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Thread: Game: Bad Company 2

  1. #1

    Game: Bad Company 2

    Does anyone play this on PC? I got this game last week and have put in many hours already. It's quite fun and chaotic. If you do play BC2, then please share some of your favorite moments and/or weapon configs. My name is 1o1wut if you want to add.

    Favorite moment: I made the 4th ranked player in the world (Dan AWWYEAH) ragequit. I played a few rounds with him, and altogether had one epic knife kill, a few stealth headshots from up close and a tank vs tank kill on him. He quit after the tank kill.

    Favorite weapon configs:

    M95 + red dot + magnum ammo
    This combo is simply beast. It's a one shot kill to anyone not wearing armor, and running around in close quarters with a one-shot kill weapon with ridiculous range and accuracy is simply not fair. Most noobs will just use the M95 as a regular sniper rifle and camp in the bushes all game. The real way to use the M95 is to run right into a firefight with red dot sight.

    The only drawback is that you need excellent reflexes and make every shot count. If you miss, then it takes about 2 seconds to prep the next shot. If you hit, then in every 1v1 situation, you win.

    Saiga + slug shot + magnum ammo or shotgun upgrade
    Another nasty combo. Slug shot gives the Saiga the range of a sniper rifle. You can literally out-snipe snipers with this config. On top of that, each shot has approximately the equivalent stopping power of an M24 body shot, but you can fire off 6 accurate shots in the time it takes to fire one M24 shot. In close range, you can kill M60 medics before they can even spray enough shots to kill you.

    PP-2000 + ammo upgrade + magnum ammo
    In short to medium range, this combo is pure lulz. I can't even describe it. You just have to try for yourself.

    I don't use any of the cheap weapons like the noobtube, Carl Gustav or M60. Those things are no fun. It's a lot more fun to run around with a M95 and surprise the shit out of noobs.

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I prefer Rush-HC servers because it balances out weapons, except for the gustav and noobtube of course.

    it annoys me that u cant spot on HC servers though (you get spot assist but they won't get marks)

    soldier name : KrayZee

  3. #3
    Another great moment was when I just unlocked the SPAS-12 and spawned with it to see what it's all about. It surprised me that it only carries 4 shells at a time. My first time using the SPAS-12, I run into a building and two guys 50m away start noobtubing me. Their first barrage misses, and my first shot lands in one guy's head. The remaining guy noobtubes again, misses, and my second shot hits but doesn't kill. He tries to noobtube yet again (persistent bastard) and misses a third time. My third shot lands in his head.

    Slug shot ftw, but I never used SPAS-12 again after that. It fires way too slow.

  4. #4
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    I don't like it. The controls feel wonky and the gameplay isn't as fun as BF2 MP or MW2. The maps I've played are small with few players and you die so easily while it seems others are impervious to 10 shots to the chest. I might eventually play the single player to make it worth the $50 I spent, but I doubt it.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  5. #5
    The starting weapons are really bad compared to the first few ones you unlock. For example, the first assault rifle you unlock (XM8 Prototype) is pretty much the best assault rifle. When you first start playing multiplayer, it's really hard to kill because your gear sucks. You just have to get points by supplying ammo to your team, healing, repairing tanks, etc.

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    You just have to get points by supplying ammo to your team, healing, repairing tanks, etc.
    which must be unlocked first too :P

  7. #7
    They nerfed the M95 in the latest patch... You can no longer run around with it on the front lines doing one shot kills. It does the same damage as the GOL now.

    I'm really starting to warm up to the Neostead-2000. Point black shotty to the head is very satisfying.

    With the latest patch which also nerfed the M60 slightly, I'd say the MG36 is now king. I went 18-1 at the start of one game on Valparaiso tonight on the attacking side with the MG36.

  8. #8
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    I'm playing it right now - so far i love Engineer(Carl Gustav and scar-l right now - but it seems that ump is the best) and Recon(it was a bit hard getting used to gravity affecting bullets but now i can kill most snipers with headshot before they even shoot)
    Soldier name: Xelbair
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  9. #9
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    AN94 is king
    it was wicked before and got buffed even more at long/mid distance.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Xelbair View Post
    I'm playing it right now - so far i love Engineer(Carl Gustav and scar-l right now - but it seems that ump is the best) and Recon(it was a bit hard getting used to gravity affecting bullets but now i can kill most snipers with headshot before they even shoot)
    Soldier name: Xelbair
    I've just lost all respect for you.

    I would say the PP-2000 is the best SMG. Most people use the AKS-74U, but every time I go engineer with the PP-2000, I rape. To each his own.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    AN94 is king
    it was wicked before and got buffed even more at long/mid distance.
    I don't know... I can't get the hang of AN-94. The XM8 feels the best to me. I know that statistically the AN-94 is the best, but there's something about the XM8's recoil that makes it super easy to use for me. It only works with the ironsights though, but the XM8 has awesome ironsights anyway while AN-94 has the worst ironsights. The XM8 is really easy to single-shot/burst with pretty much no recoil at all.

    I've tried to use the AN-94 and M16 in short stretches, but always end up going back to the XM8.

    After unlocking everything in the game, the setups I tend to use consistently right now are:

    NS-2000 w/ extra explosives
    XM8 w/ 40mm shotgun + lightweight
    G3 w/ extra explosives

    PP-2000 w/ extra ammo
    NS-2000 w/ extra explosives
    G3 or M1 Garand w/ extra ammo

    NS-2000 w/ extra ammo + C4

    I pretty much don't use medic anymore. I'll only use medic if I feel like racking up some quick points. The MG36 is too good and makes the game unchallenging.
    Last edited by Board of Command; Sat, 04-24-2010 at 02:53 AM.

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