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Thread: Ladies versus Butlers

  1. #1
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Ladies versus Butlers

    Ladies versus Butlers!

    Description from AniDB
    : The school romantic comedy revolves around Hino Akiharu, an ordinary high school student who unfortunately looks like a juvenile delinquent. He enrolls into an academy that was once a school for upper-class ladies, and he is placed in the school's newly established servant training department. The students there are raised to be either maids or butlers, and Akiharu finds himself in the middle of the bickering cliques.

    AniDB | ANN

    [Doki] Ladies versus Butlers! - 01 - PreRelease (1280x720)

    Director, character designer, studio, and primary broadcast station have all been affiliated with Kanokon, so those who watched that series should find some familiar ground here.

    Primary Cast:
    Kawasumi Ayako (Kanokon, F/SN, Nodame, etc)
    Okitsu Kazuyuki (Toradora as the friend with glasses)
    Nakahara Mai (Higurashi, Mai Hime, Clannad)


    There was some heavy censorship, but considering it is airing on one of the satellite channels (same one as Kanokon and Queen's Blade), it will probably be less of an issue once the real broadcast starts. If the censorship is still that heavy, I'll probably wait for the DVDs to watch this.

    I liked seeing Kawasumi Ayako as a sadist character, and Nakahara Mai as a rich, fiery ojou-sama (who is comes from the 'Fireheart' family, heh). The rich ojou-sama has the enormous twin-drills. That picture does their size no justice. Ecchi levels are high, but the humor wasn't bad. The episode basically gave zero indication of where it is going, if anywhere, but they introduced much of the cast so it should be good for a bit of shallow fun.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Thu, 12-31-2009 at 01:40 PM.

  2. #2
    I like it, don't ask me why.

  3. #3
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma
    I like it, don't ask me why.
    I'm sure the tits have nothing to do with it

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I almost dropped the show during the tea serving practice session when nothing happened but the rich girls talking. For some reason I'm not a huge maid and butler fan. I have even avoided many of the major titles belonging to that category.

    However, I suffered through that tedious scene and the show got considerably better when the ruffian dude appeared and left a very lasting first impression on many of the bitches and girls. I'll check the second episode to see whether I can stomach the butler-lady interactions.

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    well it was an interesting ep. I'd say i enjoyed it much more than chu-bra at least O_o.

    i figure i'll watch the next ep to see where this goes..

    man, the animation style was so similar or Kanokon.

    user posted image

  7. #7
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Totally uncensored...
    [Ryuumaru] Ladies vs Butlers - 01 [1024x576 H264] [820B5AC8].mkv

    So this is considered ecchi only.

    Another nice facesitting there...

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  8. #8
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    [Doki] Ladies versus Butlers! - 02 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [46BAA915].mkv

    It seems like uncensored version is out earlier than last week.

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I think I'll keep watching this show. The dude has no attitude of servitude whatsoever, and that makes the scenes good. Certainly this episode explained the series title as well.

    The only thing that bothered me was Kazamatsuri Toichiro aka Daikiji's VA, whose voice sounded insanely familiar yet I can't connect the voice and a name (or rather the other role from which I recognize the voice). ANN isn't listing the character. Damn, I can almost remember but not quite.

  10. #10
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    This is bad, to a new level for me.
    That shower room scene had an incredibly bad scenario... but my pervertedness was ok with it, so I guess I'll keep watching

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  11. #11
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I was pleasantly surprised that Tomomi actually seems to be treating Akiharu as a friend. She might be a sadist, but it seems she has had most of her fun abusing him, and will now happily use him to abuse Flameheart. She seemed convincing enough anyway in the infirmary. Perhaps she is determined to look like a proper lady while at school, so her overt sadism can't be displayed. She has to play games with the other girls rather than the way she used to do things. So as a result, she finds school life very dreary. Akiharu gives her a person tool who is aware of how she is really like and subtly lets her get attacks in on her targets while still coming off as a "true lady."

    I don't recognize Daikiji's VA, but while watching it again in an attempt to try, I noticed how incredibly girly his character design is. I wouldn't be surprised if it was intentional, but he resembles a number of prominent female characters who have long pink hair.

    As for the scenes with the clumsy maid, this is the second time that position has appeared in two episodes. Are we going to get a third next episode?

    Lastly, my favorite character is Mikan-sensei. She's like Roberta from Black Lagoon. She seems to be friends with the super cheerful principal from some point in their pasts, but treats her like just another one of her students. The situations she described for why the pool training was so harsh only furthered the comparison to Roberta. I love how her fountain pen can smash clean through computers and bury itself into solid marble.

  12. #12
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    god, i hate the hair of the blond girl. It doesnt even look like hair anymore, but like a big chunk of plastic. so silly.

  13. #13
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Should the dumb green haired maid become a Limited Girl (aka Hatsukoļ Limited Bonus), the guy will be in for the real deal, should she continue putting her a*** in his face.
    Also, I like her big sister's way of thinking

    For that show, I guess we have to only activate reptilian neurons, any other part of the brain would be a waste, cause you would not enjoy it as much.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  14. #14
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 03

    [Doki] Ladies versus Butlers! - 03 - 720p | 480p


    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    god, i hate the hair of the blond girl. It doesnt even look like hair anymore, but like a big chunk of plastic. so silly.
    I don't mind the drill style if it's small like Touko's from Maria-sama, but Flameheart's is way too big.

    The principal is awesome. I love how she's into H-games and she seems to be quite perverted herself. She's easily my favorite character so far.

    Edit: Doki needs to use a different tracker. This indirect linkage is terrible.
    Last edited by Marik; Wed, 01-20-2010 at 11:33 PM.

  15. #15
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    They're both the same style but they don't have the same shape Marik. While in Maria it's more like a chocolate cone these are 2 full on giga drill breakers

    Yes i get the feeling you and the principal would get along great

    And yah, fuck these indirect links >_>

    After watching the episode:

    This is a really cute harem series with a pretty likable protagonist and quite a nice variety of girls, but i can't help but think that it would all be so much better without all this forced ecchi.

    There was absolutely no point in that final shower scene other than competition with Vampire Bund for pedo show of the year
    Last edited by Archangel; Thu, 01-21-2010 at 01:15 AM.

  16. #16
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Tomomi is my favorite character behind Mikan-sensei. She uses Akiharu pretty unapologetically, but when her schemes don't directly abuse him, they usually benefit him.

    It was a pretty nice power play to not only short circuit Selnia's nearsighted plan to make him beg for her aid, get something out of it (the loli drawing again, since she likes them too), and benefit Akiharu by letting him easily and mostly painlessly take the test.

    Akiharu's senses are pretty impressive too. More so that Tomomi underestimated his abilities and got spotted before Selnia made it easy. I wonder if the reason they are so keen is because Tomomi torturing him in elementary school made him super wary of his surroundings.

    The OP is really awesome in headphones, they use stereo nicely. I thought it was a bit generic when I first heard it, but it really grows on you. One of the better seiyuu ensemble OPs in a while.

  17. #17
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  18. #18
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There were three things that made this episode awesome.

    3) The lesbian scene in the gym storage room, and the Principal's comment.

    2) The Principal molesting Flameheart while reminiscing about the latest yaoi game she had just played.

    1) Haruka Tomatsu's undeniably and 100% insane performance as Ayse's bodyguard Hedyeh. I think she went through nearly all the variations of the past roles she's played in one character and in a single episode. No one else could have played a character that comes off as psychotically as she did in this episode.

    Ayse is cute/hot though too. Not a bad deal for Akiharu this time, all things considered. I have a weakness for silver-haired beauties though.

  19. #19
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    3) The lesbian scene in the gym storage room.
    That was my favorite, along with the principal's reaction to it.

    I also enjoyed Flameheart's constant yelling while Akiharu was trying to explain what happened. "You violated her there and then!" made me laugh out loud. I just really like Flameheart's voice in general.

    Bath scene was awesome as well.

    I'm hoping that they focus on the reverse trap soon. I want to know why she chose to be a butler instead of a maid.
    Last edited by Marik; Thu, 01-28-2010 at 07:58 PM.

  20. #20
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    That main character appeal seems to be working as well as ever, but other than that i thought this episode was nice ( not as cute as the last one but still enjoyable )

    I agree with Marik, i'm also curious as to why obvious reverse trap-kun decided to enroll as a boy

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