Hey Guys (and Girls) I am asking a question on behalf of my Brother-in-law. Now I would like to note that He nor I know very much about TV's at all, so please try to elaborate on your answers if you can.

Now, first to explain what kind of TV we're dealing with:

Sony Grand WEGA
LCD Projection TV

It's a 50 inch rear projection Television.

Now, here's what happened:

My brother in law purchased this TV a few years back and recently it ran into some problems (which will be explained below). Luckily he had a warranty and exchanged for a new (better) flat panel plasma model. Now, for whatever reason the company he purchased from never took the old TV back.

Now the problem he encountered was this: On the top of the screen there is about a 2-3 inch thick horizontal transparent red tint or line, and along the bottom there is one that's basically the same but it's green. Now I have limited knowledge but I assume this is something to do with the "lamp" or whatever (although I could be completely wrong). Other than that the TV runs fine. If it's not widescreen mode you can barely even notice. So I guess it works fine now, but is probably a bit of a time-bomb.

Anyway my question is this:

1. What exactly is the problem?
2. How much would it cost to fix (assuming it is fixable)

As I said, his TV has already been replaced so if the costs isn't too much to fix he'll probably just fix this one (after all even though it's an older model it is 50 inches and goes up to 1080i ). Obviously if it's too much work and / or money he'll just scrap it when it dies.

Hope to hear some replies, thanks all.