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Thread: Mayoi Neko Overrun!

  1. #21
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    For Takumi's overly generic character design, he is a very unique and likable main male character in a harem show. In addition to the things already mentioned, I like how he told the story of his past. While it was a very emo story, he didn't make it sound emo, or try to make himself out to be a victim. He didn't sound all shounen hero either. He just sounded... pragmatic, even if the ideas he talked about are idealistic. I liked that.

    I still dislike Fumino, especially with that textbook naked scene followed by physical violence. Can't there be a tsundere that doesn't resort to slapstick violence in these standard harem shows?
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  2. #22
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    But he did mention in a short internal dialogue that he doesn't want to cause trouble for anyone after the incident at the orphanage where he ran away. It was his intention to make things easier on the Sister and on Fumino, but it had ultimately only made the problems greater. His current demeanor is a result of not wanting life to be more difficult for anyone because of his existence/presence again.

  3. #23
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I am not sure if that is a reply to my post. I do agree with you though.
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  4. #24
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I still dislike Fumino, especially with that textbook naked scene followed by physical violence. Can't there be a tsundere that doesn't resort to slapstick violence in these standard harem shows?
    This show would have been better if Fumino didn't show that overly typical violence. While her character would still be quite unlikely, at least it would fit better together with Takumi by not physically attacking people (which in RL would eventually end up very badly, with the police involved or not). Like I said before, I don't actually mind Fumino's personality as long as it's balanced by Takumi who perfectly understands it, but they could have dropped the slapstick for sure because it affects Takumi as well.

  5. #25
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Up until the confession point of the episode, my hatred for Fumino grew ever so steadily. I wasn't able to decipher if she had, indeed, left her hairpin there on purpose, or on accident... or if she had just pulled it out of nowhere and claimed she left it there... but that's beside the point. The blackout scene with naked Fumino is what really sparked the growth in hatred. As others have mentioned, it was completely pointless, and overbearing. I will admit that the scene of both Nozomi and Fumino cuddling next to Takumi was very cute though, and it pained me to see the look of depression in Nozomi's eyes when she realized that Fumino and Takumi were holding hands.

    I am still confused about her reasoning behind leaving. What sparked her feeling that she would be a bother... was it because of the feelings between Takumi and Fumino? Or was it something Fumino had said to her beforehand?

    Also, like Karco mentioned, Fumino's confession scene was very unexpected, especially because it was in episode 3, and it was so honest. I hated that it got downplayed though by the sudden finding of Nozomi, and then completely deflected after the credits (like Haru mentioned). I hope that scene wasn't just a fluke, and is going to be ignored/forgotten until the end of the series.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  6. #26
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    I am still confused about her reasoning behind leaving. What sparked her feeling that she would be a bother... was it because of the feelings between Takumi and Fumino? Or was it something Fumino had said to her beforehand?

    Also, like Karco mentioned, Fumino's confession scene was very unexpected, especially because it was in episode 3, and it was so honest. I hated that it got downplayed though by the sudden finding of Nozomi, and then completely deflected after the credits (like Haru mentioned). I hope that scene wasn't just a fluke, and is going to be ignored/forgotten until the end of the series.
    Nozomi has a similar past to Takumi (which is why he retold it to get her to come back). She noticed that Fumino really likes Takumi, and she didn't want to get in the way. Takumi and Nozomi both share the opinion that they don't want to be a burden on others. What differs is that Takumi takes things easy and will go out of his way to learn skills to lessen the burden on others (he makes most of the cakes, even when his sister is around, otherwise they don't sell). In contrast, Nozomi's typical response to viewing herself as a burden is to remove herself from the conflict. She runs.

    It was also assisted by Nozomi not being familiar with Fumino's lies. This is the reason that Takumi told Nozomi about Fumino's dishonest behavior. Fumino didn't really mean to make Nozomi feel unwelcome or an annoyance, she just didn't want to admit why another girl being in Takumi's house makes her uneasy.

    This series moves at a rapid-fire pace, I also don't hope that issue gets brushed aside because of the crisis to find Nozomi. Takumi isn't really the teasing type, but I'd like to see him hit on the confession more than once. He knows Fumino's lies better than anyone, I think he was rather shocked by her mixed response during that scene. Instead of lying then, she displayed a bit of honesty for once. This is reinforced by the fact that she was crying. Like he told her when they were young, don't let anyone see you cry, and lie if you have to, just don't ever show anyone that you feel like you've lost.

  7. #27
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Yeah, after typing all the up, I happened to come across the Wiki for the series while sorting my anime music, and noticed that her reason for leaving was because she felt she was getting in the way of their relationship, on top of not wanting to be a burden.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  8. #28

  9. #29

  10. #30
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Episode 4 just added nothing of value and wasn't worth discussing.

    Episode 5 had some nice moments in contrast. Umenomori's behavior wasn't unexpected. She was very obviously getting involved in all of their problems and bugging them constantly because she was lonely and wanted to spend time with the only people she can really consider friends. It's just a shame she's lacking in common sense. I thought when Chikumaen Kaho was suggesting that they need money that Umenomori (Chise) would catch on and back Stray Cat's. Sadly, either Kaho is manipulative and evil or she is as foolish as Chise is.

    I guess they're all stupid, because it took Takumi a long time to realize this, and he even had one of those almost overwhelmed with emotion to the point of a few tears. A bit over the top in my opinion given the situation.

    As a side note, I really liked Fumino's and Nozomi's swimsuits. They both fit in with their characters rather well. Nozomi's plain and pure, and Fumino's in fiery color tones. It was also funny that Nozomi thought Takumi manipulated Fumino, when I was pretty sure he didn't have that intention in the slightest (if he did, that was excellent execution).

    This series is plain, but with all the wacky-premised series of similar genre lately, a lack of variation is a variation of its own.

  11. #31
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 4 certainly came out of nowhere, but 5 was rather interesting even if everything in it was completely predictable.

    Kaho gave surpsingly evil vibes in this ep. It's hard to judge whether she actually enjoyed the mayhem or if it was just a cruel and stupid way to try to teach Takumi a lesson he certainly didn't deserve. As if it was his god given obligation to notice some filthy rich person would like him to skip his job for her own amusement, despite the job being the only thing bringing bread onto his table and a roof between him and the rain. Yeah, surely something to punish him for.

  12. #32

  13. #33

  14. #34
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Fumino has grown on me... I think she was really cute this episode. Blue/white stripes at the end was a + as well though. I don't know why my severe hatred of her just disappeared though. =/

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  15. #35
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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  16. #36
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This was... fucking retarded.
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  17. #37
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episodes 07 + 08 - Ryuumaru

    Last edited by Marik; Thu, 06-03-2010 at 09:17 AM. Reason: Added Ryuumaru's ep 7 and the v2 of ep 8.

  18. #38
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    At first I thought this was another out of nowhere episode and while it indeed was in the sense it didn't do much to develop any grander plot and had its own setting, it was, unlike the previous one, quite entertaining and had with its feet securely on the ground (except when the ground disappeared for some of them).

    One fine scene was the last piece with Takumi suddenly innocently saying he will take it if Fumino doesn't, without knowing the command - unlike the girls who were all lusting after it.

    Nozomi was really cute in this episode, with the single line suitable for any occasion and the ear movements.

  19. #39
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    When I saw that it was going to be a Saki parody, I was expecting it to be terrible. It ended up being my favorite episode of the series by far.

    I enjoyed all of the cosplay moments. Especially the scene where Kahou took over and had Chise wear the bloomers and do glute exercises. It made me chuckle quite a bit seeing her plan backfire in such a way..

    I wish the game had ended differently with Takumi choosing the block instead. It would have been interesting to see who he would have chosen and the girls' reactions to his choice.
    Last edited by Marik; Fri, 05-28-2010 at 06:28 PM.

  20. #40

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