But she admitted that she was a human, no? I didn't think she could be an NPC after that.
Otherwise she'd be perfect, yeah.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
In a certain sense, yes. Though she would have deviated pretty far from an NPC status already. But it would explain how she was able to program her upgrades.
It got pretty confusing, i'm hoping SS' version wil help shed some light into this when it's out
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
So... as much as I liked the episode... I want to know how Kanade got into this world way before Otonashi... regarding the final revelation I mean.
Uhhhh.... ok... Is my reaction.
The whole ending just seems so contrived and uninspired. I don't see how Otonashi still doesn't have a heart. If that's the case, he should have a permanent gash in his body in which they removed the heart. Or Yui should still be paralyzed, etc. Trying to use logic in fiction is never a good thing, but if they're gonna use it for one thing I don't see why they don't keep the silliness consistent.
Not saying I didn't like it, but some of the things they said were just straight up silly.
I didn't manage to cry over anything, but it really felt like I was kind of close. (the tight feeling in your chest).
Part of why the ending didn't fell as, well, "good" as we might have hoped for was the way things suddenly happened. Yuri suddenly started calling Angel "Kanade-chan", Kanade's abrupt, light-hearted, cute persona, busting out "Yuzuru" were examples.
Kanade said she was "lost and wandered in here", meaning that this world isn't the only place there is in the afterlife. How time works and stuff, whether people wander around a lot more in other planes for whatever reason before coming here is all unexplained, so whether we simply take this as a plothole is up to us.Originally Posted by Zell
Given that timelines don't match up, I was starting to wonder if the person who was responsible for the Shadow Incident was actually Otonashi himself {enter unexplained timeline mechanics here so things make sense}
Angel Beats turned out pretty enjoyable regardless. It had a fair share of likable characters that I got rather attached to - and to me that's half the fight. The humour also delivered, so topped off with a nice score and visuals, there's not much to dislike.
It helps that this has always been a lighter series, making it much easier to take it less seriously.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I have to share Bill's sentiments. This wasn't exactly a heavy-weight series to begin with, though of course not without any depth either, so keeping things in the right proportions this succeeded quite well in my opinion.
I it also visited my mind that Otonashi's situation reflected the shadow master's quite well after Kanade disappeared but I still doubt he could ever be him or even become like that. It hardly fits together with the fact he knows everything already. He can't really first help someone disappear and then keep eternally waiting for that soul's return. For he did indeed help her and willingly. It's not like a dude like him would have doomed somebody he loved. I reckon he disappeared himself right after catching his breath again. He could have disappeared a long time ago, after all, if he hadn't felt like helping the others.
A good series all in all even if it didn't quite reach such heights as some earlier Key works have. But at least we had the most cute Angel in this one!
The plot itself was never why i enjoyed watching this series, that point of the show was always sort of rushed and confusing, i have to say that i probably would have liked it a whole lot more with some better pacing but i still overall found it to be a great watch.
The points i would criticize are that I was always in it for the characters and that's why this episode's "out of character meltdown" rubbed me the wrong way, i understand the theory behind it and why they did it but still didn't like how they did it. Also, i can't believe Kanade didn't say she loved him back, that was brutal!
But the absolutely unforgivable aspect of it all came by the ending:
- They cut Kanade's hair short!!![]()
Fuck, now all fan art coming from this point on is gonna have her with short hair, that's total bulshit...
Last edited by Archangel; Sat, 06-26-2010 at 11:29 AM.
【塩ビ】 BLACK LAGOON × Angel Beats! 【ブラクラ】
This shit is awesome, i need moar
Last edited by Archangel; Sun, 07-04-2010 at 06:00 PM.
That....is so freaking awesome Arch....
K-ON!! Beats! OP My Soul,Your Beats!
I'm on a motherfucking roll
Angel Beats Unaired Episode [STREAM]
Now, this is comedy.
Mazui released an avi of that earlier.
Mazui - Angel Beats - Special - XviD.avi
I've build this body solely for watching this!
That is one hell of a shitty raw, even by xvid standards