes her supremely vicious. Her teleports, invisibility and the speed and ferocity of her attacks is just...beyond words.

    I settled on Phoenix (a), Trish (b) and C.Viper (g), though C.Viper can get traded for a couple of different characters. Pheonix is beyond weak health wise, but her damage is nasty. X-Factor makes her as much of a nightmare as X-23. Her healing hyper can keep her alive in the right conditions (completely negating some hypers). Trish has some supremely awesome traps and ranged attacks, her hypers are pretty nasty. She moves slow, but if you're in the right spot and cleverly use assists, she's very strong. Her X-factor kind of sucks because it is hard to close in to really bring the hurt. C.Viper goes either way, and her moves take timing, but she has some very good hypers.

    Morrigan was a bit slower than I expected (I was hoping to have her lead), but it might just be a learning curve thing. Amaterasu will take lots of practice to take on. Magneto wasn't bad though I did some great damage with him, and Dormammu same (his traps are quite fun). Haggar was fun, but I had a few problems with him.

    also...Spencer sucks. Why was he included?

  6. #126
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Jill & Shuma Pricing

    Bought the special edition of MvC3? You get Jill and Shuma Gorath! Available March 15th, 2011.

    • The SE version of the game comes with downloadable characters, Jill and Shuma Gorath. You may redeem these characters on March 15, 2011. We did not intentionally delay the DLC characters as we know how badly our fans want to play them. This was an unfortunate technical issue and we apologize for them not being available today.
    • For PS3 copies of the special edition, your PSN code is printed on the back of your art book. On March 15th, your PSN code will be available for activation. If you attempt to enter your code before March 15, 2011, PSN will tell you that it's an invalid code.
    • For Xbox 360 copies of the special edition, we will send you your Xbox LIVE DLC code on March 15, 2011. To register your email with our system, please visit: follow the step by step instructions. The code on the back of your art book is NOT a Xbox LIVE code but rather, the code you input into our redeem site.
    • Jill and Shuma-Gorath is the only DLC that comes with the special edition. Buying the special edition does not also make you eligible for other DLC.
    • Jill and Shuma-Gorath will still be available for purchase on March 15, 2011 for the people who did not buy the Special Edition. Each character will cost $5 or 400 Microsoft points.
    • What's the point of the special edition then you ask? For the same $10 premium that you pay for Jill and Shuma Gorath, you'll also get a steel case, custom sleeve, 48-page artbook, and 1-month free of Marvel Digital Comics.

    Kinda sucks that you have to get a code emailed to you if you have the 360 version.

  7. #127
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    As I told ryll on IRC, I'm in love with x-23....totally fucking enamored with every bit of her character :x, she's just so damn awesome. Tailor-made for me ;D.
    My main team used to be her, wesker an dormy, but I found wesker a bit slow on upstart and with dorm I keep sabotaging myself by going on offense. I still use that team cause they are fun and dormammu is a badass, but my main team now is x-23, hsien-ko and taskmaster.

    Taskmaster is great fun, his movement speed is just right and his sword strikes are fast as hell with great range, he only has 2 supers but his hawk-eye super is greeeaaaat, seriously even when blocked it does great chip damage, plus his assist is great for getting x-23 and hsien-ko closer.
    Now I think I might actualy be better with hsien-ko than I am with x-23, she's a bit more well rounded with a set of fantastic normals, seriously even that is understating it, and I seem to do more damage with her per combo than x-23.
    Her sword super is quite useless and I have no idea what her sister super does, but her third (lvl1) super is really good, it combo's easily, hits fast (pretty much right after the flash) and does decent damage, it can also not be advance guarded, which is great cause she moves around a bit slow.

    I also have a team that is logan, morrigan and phoenix, but I didn't use it a lot yet, dark phoenix is monstrous though.

    March 15th for jill and shuma is still a damn long time though.

  8. #128
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    I love how in this game everyone is somewhat badass in their own way, I mean in mvc2 the only really badassess were, IMO, logan, jin, capcom, dr doom and venom. The rest were either just cool or fun to play with.
    I'll have to place it at the animations and top notch voice work.
    I actually messed around a bit with dr doom because I thought his voice was fucking badass, so I just picked Hulk and iron man as random assists, but I've actually come to really like that team.
    Hulk is way faster than you would expect, and his gamma crush super is pretty much a counter, it beats EVERYTHING cept actual counter supers, pretty sick.
    Doom is now pretty much the embodiment of badass for me, everything about him just screams "kneel or die" ;D.

  9. #129
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Incomplete Jill Gameplay Video

  10. #130
    Zero is imba. He's the only one where I get rolled even if its someone way out of my league. So far I see Dante in nearly every fight. Next most is Wesker. Wolverine gets used a lot too.

    My team: Wolverine, Deadpool, and Phoenix/Ryu.

    Marik how can I link my Gamertag like that? It be cool to play some of you, not all tho.... most of you smell.

  11. #131
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu View Post
    Marik how can I link my Gamertag like that? It be cool to play some of you, not all tho.... most of you smell.

    Enter your tag there, select the style you want, and then click Generate GamerCard. It will then give you the bb code to use on forums.

  12. #132
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    I don't think zero is really that good at all, he's really fun to use though. I prolly need to spend more time in the lab with him though, but so far I don't feel like his combos do enough damage.

  13. #133
    Thankyou sir.

    Yeah I haven't seen many people use Zero effectively but when someone is good I get destroyed by him, even if I've already taken out the other two. And I forgot to add Amaterasu that overused cheap bastad. If I get caught by him its basically game over.

  14. #134
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Officiial Jill & Shuma Trailers

  15. #135
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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  16. #136
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    strider looks super fake.

  17. #137
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow View Post
    strider looks super fake.
    Because it is. It was taken from this...


  18. #138
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    But seriously, has there ever been any totally new download characters in any game? There's always speculation, but nothing new.
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  19. #139
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Sentinel got a health nerf, seem it's around ~910k now, that's A LOT down from 1.3m, I can easily kill him in 1 combo now with my anti-sentinel team.
    Did my sentinel killer combo on him a couple of times and he died around different damages:
    Going by the first stuff it seemed like his health was 915k, but the other data shows it's even lower than that. He's still alive after 900k damage though, so I'd say 910k is prolly what he has.
    With this nerf it seems they gave him a damage boost on some of his normals, so I guess he's marvel's Akuma now.

  20. #140
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Marvel vs Capcom 3 received a 2mb patch this morning. The official patch notes are listed below.

    • Fixed bug where a cross counter and X-factor activation would cause Ryu to float if using the B or Y assists.

    • Fixed bug involving snapping out Zero during the activation of his Shadow Clone, which was disabling control.

    • Fixed bug involving the hit time for Captain America's Shield Slash against Ryu, Amaterasu, and Hulk, which was allowing an unintended combo.

    • Fixed bug for displaying more than 128 victories in a game lobby.

    • Fixed bug involving Haggar blocking an attack in the air, immediately after using the Hoodlum Launcher.

    • Fixed bug for displaying consecutive victories over 99 in Player Match.

    • Fixed bug that allowed an infinite combo by Amaterasu against Taskmaster (Standing), Amaterasu (Standing or Ducking), Zero (Standing), and Shuma-Gorath (Ducking). Bug fix involved Amaterasu's Solar Flare attack (x5) and Power Slash combo.

    • Fixed bug where Spencer's Bionic Maneuvers would cause Viewtiful Joe and Arthur to be stuck in the ground, when used as part of a combo with Haggar's Rapid Fire Fist.

    • Fixed bug where Spencer's Bionic Maneuvers would cause the damage to display incorrectly, when used in a combo with Haggar's Steel Pipe and Rapid Fire Fist.
    Last edited by Marik; Fri, 04-15-2011 at 06:03 PM.

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