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Thread: Game: Marvel vs. Capcom 3

  1. #41
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Dormammu? that was unexpected...
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  2. #42
    Weird... Dormammu and not Dr. Strange? Talk about obscurer than an already rather obscure hero.

  3. #43
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Dormammu was in like the first trailer already or something....

  4. #44

  5. #45
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    I already liked dormammu in the screens...but damnnn, he looks absolutely terrific in motion. Pretty much my new favorite thus far.

    Custom intros is pretty awesome too, hearing him say "I shall strike you down...demon hunter", in his awesome voice was pretty great.
    Hope that the game is filled with these custom intros.

  6. #46
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  7. #47
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    X-23 Confirmed

    Last edited by Marik; Thu, 09-16-2010 at 02:51 PM. Reason: Added TGS Trailer

  8. #48
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    I'm actually really excited about x23 after seeing her in motion. I mean sure she's gorgeous, but a wolverine clone would've been pretty meh.

    I some how get a bit of bayonetta vibe from her when she's fighting, and anything bayonetta is awesome ofcourse.

    Really hoping that one of the new char announcements will be B.B. Hood, my fav from mvc2.
    Also I noticed you can select jp/eng per character just like in SF4, which is really really nice, more dev's need to do this.

  9. #49
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow View Post
    I some how get a bit of bayonetta vibe from her when she's fighting, and anything bayonetta is awesome ofcourse.

    I definitely got more of a Tsubaki (from BlazBlue) vibe from her. Especially with a few of those aerial dives. Methinks you're just confused by the amount of black leather.

  10. #50
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Well yeah leather, but also Durga + Red Hot dive kicks, plus just the red streaks in general when you use scarborough.

  11. #51
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Wesker and Spider-Man were the two new characters announced this morning.

    Gamespot: Spider-Man, Wesker join MvsC3 roster

  12. #52
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It looks like Wesker is more of a counter-focused character. He even has that super that looks fairly underwhelming, but is definitely a counter. His other two supers look great. He's not really as flashy as a lot of the other characters so far, which is kind of amusing considering how flashy his combat is in the RE games. Maybe it is just the black/purple that makes it look understated.

    Note: Curse you DS for predicting this. At least you're screwed in picking who to use now. If they add BB Hood, you won't know what to do.

  13. #53
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Wewwwt Wesker finally, super awesome .

    He seems more like a super rush down character, no delay teleports are even more annoying than divekicks, the counter super is THE RHINO CHARGE, which is fucking awesome, but I guess only for RE5 Mercenaries fans.

    The counter solidifies him being a super rushdown char, cause not only will you have to guess his angle of attack, you need to be careful not to be baited into the counter as well. Kinda like Fei Long in that aspect.

    But yeah fucking awesome he finally got added, was waiting for it.

    And yeah if they add BB Hood, I'll be kinda screwed D:

  14. #54
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Well the Official HD trailers are out, so no more crowd noise.

    Wesker Reveal

    Spider-Man Reveal
    Last edited by Marik; Tue, 09-21-2010 at 02:05 AM.

  15. #55
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Four New Characters

    Sir Arthur Gameplay

    Nathan "Rad" Spencer Gameplay

    Magneto and MODOK were confirmed too, but they don't have vids yet.
    Last edited by Marik; Fri, 10-08-2010 at 08:34 PM.

  16. #56
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'm surprised to see Arthur, but he didn't really impress me. He came off kind of bland.

    Spencer on the other hand, or arm, was awesome. He looks like a combination of Scorpion from Mortal Kombat and Hazama from BlazBlue. He should be a ton of fun to play with.

  17. #57
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Some info from the NY Comic-Con

    • Arthur has all the attacks and specials he had in the original Ghost 'n Goblins games.

    • Spider-man is the first character they're showing who will have alternate costumes. Iron Spider, Symbiote Spidey, and the new Spider-Man costume from the upcoming "Big Time" comics.

    • The plot of the game is that Doctor Doom, with the help of Wesker, has assembled a team of villains together that could destroy both Capcom and Marvel's worlds. As such, it's a "Battle that will decide the fate of two worlds." i.e. Fate of Two Worlds.

    • The lead battle designer for MvC3 is the same person from Marvel vs. Capcom 2.

    • There could be a Marvel Super Heroes 2 if there was enough requests for one, but currently there are no plans. This is a pretty standard answer that Capcom gives, though.

    • New game modes will be announced once more characters are revealed.

    • Marvel will officially announce two new characters on their side at the Comic-Con panel tomorrow (Saturday) at 10:45 a.m. EST tomorrow. This is likely Magento and M.O.D.O.K who were accidentally leaked.
    Last edited by Marik; Sat, 10-09-2010 at 02:02 AM.

  18. #58
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Oh god, Arthur looked so mad awesome.
    I mean the wacky run/jump/attack animation's, the shorts, the music, the voice! They absolutely nailed his character.

    Spencer looked fun too, but I dunno.
    Modok and magneto are a suprise for me though. Modok I'm just wondering what the fuck he will play like, but I wasn't expecting mags to return. I hope he's still as awesome since he is my main in mvc2.

  19. #59
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Magneto and MODOK Vids + More Info From The NY Comic-Con

    NYCC Magneto Gameplay - MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3



    Gameplay info and modes

    • Tag ins are much faster than they were in Marvel vs. Capcom 2, and are now overhead attacks (must be blocked high). You can't really combo after connecting with a tag in, but there may be some exceptions to this.

    • As previously mentioned, tag ins are still performed by holding one of the Assist buttons.

    • There will be a Trials (Challenges) mode in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, similar to the one that was in Super Street Fighter 4. While SSF4's trials were very difficult, MvC3's will be geared towards getting players familiar with the characters and preparing them to play against other people.

    • The game no longer shows the amount of damage done in combos. The team wanted to keep MvC3 more like MvC2, and when they had the damage numbers in there, it just didn't feel right, so they took them out.

    • The developers have expanded the ability to combo after throwing your opponent. This isn't overly easy to do, but it's more common now than it was before.

    • Some of the cast members do not have levels 3 Supers right now, but they all have three different Supers. It's still being decided if everyone will get a Level 3 or not.

    • There will be taunts in the game, every character has one so far. These are performed by pressing the Select button.

    • Complete button configuration is available, like in every Capcom fighting game, so you can layout your buttons however you want. One of the defaults you can select is an MvC2-styled layout.

    • The MvC3 character balancing process is handled by the Battle Director, primarily, but he also consults with Niitsuma-san and Capcom USA staff, including Seth Killian, to get input on balancing the game.

    Characters and misc. details

    • Some of the character models have been improved since you first saw them in-game. Characters like Dante and Deadpool were fairly far along when they were shown, but others have received numerous touch ups.

    • Niitsuma said he doesn't like to deconfirm characters because he doesn't want to say that a character won't be in the game when they may end up being in there after all. Also, deconfirming characters could lead to knowing the roster through a process of elimination.

    • Capcom never had plans to add in any Monster Hunter characters to MvC3. Marvel had some characters that were off the table from the very start, but this is a contract thing and Niitsuma couldn't elaborate on it.

    • The original proposal from Capcom was to have Stan Lee in the game, but Marvel is handling that side of things, so Niitsuma wasn't sure if he'd show up.

    Simple Mode

    • Seth Killian very much emphasized that Simple Mode won't give an advantage to expert players. Balance was definitely a concern when they were creating this, so Capcom has designed it so that it cannot be abused by people who know what they're doing.

    • An example Seth gave is that Dante has around 40 special moves, in Simple Mode he has access to 4 of them. Simple Mode only has one Super per character as well.

    • Simple Mode will be available online. You might be able to block people who are using it though, but this hasn't been decided yet.

    • One of the reasons Simple Mode was added to the game is that some fighters were difficult to play, so they added in a mode so even new players could jump in and try these characters out.

    Future plans and next MvC3 Fight Club

    • Capcom will have the next Fight Club at a location they've never hosted one at before. Seth is 90% sure that Wesker, Tron Bonne, Spider-man and X-23 will be playable there. This event will happen on October 28, 2010.

    • Once the console versions of MvC3 are complete, they'll consider doing a arcade port of the game. Again, they're only going to consider it — it may not happen.

    • They're looking into making a Collector's Edition for both the USA and Japan.

    • A demo is still up in the air at this point.

    X-Factor System

    • Seth warned that the X-Factor system has been one of those things that is constantly changing, so keep in mind a lot of this stuff could be different by the time the game is released.

    • When you activate X-Factor, the game takes into account how much life you have with your remaining player(s). It's more powerful if you use it when all of your other characters are dead, as the less life you have the longer it lasts.

    • Also, X-Factor gradually restores your Red (regenerable) portion of life.

    • It cannot be activated while you're getting hit, which is unlike the Mega Crash system in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.

    • You can Cancel your own move with X-Factor, it returns you to a neutral state where you can pull off combos that wouldn't otherwise be possible. An example used was Canceling Iron Man's Proton Cannon Hyper and then going into another Proton Cannon Hyper.

    • X-Factor works the same for all of the characters — there are no unique properties depending on who you activate it with.

    Music and voices

    • The 'Take You For a Ride' song is officially back.

    • As previously mentioned, the dialogue the characters speak will change depending on the situation and which teammates you choose.

    • Marvel characters will only have English voice actors, but users can select between Japanese and English voices for the Capcom fighters.

    • An external team outside of Capcom is creating the music for this game. This team used to work on Capcom games, but is now their own outlet. The person in charge of X-23's song didn't work for Capcom, but was asked to do work for SSF4.

  20. #60
    Magneto looks as strong as he was in MvC2.

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