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Thread: Game: Marvel vs. Capcom 3

  1. #101

  2. #102
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Sounds like a good idea. I'm sure everyone here has encountered at least one little bitch who disconnected from a match that wasn't going their way. I don't understand what the big deal is with losing. Whenever I came across someone who was a skilled player, I would be happy if I even managed to make it to a third round. And it's not really considered acceptable to just start throwing a fit and unplug an arcade machine or console if you were playing against someone in person so why would you do it in an online match?

  3. #103
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Akuma & Taskmaster Revealed

    Akuma & Taskmaster Trailer

    Both of these characters are unlockable fighters. Akuma is unlocked after reaching 2,000 player points, Taskmaster 8,000.

    2000 PP is roughly equivalent to a single playthrough of Arcade Mode. You also earn them by playing multiplayer, doing character challenges and spending time in training mode. Capcom estimates most players will have unlocked all the secret characters within a couple of hours, regardless of skill level,

    Hrmm, so that just leaves Hsien-ko and Sentinel.

    Edit: I just realized that all three Darkstalkers representatives are female. I would rather have B. B. Hood instead of Hsien-Ko, though.
    Last edited by Marik; Mon, 01-17-2011 at 06:43 AM.

  4. #104
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Meh, was it really necessary to have FOUR street fighters character? Especially since SSFIV came out recently.

    Taskmaster is awesome though, I've been waiting to see if he would make it into the game ever since they announced Deadpool.

  5. #105
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marik View Post
    Akuma & Taskmaster Trailer

    Both of these characters are unlockable fighters. Akuma is unlocked after reaching 2,000 player points, Taskmaster 8,000.

    2000 PP is roughly equivalent to a single playthrough of Arcade Mode. You also earn them by playing multiplayer, doing character challenges and spending time in training mode. Capcom estimates most players will have unlocked all the secret characters within a couple of hours, regardless of skill level,

    Hrmm, so that just leaves Hsien-ko and Sentinel.

    Edit: I just realized that all three Darkstalkers representatives are female. I would rather have B. B. Hood instead of Hsien-Ko, though.
    BBHood....word....heres hoping on DLC ;[

  6. #106
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Akuma and Taskmaster Gameplay Vids

  7. #107
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    1UP Preview has posted a 14 page preview of Marvel vs Capcom 3.

    Marvel vs Capcom 3: Ultimate Character Guide

  8. #108
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Sentinel Deconfirmed + DLC Info

    It appears that Ryota Niitsuma, Marvel vs. Capcom 3's producer, has disconfirmed Sentinel in an interview conducted with Eurogamer Espana (Google Translate link), which was originally written in Spanish.

    This normally wouldn't be too big of a deal, but someone posting under the name Lupinko has been leaking information about MvC3 for some time, and has been extremely accurate to date, revealing numerous characters in advance. He claimed Sentinel and Hsien-Ko would be announced, but Niitsuma's statement today goes directly against one of his predictions.

    Here's a translated version of the relevant paragraph from RyanCE.

    Ryota Niitsuma: Indeed, we could not choose characters that were not on [Marvel's] list, and if there were some we wanted to use Marvel told us "do not pick that, take this one instead." In this sense, we wanted to bring back a couple of characters from MvC2, such as Juggernaut and Sentinel, but we could not.

    Many people are currently split over who to believe on this since Lupinko has been so accurate to date, but Niitsuma is the title's producer.

    Other things of note from the article include:

    • The first DLC package won't be expensive. When asked about the schedule for DLC, Niitsuma said they haven't already planned this, but, "Potentially we could release a DLC [package] every two weeks..."

    • Niitsuma talks about the possibility of releasing a balance patch once the game has launched, although Capcom has made other statements like this in the past for the Street Fighter 4 series, saying they can patch the game after wards, if needed.

    • There's at least one character to be revealed besides the 36 member roster. This might be Galactus, as an unplayable boss.

  9. #109
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    Why Frank West Was Removed + Netcode Info

    In a short interview posted today by, Marvel vs Capcom 3 Total Producer Ryota Niitsuma had a few interesting things to say about the possible inclusions of Frank West and Phoenix Wright as playable characters.

    "As for Frank West, he was actually in the process quite deep, and in one of our high quality CG trailers he was actually part of it," Niitsuma told at the end of last week. "But we've taken him out, due to the fact that we've foreseen some extra work involved, just from the nature of his moves. We felt we could direct our resources to better use, so we've taken Frank out."

    Eurogamer: MVC3 has "speed of light" netcode

  10. #110
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    Why Zero Was Chosen Over Mega Man + Other Stuff

    SPOnG: The character roster means a lot to everyone playing the Marvel vs Capcom series, so you must get an awful lot of requests. My big question in this regard is Mega Man. You have Zero, but not the original. Where is he?

    Ryota Niitsuma: I assume you’re talking about the original Mega Man. There was a Mega Man slot for this game - we had room for a character from that series. But when it came to the propriety of that character being in a fighting game, Mega Man has some problems.

    If we were to adapt the original Mega Man character into a fighting game he would have to have a lot more extra moves and abilities, and that would then create a different Mega Man entirely. You couldn’t retain his original character as he is. So we looked into other Mega Mans, and decided that Zero had the best list of moves already in existence when it comes to fitting into a fighting game.

    The Rest of the Interview

  11. #111
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    I would`ve rather they made a totally new Mega Man, this zero looks too much like the one from TvC, not to mention they preferred to put in freaking Tron Bonne over Mega Man.
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  12. #112
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Hsien-Ko and Sentinel Trailers

    Hsien-Ko Reveal

    Sentinel Reveal

    Lupinko called it. Capcom is probably mad.
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  13. #113
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Lol @ niitsuma "deconfirming" sentinel ;'D

  14. #114
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Hsien-Ko and Sentinel Gameplay Vids

    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow View Post
    Lol @ niitsuma "deconfirming" sentinel ;'D
    lol, yeah. I loled @ who they paired Sentinel up with in it's vid. The broken, Team MSS.


    Edit: Gameplay Videos

    3:07 Hsien-Ko Gameplay

    3:12 Sentinel Gameplay

    2:51 Hsien-Ko & Sentinel Gameplay
    Last edited by Marik; Thu, 01-27-2011 at 01:47 PM.

  15. #115
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Doesn't look like Taskmaster will have a copy ability, but he does mimic some abilities. It would be cool if he were find of like Rogue, but without superhuman abilities.

  16. #116
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  17. #117
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    I forgot how completely bodacious jill's body was in RE5, it's even hotter than phoenix'.
    Sucks that EU won't get the CE though, means I'll just have to buy jill seperately.

  18. #118
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Galactus Trailer + Shadow Mode + Fighting Pad

    Galactus Reveal Trailer


    I heard about this on GameSpot last week, but they didn't have much info. Capcom-Unity has a post about it now.

    New DLC Shadow Mode Revealed for Marvel vs Capcom 3

    ---- has a first look article today on the upcoming "Marvel Edition Versus Fighting Pad" by PDP.

    The controller was "specifically designed for AAA fighting games on the Xbox 360." High quality micro-switch activators were used for the thumb stick, which aims to match the feel of a joystick under your thumb. The pad even uses the classic 6 button layout on the face, making it great for many Capcom fighting games. It is expected to retail at $39.99 beginning February 14, 2011.
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    Last edited by Marik; Tue, 02-08-2011 at 10:12 PM.

  19. #119
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Special Edition Unboxing Video

    IGN: Special Edition Unboxing Video

    The video shows the release date of the Jill and Shuma Gorath DLC. They'll be available for download on March 15th.


    In Depth with the Marvel Versus Fighting Pad (PDP)

    More info on the pad I posted about yesterday from OneHandedTerror.

  20. #120

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